PART 44 INT. PENTHOUSE - EARLY MORNING (Marlena, blissful - TopicsExpress


PART 44 INT. PENTHOUSE - EARLY MORNING (Marlena, blissful and sleepy-eyed in Johns pajama shirt, stands at the piano and runs her fingers over the photo of her and Sam, now framed. John approaches, in his pajama pants, and wraps his arms around her from behind.) Marlena: Ill never be able to thank you enough for this. (He squeezes her closer.) John: You dont have to. Marlena: I do. She should have been here years ago. John: When youre ready, we can add more. (He nuzzles her neck. Sadness fills her eyes.) Marlena: Im sorry. John: For what? Marlena: I havent told you about the room yet. I know you wanted me to. (He gently turns her to him. Caresses her face.) John: I told you you dont have to rush that. When youre ready. Marlena: Youve just been so patient about it and I keep on - (He puts a thumb to her lips.) John: I owe you everything. I dont mind a wait. Not one bit. (Moved, she blinks back tears. Rubs his wrists.) Marlena: Its just when I talk about the room and Sam, Ill have to talk about the pit, too, and Stella ... The memories are connected inside me, theyre all jumbled together. Because I thought if I shared that memory with Stella, shed let me go. She didnt. Which just made it ... ten times more (crying) h-horrible ... Ive worked through it with Dr. Foster, its ... its just a lot of layers of ... dark and being trapped and - John: - I know that, baby, I know. (He envelopes her in a hug.) Marlena: I just dont want you to feel like Im keeping something from you. John: I dont think that. Ill be here. Whenever youre ready. Marlena: I know. (She breaks the embrace, beams, caresses his cheek.) Marlena: I know ... (She turns to the photo again. Leans her head back against his shoulder.) Marlena: This helps me so much. To look at us. I havent been as frightened of the dark lately, have you noticed? John: I have noticed. Especially last night. (She grins.) Marlena: I loved the dark last night. John: Yeah? Marlena: Mmm. John: Care for a replay? (His hands travel down her waist and grab her ass. She blushes.) Marlena: How many rooms were we in? Three? John: And the hallway. And the shower. (She laughs. Turns to him. Nose to nose.) Marlena: Are you trying to kill me? John: Oh. Ive heard that excuse before. (She laughs again. Opens her mouth to his.) (DOORBELL John growls, picks up Marlena over his shoulder. She cant stop laughing.) John: Thats it! Were moving to the moon! Belle (outside the front door): Guys? Its me! Marlena: Sorry, Neil Armstrong. (John playfully grunts. Lets her down. Slowly. She walks to the FRONT DOOR on jello legs, beaming. Sees her bare legs, gasps, grabs a nearby blanket and wraps it around herself. Opens the FRONT DOOR. Belle enters, flustered.) Marlena: Hi, sweetie. Belle: Sorry to just drop by, I know its really early. John: You kidding? Were always happy to see you. Get over here. (John opens his arms. Belle is wrapped in the best Father Bear Hug. Marlena smooths her hair.) Marlena: Is everything all right? You look a little pale. Belle: Mom. Marlena: Im sorry, Im sorry. I wont fuss. (She beams at her daughter. Looks her over.) Belle: Actually, Aunt Kayla gave me a clean bill of health yesterday. She says my blood pressures back to normal and the babys doing just fine. Marlena: Oh! Thats good, that is good. John: Yes! (Marlena pulls Belle close and puts a hand on her belly.) Belle: So ... I wondered if you could pick Claire up from school this afternoon and take her for the weekend. Just until Sunday. You can say no, I can ask other people. I know its last minute. John: No, no, were home this weekend. Doc? Marlena: Wed love to. Always. You know that. My last patients at four thirty but - John: - I can pick her up. Ill take her back to the batting cage. Shell love that. Belle: Oh god. Were gonna have to put her on a team if you keep that up. She wont stop raving about it. John: Ats my girl! Belle: Well ... thank you. (She gives them each a quick kiss on the cheek.) Belle: Shawn and I will see you on Sunday. (She turns for the FRONT DOOR.) Marlena: Belle, stop. (She does. Turns back to her mother.) Marlena: Its not like you to ask at the last minute and not say why. Whats going on? Belle: Nothing. Shawn and I are just ... were taking a short trip. John: Not without a bodyguard, youre not. Belle: Weve got one, Dad. Marlena: Why such a rush? What did you really come over here to tell us? Belle: MOM. Marlena: Yes, Im shrinking you. I admit it. Tell us. Whats going on? (Pause.) Belle: Im going to see Brady. Shawn couldnt change my mind, so hes coming with me. (Pause.) John: Izzy. You got a clean bill of health YESTERDAY - Belle: So, Im going today. Marlena: ... Belle - Belle: Before you say anything, Ive mapped it all out. There are five hospitals between here and where Brady is. I know the highway exits, I have their phone numbers, I have Aunt Kaylas cell number. And Roman has a bodyguard traveling with us. Marlena: Romans all right with this?! Belle: Because Shawns coming. Ill have two people with me, Ill be checking my blood pressure, theres no reason for you to worry. Marlena: And what if the car breaks down? Hmm? What if you hit a patch of road where its fifty miles either way to a hospital? What if you cell phone loses reception? Are either of the men with you physicians? NO! (John rubs Marlenas shoulders.) John: Doc - Marlena: I cant believe youre being this reckless with your baby! Belle: Im NOT! (John pulls Marlena away. Takes her face in his hands.) John: Doc, DOC. (She stills.) John: Belle has a solid head on her shoulders. You gave her that. You know she wouldnt travel like this if it wasnt safe. I think shes made a good plan. I think shes gonna be just fine. Marlena: Oh, so its two against one now? (Marlena bats him away. Turns her back to them.) Belle: Mom. Brady needs me. I got him to go there, remember? You couldnt do it. He needs me again. Hes scared to come home. John: He told you that? (Belle nods. Marlena turns to them.) Belle: I get why you havent been back, I know you three are working stuff out, I get that. But, my god, he needs one of us there. It cant just be Maggie. He needs me. Im healthy enough now, I have to go. He needs to see this baby. He needs a reason to come home. John: He doesnt think we want him home? Belle: He doesnt think you should. (Tears run down their cheeks.) John: Im coming with you. Belle: No. Dad. Not this visit. Its just gonna be me. Thats what he wants. But Ill let him know you will be coming. Both of you. When we all pick him up. (They nod. John pulls her into a hug. Kisses her forehead.) John (whispers): Thank you. Marlena: Does Claire know where you and Shawn are going? Belle: I told her a trip. I thought itd be easier on her. Marlena: You need to tell her the truth, Belle. Belle: She just stopped having her nightmares, I dont want to add stress to her. Marlena: Shell find out anyway. If she doesnt already know. If she doesnt hear the truth from you, its going to hurt her. You and Shawn need to pick her up from school today, and tell her. Then bring her by here. John: Better yet, have supper with us before you go. Marlena: Thatll probably make it easier for her. too. John: Your Moms right. (Pause.) Belle: Well have to break up our trip, then. Stay overnight somewhere. John: Good. We dont want you making a long drive like that in one day anyway. Belle: Youll spend the whole dinner trying to change my mind? John: Can ya blame us? (Belle grins.) Marlena: Youll have today to rest, too. Before you leave. I have a break at noon. Maybe we can go ... to the spa. Hmm? Belle: ... I love you both so much. (They wrap their arms around her.) Marlena: We love you. Belle: I missed these hugs. John: We missed you. LATER (Claire - clad in Marlenas evening gown, gloves, pearls, and high heels - wobbles across the carpet as Marlena films her, giggling. John stands, arm outstretched, in a tux.) John: May I have this dance, madam? Claire: No! I ask you. John: Oh. Forgot. Feminist. (She wobbles up to him with a solemn expression. Extends a hand. John can barely contain his laughter.) Claire: Sir, would you be so kind as to dance with me? John: I would be honored, madam. (Claire kicks off the high heels and stands on his feet. John dances with her, trying not to trip on Marlenas dragging dress train. He grins at the camera.) Claire: Dip me! John: Honey, I think if I try that, youll dip me. (Marlena guffaws.) (THE BALCONY FLY BLOW OPEN! Claire lets out a cry, and jumps into Johns arms. Marlena lets out a sigh of relief when she realizes the culprit: a gust of wind. She rushes to close and lock the doors. It hasnt helped. Claire is hysterical. John holds her tight.) John: Its okay, I gotcha. Were all right, were all right. (Marlena crouches beside her.) Marlena: It was just wind blowing it open. Thats all it was. Look. Look. Ill show you. Claire: NO! Grandma, dont go over there! Marlena: Okay, okay. I wont. Im right here. Were both right here. (She wiggles in their embrace.) Claire: We cant be here! Were not safe! Marlena: Honey, were perfectly safe. I promise. Remember everything I showed you? The alarms we have. Jack is right outside. (Claire points at the balcony doors.) Claire: Hes not over there! Marlena: Honey, theres no way anyone could climb that wall, I promise you. Were too high up. Were safe. Claire: ... I wanna go home. (John holds her tighter.) John: Bug, you need to stay here for right now. Your Mom and Dad are traveling, remember? Marlena: We can Skype them. We can Skype them right now. Claire (crying): I want Momma here! Marlena: I know, baby, I know. (Marlena caresses her hair. Claire continues to wiggle, miserable.) Marlena: You know what? I think were pooped. I think we should go to bed. John: That sounds like a good idea. Marlena: Its past all our bedtimes. You look pretty sleepy to me. Lets tuck you bed. Hmm? Claire: Stop treating me like a baby! (Claire breaks loose from John and bolts up the STAIRCASE.) Marlena: Claire! INT. BELLES BEDROOM (Marlena hears sniveling. She sees two tiny socked feet sticking out from under the bed.) INT. UNDER BELLES BED Claire: Howd you know I was here? Marlena: A lucky guess. Plus, your Momma used to hide under here when she was your age. Claire: Really? Marlena: Umm hmm. Its a great spot. I should use it myself. We can Skype your Momma and Daddy if you want. I know right where they are. Theyre safe. Sos your Uncle Brady. Claire: STOP babying me! Marlena: Im sorry. Im sorry, Claire. We dont mean to make you feel like that. (Pause.) Claire: You think Im a scaredy-cat? (Marlena looks at her in love.) Marlena: Id never think youre a scaredy-cat. (Pause.) Claire: I thought Stefano was coming in the window. Marlena: I know ... Can I tell you a secret? Stefano still scares me sometimes. Claire: But youre old! Im gonna afraid of Stefano THAT LONG? (Marlena giggles in spite of herself.) Marlena: Well, honey, just because youre afraid of Stefano, it doesnt mean you cant still be happy. Or have fun. With the people you love. It doesnt mean you cant stand up to him. I do it. Youve done it. Ive watched you do it. Claire: But what if I cant next time? What if next time is scarier? What if he takes me again? What if he takes all of us? (Marlena winces. Blinks back tears.) Marlena: Those are a lot of scary worries, arent they? ... Would you like a hug? (Tears tumble down Claires cheeks. She nods.) INT. BELLES BEDROOM (Claire crawls out from under the bed and into Marlenas waiting arms. Marlena holds her tight.) Marlena (whispers): My brave girl. Claire: No, Im not. Marlena: You are so. It takes a lot of courage to talk about how scared you feel. You know you can always tell us how scared you are? (Claire nods into Marlenas wet shoulder. John appears in the DOORWAY, dressed in more of Marlenas evening wear.) Marlena: Oh my gosh! Whats Grandpa doing? Look. (Claire sees him. Raises a John-like eyebrow.) Claire: Those arent yours! John: Theyre not? You sure? Huh. (He reaches onto the bed for one of Claires headbands. Puts it on his head. Claire grins.) Claire: Thats not yours, either! John: I thought this is what Im supposed to wear when I make banana splits. (Claires face lights up.) Marlena: Oh no. He said the magic phrase. Claire: Race ya to the kitchen! (Claire hops up and bolts out of the room. John helps Marlena up. She beams at him, starts to leave, he takes her arm.) John: I saw your face, too. When the doors blew open. Marlena: ... Im all right. (He holds her arm. And her eyes.) John: Well catch him. (Tears fill hers.) Marlena: What if its years again? What if Claire doesnt get relief all that time? She shouldnt be dealing with this, John. Shes eight! (He takes her face in his hands.) John: Shell make it. Shes you. Marlena: ... Shes her mother. John: Which means ... shes you. (Marlena beams. Their foreheads touch. Her eyes close in peace.) Claire (from downstairs): Grandma! Wheres the chocolate sauce? John: And she cooks like you. We better get down there. (Marlena gasps and swats John on the arm. He grins.)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:51:27 +0000

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