PART 6 TESTIMONY OF EVIL SECRET REVEALED The Spirit Of Money “I was in the third level then. The fourth level was my dad. That’s when my dad was involved. Immediately the incident happens, you are picked in a coma, carried to your seat and that’s when they give you the new assignment. But they will give you an interval, a period so that people will not be suspicious. My dad was also involved in an accident. I was to celebrate my birthday and I convinced him to travel with me. We had an accident. I went into a coma, he died. I was then given the spirit of finance – money. “When your finances are tampered with, your joy will be lost. They want to eat your joy. Even if you are a strong Christian or powerful pastor – when your finances are tampered with, you will be affected. So I had the power to tamper with other people’s finances and cause businesses to collapse. When you see people acquire money, and they are proud – that is also the spirit of money at work. Tampering With Destiny “There are some destined children whose joy they want to terminate. Not everyone is destined. Every child has their own destiny, but some people are more powerful than others. Those are our targets. In the power of monitoring, you see such people – the glory in them. The glory is like a star. The brighter the star, the greater the destiny. “When you have a bulb outside a compound, you will see flies and insects flying from a distance to come to the light. If the light is not hot, the insects will cover it and everywhere will be dark. But if the light has heat, the insects will die. That is exactly what happens to every destined child. When you are a Christian, you have the fire – that is the difference. So if you are not a Christian and you are a destined child, the destiny will be covered. They will not fulfil their destiny. “We have various kinds of leaders. Some people could be leaders in their own family, liberation to their own family financially or morally – they are destined. But they can reduce him if the insects have covered his light. That is why you see some leaders, after they have climbed to the top or are in a big position – at the end of their job or tenure in their office, what have they acquired or what do they have to show for it? They can still get to that position but not achieve anything tangible because the light has been covered. The light wants to break out but it has been dampened. At the end of their tenure, ask him – what did you acquire? What is your legacy? There will be nothing to write home about. NO JESUS NO LIFE.REPENT AND LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR CHRIST.CLOSE EVERY DOOR OF DEMONICS ENTRANCE BY DWELLING IN THE BLOOD DAILY.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:23:41 +0000

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