PART 8 - Imladris Regained Wishing she had gained the haven of - TopicsExpress


PART 8 - Imladris Regained Wishing she had gained the haven of her house sooner, Melanira knew she could not avoid Elronds return since others had caught the gleam of armour and the sound of hooves and were gathering. To fail to greet the returning Lord would seem an insult. Weary and grubby as she was she owed it to Elrond to give him at least a brief summary of their journey. She hoped he would not press her too much but she must explain about the death of the guard at the very least. Sirilhith would give a full report but she would wait to be summoned. Melanira reached the centre circle where the riders would dismount. Trailing a breeze redolent of horse sweat and the sharp tang of Orc blood, the patrol swept into view. Happy shouts indicated that she had been spotted, and she raised a hand. Turning her head to the right she saw Lindir move gracefully down the steps for all the world as if he had never been away. Hands neatly clasped behind, expression neutral. he really was excellent in a diplomatic position she mused. Suilad suilad! Galu! Mae govannen! Greetings rang around the vale as the horses were pulled up. Then in a blurr of dark hair and golden armour Elrond covered the distance between them in two long strides and grasped her hands warmly. I had word from Galadriel when you left Lorien, we were looking for you when we met a band of Orcs He was clearly in high spirits. Melanira focussed her eyes on the Orc blood dotting his neck, controlled her breathing and replied Mae govannen hir adagwathelion (You are well met beloved cousin). Nervous as always in Elronds presence, she was certain he could read her emotions and possibly her thoughts too, keeping a neutral countenance had become an automatic defence for them both. Are you well, Melanira? He asked gently. Well enough hir vuin (beloved Lord) she began to say, and began to explain, but realized that his attention was already wandering to Lindir waiting cooly on the steps to deliver his own report. With a searching look, and a nod to her Elrond briefly squeezed her hands and continued toward Lindir who bowed, then turned to match strides with his Lord. She greeted Elrohir and Elladan and several others, fielding questions and giving light answers to those she could. Then as had become her habit, drifted gradually to the outer circle, and faded away like a dropped petal on the wind. Watching her slipping away Elrond gave a small frown then turned to give his full attention to Lindir. Melanira hastened to Hwestaels room to keep her promise. He was already trying to get out of bed, and she had to remind him that he was at the end of a long list of people who Elrond would need to see first. You will be summoned when he has time for a foolish young ellon in the meantime rest and be patient. She was deliberately harsh knowing that this was one of the only ways to make him obey. He was very fond of Elrond as well as holding him in awe and always wished to show him the utmost respect even at risk of his own well being. Reaching her own little house Melanira was delighted to find it clean and warm. Someone had been lighting the fire to keep it aired she could see. How thoughtful, Arwens doing. no doubt of it, she would have sent someone up to make the place ready. The fire was ready to light and setting it ablaze, and a kettle boiling she walked into her bathing area and dropped her clothes into a basket, then brushed her hair and redressed it. Washing thoroughly she then found a clean dress and a mantle. Winter was coming. Autumn was in full swing now and the nights chill. Setting more logs on the fire she unpacked the bags. Outside on her veranda she stopped to look out over Imladris. It was so lovely. The falls gleamed in the blush of sunset and, far below her, activity told her that the evening meal was about to be served in the Masters Hall. Legolas and the twins passed with Gaeron trailing them, looking repeatedly around. Hes probably looking for me, she thought, and no wonder. Feeling a little guilty she stored all the plant materials in the appropriate jars in her capacious cupboards, then washed her hands and went down the long winding path. Gaeron had lingered in a leafy arbor and called to her as she neared in a nervous whisper. Im so glad to see you, I really dont think it would be fair to just walk in and surprise Lord Elrond. He looked anxious and no wonder, the last time he and Elrond had met it had been on neutral ground and they were evenly matched, here Elrond was definitely the Master. Dont worry, Lindir will have told my lord that you are our guest. There will be no surprise. Just be polite She added, as she had many times in the distant past. They entered the dining hall together and stopped just inside looking around. Quite a throng had assembled, no doubt to hear stories of their trip. She could see Lord Glorfindel laughing with Arwen and Lindir, Elrohir and Legolas chatting off to one side. Harpers were performing in a corner adding to the sound level and the whole room seemed filled with people going hither and thither. Elves, a few men apparently traders and a small character that she recognised as the curious Halfling Bilbo Baggins who seemed forever smoking or eating. As if by some signal, the aisles of people suddenly moved aside and Elrond was revealed standing, still, elegantly dressed and looking directly at them with an expression that never wavered. Elladan moved into view at his side and, as if sensing the tension the room quieted, Swallowing loudly, Gaeron walked toward them and bowed very deeply. Elrond did not speak immediately but looked him over, not rudely but with polite interest. He allowed the silence to continue for perhaps three heartbeats longer than was comfortable, playing a little with his old rival. Melanira knew well what he was doing and sucked in air through her teeth as she waited for the outcome.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:55:00 +0000

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