PART OF MY STATEMENT OF FAITH - 5) About The Holy Words of God - TopicsExpress


PART OF MY STATEMENT OF FAITH - 5) About The Holy Words of God (Bible) - a) All of the scriptures are accurate and in order, (2 Tim 3:16-17) All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is 1) profitable for doctrine, See Below from MSN Dictionary (DOCTRINE) - a) rule or principle: a rule or principle that forms the basis of a belief, theory, or policy b) ideas taught as truth: a body of ideas, particularly in religion, taught to people as truthful or correct 2) for reproof , See Below from MSN Dictionary (Reproof) - a) censure: the act of criticizing somebody for having done something wrong, or something said as a rebuke 3) for correction, See Below from MSN Dictionary (Correction) - a) alteration that corrects something: an alteration that removes an error b) written comment on error: something written beside an error in a text to point out what should be there instead c) removal of errors: the removal of errors from something, or the indication of errors in something 4) for instruction in righteousness, See Below from MSN Dictionary (Instruction) - a1) statement of command: a spoken or written statement of what must be done, especially delivered formally, with official authority, or as an order b1) teaching or things taught: teaching in a particular subject or skill, or the facts or skills taught c1) teaching process or profession: the act, process, or profession of teaching See Below from MSN Dictionary (Righteousness) a2) strictly observant of morality: always behaving according to a religious or moral code b2) justifiable: considered to be correct or justifiable c2) responding to injustice: arising from the perception of great injustice or wrongdoing b) Matthew 4:4 Live on every word of God; When satan tried to temp Jesus Christ while Jesus was extremely hungry in the wilderness and physically weak; If you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread. BUT Jesus Christ answered him; It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God! c) Bible Versions - There are many different personal opinions about which Bible Versions is the correct Word of God. There are the KJV only people who think all other Bible versions are not Gods words and are evil. They are so wrong But they dont understand that it is all about the language that was spoken and written in the times the Bible Versions were translated. One example is the KJV language of old times and our language of modern times. We dont say thee, thou, thy etc in our normal communications of todays times. So modern translations such as the KJV and NIV etc were created for the language that we speak of today. Now the following information regarding the different Bible Versions are from one of my favorite Pastors (Mark Keilar) websites CrossTV to give you some more understanding regarding the different Bible versions. 1) Best Word for Word translations: King James or New King James 2) Best Thought for Thought (ie. Paraphrase) translations: New International Version, New American Standard and English Standard Version 3) (Bibles that are NOT acceptable: Today’s New International Version, New World Translation (Jehovah’s Witness Version), New American Bible, New Revised Standard Version) No one has the original writings of the actual Bible Authors. They have copies of copies of copies of the original Authors writings. Bible translations are just that, translations from one form of language to another language. The most important thing is as long as the scripture meanings stay the same then the Bible Translation are fine. Me I prefer the NIV but I mainly use the NKJV. To learn more about Bible Translations go to History of the Bible, How the Bible Came to Us. teachingthewaytojesuschrist/statementoffaith.htm#.U-jgedh0y00
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:29:53 +0000

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