PART OF THE CHURCHES DUTY UNTO OUR LORD GOD IS TO BE THE WATCHMAN ON THE WALL! WE MUST WARN OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHEN THE SWORD IS COMING UPON THE LAND! The prophet Jeremiah, was locked up beaten, tortured, for trying to warn the people that, if they did not REPENT of their sins, and turn back to God, they would be destroyed! One of the prophet of the Lords warnings! KJV, Jeremiah chapter 10 VS 17-22 Gather up your wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the fortress. For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I WILL SLING OUT the INHABITANTS of the LAND at this once, and WILL DISTRESS THEM, that THEY may find it so. Woe is me for MY HURT! MY WOUND IS GRIEVOUS: but I said, Truly this is GRIEF, and I MUST BEAR IT. My tabernacle is SPOILED, and ALL MY CORDS ARE BROKEN: MY CHILDREN are gone FORTH of ME, and THEY ARE NOT: there is NONE to STRETCH FORTH MY TENT ANY MORE, and to SET UP MY CURTAINS. (Note, This is our Lord God speaking through Jeremiah. It is so sad, He is mentioning that His children came from Him, but now they are not His anymore, for there is no one that is looking to serve Him anymore. No one to STRETCH His tent, which means to add to the kingdom of heaven. They are caught up in serving idols and false gods, being workers if iniquity, everything that is an abomination against our Lord God! Our Lord God says, His children know His voice, and He knows ours. Just like we know our childrens, and they know ours when they listen to us. But, if a child grows up to leave the home in REBELLION against us, and never talks to us again, nor cares to hear our voice, then they are no longer our children. One may ask how can that be, they came from us? Just like SIN places enmity between us, and God! It separates us from God, when our children sin, and trespass against us, it does the same thing, unless we REPENT, and come back to God through our Lord Jesus Christ! There is no longer ONENESS us being ONE with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God will not walk in sin!) VS 21 For the PASTORS are BECOME BRUTISH, and HAVE NOT SOUGHT the LORD: therefore THEY SHALL NOT PROSPER, and ALL THEIR FLOCKS SCATTERED. (Note, We have pastors that are truly out there to serve the Lord, and those that are out to serve themselves with the riches of this world. The ones that are serving themselves will not warn about the SWORD coming upon the LAND! They would rather soak in their own riches of this world, then bring the masses to the Salvation of Jesus Christ, before war breaks out and the sword comes upon the land. The ones that are glorifying the Lord, are being hated by many even now, for trying to tell the truth, trying to warn many of the terrible things that are taking place. Those who are awake are heeding the warnings, they are the ones that are doing all they can to follow the Lords commandments, being separate from the world. This world is held captive by the prince of DARKNESS SATAN, in order to escape his captivity, we must break free from his sin by receiving Jesus Christ into our lives, and following the Light into heaven. Those who are captive lead into captivity, they are the ones that belong to the world, for they do not love God, and show it by not keeping His commandments, and serving Him only. We are to love God more than anyone, or anything, so anyone or anything will not cost us our Salvation for loving them more than our Lord God. If we love anyone or anything more than God, we make them, or it our god, or an idol! Thou shalt not have ANY OTHER GODS BEFORE ME, is one of the ten commandments.) VS 22 Behold, the NOISE of the BRUIT IS COME, and a GREAT COMMOTION out of the NORTH COUNTRY, to make the CITIES of JUDAH DESOLATE, and a DEN of DRAGONS. Ezekiel chapter 33 VS 1-11 AGAIN the WORD of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, SPEAK to the CHILDREN of YOUR PEOPLE, and SAY UNTO THEM, When I BRING the SWORD UPON A LAND, if the people of the land take a man of THEIR COASTS, and set HIM for THEIR WATCHMAN: If when he SEES the SWORD COME UPON the LAND, HE BLOW the TRUMPET, and WARN the PEOPLE; Then WHOSOEVER HEARES the SOUND of the TRUMPET, and TAKES NOT WARNING; if the SWORD COME, and TAKE HIM AWAY, HIS BLOOD SHALL BE UPON HIS OWN HEAD. He HEARD the SOUND of the TRUMPET, and TOOK NOT WARNING; HIS BLOOD SHALL BE UPON HIM. But HE that TAKES WARNING shall DELIVER HIS SOUL. But if the WATCHMAN SEE the SWORD COME, and BLOW NOT the TRUMPET, and the PEOPLE BE NOT WARNED; if the SWORD COME, and TAKE ANY PERSON FROM AMONG THEM, HE IS TAKEN AWAY IN HIS INIQUITY; but HIS BLOOD WILL I REQUIRE at the WATCHMANS HAND. So YOU, O son of man, I HAVE SET YOU A WATCHMAN unto the house of Israel; therefore YOU SHALL HEAR the WORD AT MY MOUTH, and WARN THEM FROM ME. When I say unto the WICKED, O WICKED MAN, YOU shall SURELY DIE; if YOU DO NOT SPEAK to WARN the WICKED FROM HIS WAY, that WICKED MAN SHALL DIE IN HIS INIQUITY; but HIS BLOOD WILL I REQUIRE AT YOUR HAND. Never the less, if YOU WARN the WICKED of HIS WAY TO TURN FROM IT; if HE DOES NOT TURN FROM HIS WAY, HE SHALL DIE IN HIS INIQUITY; but YOU HAVE DELIVERED YOUR SOUL. Therefore, O you son of man, SPEAK unto the HOUSE of ISRAEL; Thus YOU SPEAK, saying, If OUR TRANSGRESSIONS and OUR SINS be upon US, and we PINE AWAY IN THEM, how should WE THEN LIVE? Say unto THEM, AS I LIVE, saith the LORD GOD, I HAVE NO PLEASURE in the DEATH of the WICKED; but that the WICKED TURN FROM HIS WAY and LIVE: TURN YOU, TURN YOU FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS; for WHY WILL YOU DIE, O HOUSE of ISRAEL? (Note, As we can see our Lord God does not take pleasure in destroying the WICKED! He loves us all, and EVEN PLEADES with us to TURN AWAY from our evil ways! He wishes that none should PERISH, but that all should come to repentance, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and be SAVED in His ETERNAL LIFE. There is no way unto the Father, but through the Son! I have been kicked off of different CHRISTIAN posts, for doing what our Lord God, has commanded us to do, and that is to WARN my brothers and sisters of the THINGS THAT ARE TAKING PLACE even NOW. I through the guidance of our Holy Lord Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit, through much prayer, and supplication provide, professional news that shows PROPHECY coming to pass, along with providing scripture to back up the current events taking place, showing that the end is soon coming, along with the SOON RETURN of our LORD, and KING JESUS CHRIST. One of the ones that is in charge of the group finds it offensive to themselves, and claims that they are speaking for the group, when most of the group shows that the Lord is ministering through what He is showing us, and they BLOT myself or others off the group. I forgive them, for we can not be forgiven if we do not forgive others. At the same time, it pains me for my other brothers, and sisters in Christ, that we are so well connected in the BODY OF CHRIST. I KNOW GOD makes a way for His word to get out no matter what. I just love everyone, but my foremost service is unto our LORD, and KING JESUS CHRIST, and I would rather please God than man. It is better to have men be mad at me for being the salt of the earth as well, than God be angry at me for not being obedient unto all of His word, and all of His commandments. May the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all through these trying, and ending times, as the big DIVISION between Gods children and Satans children takes place.) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:58:34 +0000

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