**PART TWO TO MY FAN FICTION** I stand there with - TopicsExpress


**PART TWO TO MY FAN FICTION** I stand there with butterflies in my stomach, pale as the new fallen snow. I feel my hands and knees shake but try not to show any weakness. If I show too much weakness, the other tributes will see this tape and think I am an easy target. My chance of being with the careers could be slim, too. As I watch him walk up to te stage looking strong and not phased at all, a knot rises in my throat. We are forced to shake hands. We are then ushered into the mayors mansion where our family will say their goodbyes. I watch as Arick is taken to the left while I am kept going straight through the mansion, to the back room. I walk in and the door clicks shut behind me. Now that Im alone, and nobodys watching, I can cry. How do the others before me make it look so easy? I sit on the black leather couch and a single tear falls down my cheek. Its hot on my cold skin and I wipe it away, leaving a sticky and wet smudge on my right cheek. I take a deep breath an just as I exhale, the big, brown for slides open and my teacher, Mrs. Brown, is standing in front of me. Mrs. Brown has been like a mother to me since my parents died. She rushes toward me and looks me dead in the eye. Youve got this. Dont let your love for the boy get in your way. I understand itll be hard but.... You will make it through this. I promise. Mrs. Brown is the only woman I know who reallyfeels about this the same way I do. It feels good to have her here with me. Her son died in the games two years ago because the girl that he thought liked her back killed him. Nobodys trusted her since then. Whenever the girl who killed mrs. Browns son, Marcus, walks by, everybody moves out of the way. She must live a lonely life. Mrs. Brown embraces me and I hug her tightly. I love you. I wimper. I know. I love you, too, Alexis. She whispers and kisses my head. Times up. Te guard says as he barges into the room. I nod to mrs. Brown and she leaves, leaving me standing in the cold room with my hot tears pouring down my face. How am I going to face Arick? I love him and I know that one of us is going to have to die. Im going to have to use all the limited will power I have. Thats all. Another guard says as she rushes into the room. Lets go. She says, gently putting her hand on my arm as she guides me to the doors. I stand as we wait for Arick. I can do this. I put my chin up, my smile on and step out as Im met with cameras. Arick is also smiling and I know that its real. I know because the creases under his eyes that appear when he laughs hard are tere. We step onto the train and I sigh, stop smiling and sit on the chair. Im going to my room. Your mentor is in his room, sleeping. Hell be out when we get to the Capitol. Our mentor says as he walks away and through the next train. I look at Arick then at te window behind him as we pass the gates of district 1 and are suddenly going so fast that everything is a big blur. I see Arick staring at me and turn to look at him sitting across from me. This is going to be hard but I must say it now. This may be my only chance before one of us dies. I am astonished. What? Uh... Im.... Go ahead. I urge. Arick takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, then looks at me. I.... Im letting you win. You deserve it. I.... Im gonna die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF PART TWO Whatd you think? - TDC
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:32:51 +0000

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