PART2 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE REMARKABLE LIFE OF SHEIKH IBRAHIM NIASSE (RTA) by Dr. shaykh complied with. Four years after the incident, the soul of Shaykh Abdullahi passed on to his Creator an event which made the Shaykh declared during the Maulud of the Prophet in 1929 (Salla lahu alaihi wa sallam) that he is the spiritual inheritor and Khalifa of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RTA): the Sahibul Faydatu Tijjaniyya. His eldest brother and Khalifa of their late father asked whether the Shaykh Ibrahim was well to which he responded in the affirmative. He (his brother and khalifa of their father) then declared that the jinns have affected Ibrahim and that people should assist in exorcizing Ibrahim’s jinns. The Shaykh insisted he is sound in body and mind and said all he said was with authority. The khalifa denied him outright and instructed his students to do likewise. Shaykh Ibrahim continued to call people to Allah and teaching them all forms of Islamic sciences and tasawwuf. He met stiff resistance and decided to relocate to Kossi a village founded by his father where he continued his Islamic and spiritual mission. He attracted large followers from all parts of Africa who had come to drink from his ocean of knowledge and spiritual illuminations. The enmity other Islamic scholars had for him was so great that when he came back to his home town in Kaolack, he was stoned and stopped from praying inside his father’s mosque.MIGRATION AND COMMENCEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES:After much opposition and oppression, Shaykh Ibrahim decided to migrate away from Kaolack and find his own settlement due to the difficulties he and his students were experiencing in carrying out their religious and other daily activities. On a fateful morning after the fajr prayers, he informed his students and all those who wish to follow him to leave Kaolack. After obtaining permission from the colonial officers governing Kaolack administrative area, he migrated about 3 miles east of kaolack and camped by a big tree which was to become his home till date. His town is now called Madina Kaolack. Since the newly founded abode provided an atmosphere of security and peace he wanted for his students and himself, he focused his attention to fulfill the rites of hajj pilgrimage which he did later the same year. Upon returning back from the pilgrimage, he started the project of building his own mosque, converting people to Islam, educating the Muslims and revival of the sunnah of the Prophet (salla lahu alaihi wa sallam) through the proper understanding of fiqh, Iman and helping them attain the perfect state of Ihsan through the tariqa Muhammadiyya Tijaniyya which he had become its spiritual inheritor and Khalifa. These activities were not only confided within Senegal but throughout North and West African regions. His style, methodology and spiritual zeal had made all and sundry flock to him to quench their thirst from the overflowing flood of knowledge, illuminations, secrets, understanding and perfect state of Ihsan from Shaykh Ibrahim and the tariqa. His distractors were greatly alarmed and disturbed by his success and progress in calling people towards Allah and upliftment of Islam in the surrounding regions and beyond which eclipsed their combined efforts and make them look like amateurs. They connived against him by lying to the French administrator of the region named Bulus that he was trying to build an army of supporters to rebel against the French colonialist, a claim the Shaykh dispelled and was allowed to continue to with his teaching and preaching. GLOBAL IMPACT:Shaykh Ibrahim (RTA) has traveled vastly throughout the world in order to spread Islam. To him goes primarily the credit of turning Senegal into a Muslim majority country. In Ghana alone, he converted no fewer than 8 thousand Christians and pagans to Islam. It is not surprising therefore that he was feared as a “terror” by Christian missionaries in West Africa. It is because of men like the Shaykh, his disciples, students and followers that islam is today spreading in Africa in the face of militant Christianity and resurgent paganism. He has swept the Muslim lands he had visited with such a spiritual force through the Tariqa Tijaniyya that multitude of Muslims have now tasted the rare sweetness of pure tawhid and monotheism in an unprecedented manner never before seen in Africa since the time of the early Muslim generation. A clear and unmistaken example is in Nigeria where the frequent proclamation of “lailaha illa lahu” has dominated the sky lines with an intense love of the holy Prophet (salla lahu alaihi wa sallam). He was not only an erudite and versatile scholar but also a prolific writer who has written over 70 books on various subjects including Fiqh. R.T.A
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:34:50 +0000

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