PARTEA A 2 A VATICANUL FOLOSESTE MASINA TIMPULUI If you’ve been wondering why people from the Vatican have been showing up to Civil War reenactment events wearing really authentic-looking uniforms, here’s why… Jonah BOCA RATON, Fla. First, the Vatican was accused of hiding the records of priests whove abused kids. Now, its being accused of hiding a time machine. The machine in question is called a Chronovisor and was built in the 1950s by a Benedictine monk named Father Pellegrino Ernetti. No photos of the Chronovisor exist, but paranormal journalist John Chambers says Ernetti reportedly used the way back machine to film Christs crucifixion for Vatican officials. Ernetti died in 1994 without revealing the secret of the Chronovisor but Chambers says evidence is mounting that the Catholic Church is hiding a working model from the rest of the world, supposedly to keep it from getting into evil hands. Sound crazy? Maybe, but there may be something to it. Chambers says a Jesuit priest named Father Francois Brune believes the Chronovisor must exist because, in the priests words, Ernetti wouldnt lie about such things. ...has garnered huge critical acclaim.... A riveting read. Subtitled, The Creation and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time Machine, this book tells the story of a little-known Benedictine monk, Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, who lived in Italy around the middle of the 20th century. Ernettis claim to fame was his assertion that he had combined ancient occult knowledge with modern scientific discoveries to create a time machine, the Chronovisor. He then claimed to have used this machine to witness such historical events as the Crucifixion, and to open a window on ancient Greece and Rome. Peter Krassas book is a well-researched account of Ernettis life and work that has garnered huge critical acclaim. Originally published in Germany, the book now has a new English translation, but, at present, is only available in a U.S. edition. However, those willing to take the necessary pains to get hold of a copy are sure to be rewarded. The book dips into many of the areas that will be of interest to X Factor readers, from fringe science to the occult, and offers insights into the lives of many of the great figures within the world of 20th-century paranormal phenomena. Above all, however, this book is an intriguing account of one mans attempts to understand the secrets of the universe and his own place within it. A riveting read. -X Factor (U.K.), early June, 2000, No. 91 Everything about the life of Father Pellegrino Ernetti suggests that this Italian Benedictine priest-scientist was a man of integrity and would not have created a hoax about his work on the chronovisor - a camera that allegedly could tune into the past or future and take pictures. Venice-based Father Ernetti (1925-1994) was an authority on archaic music, a scholar in Greek and Latin, a sought-after exorcist, a confidant of the influential, and an object of questioning by the Vatican and NASA. His work on the so-called chronovisor stemmed from his time at Father Gemellis electroacoustical laboratory at the Catholic University in Milan from 1952. So writes Peter Krassa in his fascinating exposé of Ernettis life and work, translated from German and now expanded with supporting documents--such as the translation of the lost Latin classic, Enniuss Thyestes, supposedly retrieved via the chronovisor. Krassa draws on commentaries from associates of Ernetti, some of them priest-parapsychologists who were excited that he may have found a way to tap the elusive akashic records. Apparently the chronovisor (if it ever existed) was dismantled, its capacity for misuse too great to justify continued experimentation. Fr Ernetti went very quiet in the last decade of his life (by choice or force?), but, in late 1993, he and two surviving scientists from the project presented their findings at the Vatican before four cardinals and a scientific committee. What transpired has not been divulged. It seems that this past summer I made a grave error; I wish to amend it now. I was attracted to Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor as soon as it arrived at The New Times, but never quite understanding what the book was, I continued to pass on it for review. When I recently tackled it just to better know my draw to the thing, I found myself on a journey that I knew I must share. While The New Times works to review only the latest titles, this one (at just over half a year old) deserves a second look. Purporting to be a biography, the book is a great deal more. Yes, it is fascinating enough as a biography — it tells of a scientist/theologian who developed a machine to look into the past — but it is also much more. To set the context of Father Ernetti, to show how his chronovisor fit into the human quest for spirit, the author also offers fascinating accounts of others who have added so much to our spiritual understandings. The chronovisor, after all, purported to grasp both sounds and images from the still-existent waves of the past, held forever in the Akashic records. Mr. Krassa does not merely offer examples of what these are, but gives an entire background by telling us of the 18th-century birth of mesmerism and animal magnetism, which effects came from a vital fluid diffused everywhere throughout the universe. The author shows the spread of this belief in varied forms, and takes us through the lives of people like Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, and Edgar Cayce to explain where all of this went. He even tells of Thomas Edison’s apparatus to contact the dead! Enter Father Ernetti and his chronovisor. The father was widely known for his expertise in archaic music, and for his interest and talent in science and languages. When he began to speak of a machine built by scientists that allowed them to witness the past in 3D, you can bet that people took note. But with fascinating irregularities to the claims, people’s reactions widely varied. A huge reaction set in when Ernetti claimed to have photographed the crucified Christ — and when the photo was proven a fake. Ernetti was a man of good repute, and Mr. Krassa examines why an honest man would lie in this way, why he would withhold information on the supposed machine, and just what was really going on with the father. If I may reclassify the book, I’d call it investigative reporting of a fascinating mystery. And, it helps the reader understand better where we stand today by better seeing from where the spiritual movement has arisen. This is one of the most interesting accounts I have read, and I recommend it for those wanting to take an unusual reading trip. - Steve McCardell, The New Times, Seattle, Washington, Fall, 2000 All roads may lead to Rome, but in Krassas book all story lines lead back to Father Ernetti. The Benedictine monk, a scientist and professor of archaic music, had a thirst for knowledge that led him down unusual paths for a clergyman. With the help of other scientists, he built a time machine and brought back a picture of Christ and a selection from a Quintus Ennius play called Thyestes, which was performed in 169 B.C. Besides the fascinating work of Father Ernetti, Krassa includes intriguing study of other time and space manipulators, from Madame Blavatsky to Thomas Edison. So rev up your astral fluid for a titillating journey into the ether. - Linda Fleischman, Magical Blend, Issue # 72: Something about being able to travel to the past and perceive firsthand a bygone era or past event is extremely enticing, maybe because it seems so impossible. Author Peter Krassa uses this magic to produce a book which is simultaneously exciting and disappointing. The nonfiction book begins like an adventure story. An Italian priest, Father Ernetti, stumbles upon the ability to communicate with the dead via standard audio recording equipment; as the plot unfolds he uses this knowledge to build the chronovisor, a machine that displays images from the past on a TV screen. This part of the book is well-written and suspenseful, with each chapter ending in a cliffhanger. Unfortunately, its similarities to fiction do not end there: Krassa fails to provide us with any real reason why we should accept this serial as truth. The only proof of the existence of the chronovisor he gives us is second-hand testimony from friends of the priest, who died in 1994. They say he told them of his fabulous machine; no testimony is given from anyone who actually saw it. This attempt to substantiate Ernetti’s claim does not hold up well against the hoaxes he was accused of perpetrating. The second half of the book, while not quite so spellbinding, may hold more interest for the discerning reader. In this section, Krassa gives detailed summaries of many key figures in the paranormal movement. These people’s lives, beliefs, discoveries and thoughts are truly fascinating, and inspire the reader to research these figures further. The purpose of this summary section is to lend historical credence to the possibility of a time machine, by discussing the nature of time, etheric fluid, past attempts by individuals to time travel, and much more, and linking all these subjects together to prove how the time machine worked. Again, however, Krassa fails to convince, and the support for his story consists of leaps in logic and exercises in hypothesis. All in all, this book is very entertaining at first, and fascinating later on, but in the end I remain unconvinced of the reality of Father Ernetti’s chronovisor. – Janet Brennan, Fate, November, 2000: In this unusual work, the author sets forth to describe Father Ernettis creation of a time machine. What is more unusual is that the Venetian priest managed to realize the contraption under the wing of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet his machine afforded more than mere travel into the past and future, but rather embodied a kind of living metaphor for our time. The Fathers machine afforded a look at linearity, the Gregorian calendar, perhaps even Bishop Usshers insistence that the world was created on September 21, 4004 B.C., a belief still held by some even in this day of quantum non-locality. The author describes other achronological curios such as Baird T. Spaldings Camera of Past Events, the Secret School of Whitley Strieber, as well as Edgar Cayce. Also, information on Thomas Edisons device to contact the dead is described in this worthwhile volume. - Jaye C. Beldo, Dream Network, Vol. 19, No. 3. For me what makes Father Ernettis Chronovisor a treasure-trove of hard-to-find information is all the documentation on the Akashic Records it brings together for the first time, as well as the superb biographies of much-misunderstood yet seminal historical figures, such as Helena P. Blavatsky and Franz Mesmer. This fascinating book is a most welcome addition to my library. - George Andrews, author of Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes, and Pyramids and Palaces, Monsters and Mazes: The Golden Age of Mayan Architecture Father Ernettis Chronovisor is a brilliantly-researched, absorbing compendium of a current-times Benedictine monks forays into specific events in the life of Christ and ancient Greece. Using his enigmatic invention - the chronovisor - scientist/scholar/exorcist Father Ernetti plumbs the depths and drives a cutting wedge into mans hidden past, our access to alleged akashic records, and the present-day relevance of those to such new and baffling paranormal techniques as electronic voice phenomena and transcommunications with television and computers. Peter Krassa illuminates his thesis with sparkling accounts of the life and achievements of such fellow time-travelers as Madame Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner and Thomas A. Edison, and some others not quite so well-known, such as the controversial free energy inventor/genius(?) John Worrell Keely. Wow! Once you start reading Father Ernettis Chronovisor, you wont put it down till youve finished. It is a first-rate, challenging mystery-thriller, not fiction but--whatever the true explanation behind it all is--the real thing! - Berthold E. Schwarz, M.D. (Psych.), author of Parent-Child Telepathy, UFO Dynamics, Psychiatric and Paranormal Aspects of UFOlogy, The Jacques Romano Story and many others Is Father Ernettis Chronovisor a flight of fancy or the real thing? The question has tantalized the scientific and religious communities for nearly 40 years, ever since the September day in 1952 when two Benedictine priests collaborating in a laboratory at the Roman Catholic University of Milan stumbled on its discovery. In a moment of frustration, Father Ernetti entreated his departed father for help with a problem, and was astounded to hear an answer from him through a recording device they were working on! This event led to the development of the Chronovisor, a time camera that can retrieve sound and sight images from space and project them on a screen. Father Ernetti eschews any connection with parapsychology or metaphysics, claiming instead that his machine is based on the scientific principle that light and sound waves are not lost after emission but are transformed and remain indefinitely in the ether. Without trying to explain the pertinent theories, suffice to say that the Chronovisor can recapture and reconstitute sound waves even from by-gone centuries - including a Roman tragedy that was performed in 169 B.C.! Ernetti is no visionary or magician, but a highly regarded scientist, an authority on prepolyphonic music, a professor, and the director of the Italian Secretariat of Religious Instruction of Man. As Krassa attempts to reconcile fact and fiction, his book will challenge your thinking--but we are reminded of Hamlets observation: There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - P.S., The NAPRA Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, May-June, 2000 Time travel? This book is based on the work of Father Pellegrino Ernetti, a well-respected Italian Benedictine priest, who claimed to have engineered a device to view the past called a chronovisor. First published in 1997 as Die Schichsal ist vorherbestimmt (Your Destiny is Foretold), by Peter Krassa, this edition has been expanded to include previously unreleased documents that have recently been made available to the American editors - the most intriguing of these being the long-lost Latin text of Quintus Enniuss play, Thyestes, which is reported to have been brought back through time by Father Ernetti. Reading this book is in itself an expedition in time travel. We are introduced to leaders in the fields of occultism, spiritualism, alchemy and science, and we are taken to the beginnings of time and back again, in an exciting journey of possibility that gives more than enough credence to Father Ernettis claims. This updated American edition leaves no stone unturned and is a comprehensive wealth of knowledge. Each chapter is a story within this multifaceted work; both newcomers and serious students of occultism will be impressed by Peter Krassas well researched and refreshingly unbiased study into time and space. - Kyles, Psychic Interactive, No. 4 (Australia) A strange case!.... The text of the play [Thyestes] is translated here, and there is genuine wonder why such an otherwise accomplished individual as Father Ernetti would have fabricated such a bizarre fantasy or hoax. A curious book, and a book for the curious. - Robert C. Girard, Arcturus Books Catalog, March, 2000: In the middle part of the twentieth century, Italian Benedictine monk Pellegrino Maria Ernetti claimed to have created a time machine he called the chronovisor through which he could see and hear events of the past including Christ dying on the cross and a performance of a now-lost tragedy, Thyestes, by the father of Latin Poetry, Quintus Ennius, in Rome in 169 B.C. Father Ernetti was a leading authority on archaic music and claimed to have combined the insights of modern physics with ancient occult knowledge of the astral planes to build his invention. After his death the chronovisor was nowhere to be found, leading his critics to proclaim this otherwise distinguished scientist-priest a fraud. This American edition of Peter Krassas Father Ernettis Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time Machine includes the first translation from Latin to English of the text of Thyestes which Father Ernetti claimed to have recovered using the chronovisor. This and other newly-discovered documents contain astonishing revelations refuting the claims of fraud against the strange, tormented, brilliant Father Pellegrino Ernetti. Father Ernettis Chronovisor is a highly recommended biographical study for students of metaphysics, religion, and science. ....
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:48:40 +0000

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