PARTECIPATE AL MAILBOMBING PER LA PALESTINA, OGGI ORE 19.30! QUESTO IL TESTO DELLA LETTERA PROPOSTO (english and arabic follow). INVIEREMO TUTTI INSIEME TESTO INGLESE AI TRE INDIRIZZI EMAIL ALLE 19.30 ORA ITALIANA. È IMPORTANTE ESSERE IN TANTI, STANNO GIÀ CERCANDO DI BOICOTTARCI E BLOCCARCI FB! TAJANI: [email protected] ASHTON: [email protected] Twitter @EU_Commission SCHULZ: [email protected] Oggetto: Le linee guida non si toccano Signori rappresentanti della civiltà europea, vi richiamiamo al senso di responsabilità che la storia vi impone. Dopo i secoli vergognosi delle dominazioni coloniali lEuropa, responsabile dellorrendo crimine della Shoa, deve trovare la forza, lintelligenza, la retta moralità, di non favorire loccupazione israeliana facendo ponti doro alla sua economia di guerra, rendendosi complice delle sopraffazioni israeliane - confermando le sue linee guida di non cooperare con le aziende e istituzioni israeliane negli insediamenti illegali che il governo di Tel Aviv ha creato nei Territori palestinesi occupati. Siete depositari e responsabili della civiltà europea. Siate allaltezza del compito interrompendo la vostra politica di complicità con loccupazione militare israeliana. Siamo sorpresi di questo atteggiamento dellUnione europea, per la mancanza di qualsiasi iniziativa positivo verso il cosiddetto processo di pace; più che mai vediamo la terra e le case saccheggiate e la continuazione della detenzione di umano esseri e il furto dacqua, tagli massicci di alberi di ulivo di coloni violenti in piena vista di tutti. La domanda qui e ora è: siamo in presenza di altre iniziative per aiutare il progetto sionista di occupare il resto della terra palestinese? Come 15 importanti EU leaders dellUE hanno gia fatto presente, noi ripetiamo con loro: “With great concern we have taken note of recent calls to delay, modify or even suspend the European Commission guidelines on funding of Israeli entities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967. We urge you to uphold this commitment by supporting the guidelines and their full application by EU institutions, notably in regard to the ongoing negotiations about Israel’s participation in Horizon 2020.” Distinti saluti nome, cognome, cap città facebook/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhaaretz%2Fnews%2Fdiplomacy-defense%2F.premium-1.547188&h=rAQHfb43w Object: Do not touch guidelines Distinguished Representatives of European civilization, we call you to the sense of responsibility that history imposes on you. After centuries of shameful colonial domination Europe responsible of the horrendous crime of the Holocaust, must find the strength, the intelligence, the morality of not encouraging the Israeli occupation doing gold bridges to its ecomomy of war, becoming accomplice of Israeli oppression - firmly confirming its guidelines not to cooperate with companies and institutions in illegal settlements that the Israeli government has created in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. You are depositaries and managers of European civilization. Be up to the task interrupting your policy of complicity with the Israeli military occupation. We are surprised due this attitude by the European Union, taking into account the lack of any positive progress in the so-called peace process , what we are seeing all is more than any time the looted land and houses and the continuation of detention of human beings and even the air and water , so it came to cut olive trees by the savages settlers in full view of everyone . The question here.! Is this another resolution to help the Zionist project to occupy the rest of the Palestinian land? We make our own the words of the Eu leaders: “With great concern we have taken note of recent calls to delay, modify or even suspend the European Commission guidelines on funding of Israeli entities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967,” the letter began. “We urge you to uphold this commitment by supporting the guidelines and their full application by EU institutions, notably in regard to the ongoing negotiations about Israel’s participation in Horizon 2020.” Sincerely name surname cap/zip city facebook/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhaaretz%2Fnews%2Fdiplomacy-defense%2F.premium-1.547188&h=rAQHfb43w حضرة النواب الموقرين للحضارة الاوروبية :- ندعوكم إلى الشعور بالمسؤولية امام التاريخ الذي يفرض عليكم بعد قرون من الهيمنة الاستعمارية المخزية لاوروبا لبعض بلدان العالم ومسؤولية الجرائم البشعة التي مورست اثناء الاحتلال لتلك البلدان , يجب على الدول الاوروبية ان تملك القوة الاخلاقية والذكاء لعدم تشجيع الاحتلال الصهيوني عبر تزويده بجسور من ذهب لالة الحرب.! ولكي لا تصبح اوروبا شريكا للظلم الواقع على الشعب الفلسطيني من قبل هذا الاحتلال الغاشم . يجب على اوروبا ان تؤكد بحزم مبادئها التوجيهية لعدم التعاون مع الشركات والمؤسسات في المستوطنات غير الشرعية والتي انشأتها الحكومة الإسرائيلية والتي تصر على الاستمرار قدما في سلب الاراضي وبناء المستوطنات في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة. وبما انكم المؤسسين والقائمين على هذه الحضارة الاوروبية يجب عليكم ان تكونوا على مستوى هذه المهمة في اعتماد سياسة المقاطعة وعدم التواطؤ مع الاحتلال العسكري الإسرائيلي . بقلق بالغ لاحظنا من الاحاديث الاخيرة محاولة بعض قادة الاتحد الاوروبي لتأجيل أو تعديل أو حتى تعليق المبادئ التوجيهية للمفوضية الأوروبية لتمويل الكيانات الإسرائيلية في الأراضي التي تحتلها إسرائيل منذ حزيران 1967، نحن نحثكم على الثبات والالتزام بهذه المبادئ التوجيهية وتطبيقها تطبيقا كاملا من جانب مؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي، لا سيما في ما يتعلق بالمفاوضات الجارية حول مشاركة إسرائيل في أفق 2020. مع خالص التقدير اسم كاب / الرمز اللقب المدينة. facebook/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhaaretz%2Fnews%2Fdiplomacy-defense%2F.premium-1.547188&h=rAQHfb4
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:37:40 +0000

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