PARTIAL LIST OF ANTI-SEMITIC ACTS IN FRANCE I apologize to my brothers and sisters in France from the bottom of my heart. If each of us had spoke up loudly, clearly and relentlessly when the first incident had happened (as most of the world turned a blind eye to this persecution and hate) perhaps some of this suffering could have been prevented and lives could have been saved (including those lost on Friday). These attacks should be particularly offensive to ALL people of goodwill - because these people were attacked not because of what they did -- but because of who they were. We can only move forward. We have been fighting this age old hatred from the beginning of time -- it is a challenge humanity has yet to meet -- but we must keep trying. 2014 May 9, 2014: A number of antisemitic scrawlings were found across the Alsace region in eastern France. Stars of David and the words « Juden Raus » were written on a car near the synagogue in Saint-Louis in southern Alsace. Other antisemitic graffiti was discovered in nearby Huninge as well as in Village-Neuf, both close to the German and Swiss borders.[18] May 16, 2014: A dozen inscriptions were found in Toulouse including: SS, Hitler burned 6 million Jews and forgot half and Long live Palestine.[19] May 25, 2014: Two Jewish brothers who were dressed in traditional Jewish clothing were attacked near a synagogue in Créteil. One of them suffered severe injuries to his eye. They were attacked by two men who were armed with brass knuckles.[20] Main article: 2014 Sarcelles riots In July 2014, dozens of young men protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza (following the Operation Protective Edge) briefly besieged Don Isaac Abravanel Synagogue in Paris and clashed with security.[21] Accroding to Serge Benhaïm, the president of the Don Isaac Abravanel Synagogue, noone inside the building itself was attacked.[22] July 20, 2014: anti-Semitic rioting in Sarcelles, a suburb of Paris. In November a 27-year-old man was convicted of arson for having deliberately set fire to a kosher grocery store.[23] December 2, 2014: A Jewish woman was raped in an apparent anti-Semitic attack in Créteil, a commune in the southeastern suburbs of Paris, according to Ynetnews.[24] The rapist told the woman that he was raping her because you are Jewish. 2013[edit] During November, 2013, a new phenomenon had spread. Fans of the antisemitic comedian Dieudonné responded to his request and started to get pictures of themselves making the quenelle salute, a backwards Nazi salute, next to Jewish or Israeli places, Or even next to group of Jews.[25] On September 16, 2013, a 20-year-old French national of Moroccan origin called Ohr Hatorah school in Toulouse and told a secretary, “I am Mohammed Merah’s cousin and I’m coming over tonight to kill you.” That threat was not the first one of this youngster, and he was arrested.[26] On September 10, 2013, France’s ultranationalist National Front party suspended one of its municipal candidates, Francois Chatelain of Neuville-en-Ferrain, for posting anti-Israel photos and anti-Semitic statements.[27] On September 13, 2013, in Paris a group of Jewish boys were attacked by a gang of teenagers who called them “dirty Jews” and said “Hitler didn’t finish the job.”[28] April 23, 2013 - Paris - A rabbi and his son were stabbed near the Beth-El synagogue by an Iranian man who had recently escaped a psychiatric hospital. The attacker stabbed the rabbi in the neck causing light injuries, while the rabbis son was lightly cut when he came to his defense.[29] March 12, 2013 - Lyon - A fake bomb was found near the Hillel Center, a Jewish institution in the city.[29] January 3, 2013 - Toulouse - Anti-Semitic slogans, including a swastika alongside the words SS and get the f*** out, were graffitied on a local chapter of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society. The incident occurred less than a year after a terrorist killed a rabbi and three students at a Jewish school in the city.[29] 2012[edit] October 9, 2012 – Avignon – The plaque at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery was smashed.[30] September 19, 2012 – Sarcelles – A firebomb was thrown into a Kosher supermarket by two masked assailants, causing at least one injury.[30][31][32] August 7, 2012 – Paris – A 17 year-old Jewish girl was severely beaten and insulted with antisemitic remarks by an 18 year-old Arab girl in a Paris suburb.[30] July 20, 2012 – Paris – A synagogue was desecrated for the third time in 10 days.[30] July 5, 2012 – Toulouse – A 17-year-old student of the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school was assaulted on a train going from Toulouse to Lyon.[30] June 2, 2012 – Lyon – Three Jewish youth wearing skullcaps were assaulted while walking to a Jewish school for Shabbat services.[30] March 26, 2012 – Paris – A 12-year-old Jewish boy was beaten outside the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Paris by youths reciting antisemitic slogans.[30][33][34][35] March 19, 2012 – Toulouse – Four Jews were shot and killed at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school by an armed terrorist on a motorcycle, later identified by authorities as Mohammed Merah.[30][36] 2011[edit] June 18, 2011 – Villeurbane – A 21-year-old identifiably Jewish man was assaulted in a suburb of Lyon.[37] May 7, 2011 – Marseille – An 11-year-old Jewish girl on her way to a synagogue was accosted by a teenager who demanded to know if she was Jewish.[37] May 7, 2011 – Marseille – Three Jewish boys were beaten during a soccer match by a dozen attackers, who shouted “dirty Jews etc.[37] May 7, 2011 – Nancy – A Jewish school was vandalized with antisemitic slogans.[37] April 7, 2011 – Lyon – A 21-year-old Jewish student was shot four times with a pellet gun in an attack involving two unidentified assailants, after the victim confirmed he was Jewish.[37] March 19, 2011 - Garges-lès-Gonesse – A rock was thrown through a window of a synagogue during an evening Purim celebration.[37] March 17, 2011 – Pont de Heruy – A 15-year-old Jewish boy was beaten by a group of about a dozen teenagers, while yelling antisemitic insults.[37]
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 01:37:58 +0000

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