PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. WE WANT TO KNOW HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION-(28/may/1977) Satsvarupa: -INITIATIONS IN THE FUTURE, -HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED, PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. ANSWER-(28/may/1977) Srila Prabhupada: I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU TO ACT AS OFFICIATING ACHARYA.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/5/1977 QUESTION: Satsvarupa: Then our next question concerns INITIATIONS IN THE FUTURE, PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. WE WANT TO KNOW HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: Srila Prabhupada: Yes.I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU. After this is settled up. I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU TO ACT AS OFFICIATING ACHARYA.” Tamala Krishna: Is that called RITVIK-ACARYA?” Srila Prabhupada: RITVIK.YES. (28/5/1977) ---------------------------------------------- Note: We must carefully analyze the essence of this short conversation for a proper understanding. THE QUESTION: Our next question concerns “INITIATIONS IN THE FUTURE”. IN THE FUTURE = THAT TIME, WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. INITIATIONS = FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS -“IN THE FUTURE” ,the general meaning is ” from now on; henceforth,HENCEFORWARD”,means ALL THE FUTURE,all the the time from that moment on,all the time after that moment forward. -They specify that the question refers to a specific and particular period of the future: PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. They divided THE FUTURE in two periods, The border or dividing point of these two periods was that particular moment,time,”WHEN you are no longer with us”,when you leave the body: FIRST PERIOD: From now,(28-may-1977),until the moment when YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US,when you leave the body. SECOND PERIOD: ”when you are no longer with us”,from the moment YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US,when you leave the body.HENCEFORTH,HENCEFORWARD The question concerns to this particular VERY LONG second period of the future. “We want to know” Why our next question about INITIATIONS IN THE FUTURE does not refer with the first period? The first period means from that day,(28-may-1977),to the concrete or particular moment when Prabhupada would leave the body. It means a period,future, when still Srila Prabhupada would be physically present. They were not interested about “how first and second initiations will be conducted” during that first period,during Srila Prabhupada´s physical presence, because for that period already they knew what to do and in fact already they were doing these rittvik initiations on Prabhupadas behalf from a number of years ago. Why ask about what you already know?. You ask about what you do not know. For that reason they said: ”WE WANT TO KNOW”. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clear CONCLUSION is that FIRST CONCLUSION : The question about INITIATIONS during this first period,during Prabhupada presence,was innecesary and did not happen. There was not any answer to a nonexistent question. There was not oficial document with a nonexistent answer to a nonexistent question. Everything about initiations during Srila Prabhupada presence it was clearly established from years ago. SECOND CONCLUSION: What they want to know,the question,the answer and the oficial document were exclusively related to : “HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US.” That means according to the clear question, INITIATIONS AFTER SRILA PRABHUPADA PHYSICAL DISAPPERANCE. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The immediate answer was very clear,I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU TO ACT AS OFFICIATING ACHARYARITVIK, (28/May/1977),but the OFFICIAL answer WOULD ALSO COME few weeks later ( July 9 th,1977). .After this is settled up, ”I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU …”,(28/May/1977) 1.The form “I SHALL,we shall” is used before a verb in the infinitive to show something that will take place or exist in the future. The form “shall”(esp with: I or we as subject) is used as an auxiliary to make the future.Example;We shall arrive tomorrow.we shall see you tomorrow. In the first person, shall is used to indicate simple futurity: I shall (not will) have to buy another ticket. That means that Srila Prabhupada will make , in the near future, (AFTER THIS IS SETTLED UP”), a official document in answer to that essential specific question, just as the document also confirms: “Srila Prabhupada indicated that SOON HE WOULD APPOINT some of His senior disciples” THE CLEAR ANSWER TO THAT SPECIFIC AND CLEAR QUESTION (28/May/1977), would ALSO come in a very clear official document few weeks later ( July 9 th,1977). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DOCUMENT ( July 9 th,1977) IS THE PUBLIC OFFICIAL CORRESPONDING ANSWER TO THE SPECIFIC QUESTION,(28/May/1977) as indicated at the beginning of the document:” RECENTLY,WHEN all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrindavana, Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples to act as rittvik-representative of the acharya, for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation.” We can see clearly how the beginning of the document tells that this is the official public manifestation of what Srila Prabhupada anticipated at that meeting: I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU ... (28 / May / 1977). The essential point to remember is that THIS DOCUMENT IS THE ANSWER TO A VERY SPECIFIC QUESTION that was made to Srila Prabhupada on May 28, 1977. What was that question that Srila Prabhupada answered that is now formalized in a document? WE WANT TO KNOW HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. Therefore the validity of this document relates especially to the specific period of time, after the physical departure of Srila Prabhupada, the system of initiations after the departure of Srila Prabhupada,a very long period of future. “AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US.”,from that time forward,henceforward. This entire document is a clear response to this clear question,THE SYSTEM OF INITIATIONS AFTER THE PHYSICAL DISAPPEARANCE OF SRILA PRABHUPADA. And this is the description of the system according to the document,a clear answer to a clear question: Vrindaban 9 July, 1977 77-07-09 To All G.B.C., and Temple Presidents Dear Maharajas and Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. *Recently when all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrndavana, *Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples TO ACT AS RITVIK-REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ACARYA, for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. His Divine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity:…............ *THE NEWLY INITIATED DEVOTEES ARE DISCIPLES OF HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA, *THE ABOVE ELEVEN SENIOR DEVOTEES ACTING AS HIS REPRESENTATIVE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENT 9/July/1977 Please note between parenthesis and capital letters are the corresponding text from 28/may/1977,to be observed the total similarity between the two documents where one (9/July/1977) is a strict and detailed response and replica of the first (28/May/1977). *Recently,(9/July/1977),referring to 28/MAY/1977 *when all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrindavana, (9/July/1977) ( OUR,the GBC,NEXT QUESTION CONCERNS-28/May/1977)” *Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint -9/July/1977 (AFTER THIS IS SETTLED UP,I SHALL RECOMMEND….28/May/1977 ) *some of His senior disciples-9/July/1977 ( SOME OF YOU.,28/May/1977) *to act as rittvik-representative of the acharya, 9/July/1977 (TO ACT AS OFFICIATING ACHARYA.RITVIK-28/May/1977)” *for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. 9/July/1977 (“INITIATIONS IN THE FUTURE, PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. We want to know HOW FIRST AND SECOND INITIATIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED.” 28/May/1977) *HisDivine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples9/July/1977 (I SHALL RECOMMEND SOME OF YOU. 28/May/1977) *who will act in that capacity9/July/1977 (TO ACT AS OFFICIATING ACHARYA. 28/May/1977): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now that Srila Prabhupada has named these representatives, Temple Presidents may HENCEFORWARD send recommendation for first and second initiation…” -henceforth or henceforwards or henceforward: .henceforward, from this time forth; from now on;from this time forward; example:henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith Synonyms from now on, in the future, hereafter, hence, herein after, from this day forward British English: henceforth Henceforth means from this time onwards. from this time forward : starting now .-forth 1. Forward in time, place, or order; onward: from this time forth. This means that this resolution or measure should be followed until a new different order to change it or abolish, coming from this same person,the authority,Srila Prabhupada. What it means FROM NOW AND FOREVER, because once disappeared he will never change such order. HENCEFORWARD means “IN THE FUTURE”, now on; henceforth”, ALL THE FUTURE,FROM NOW AND WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US. According to the question asked, “PARTICULARLY AT THAT TIME WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WITH US”,here HENCE FORWARD means “as much time as youre no longer with us”,FROM NOW AND FOREVER.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:46:11 +0000

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