PARTING SHOT.. Poor President Obama. On top of everything else, - TopicsExpress


PARTING SHOT.. Poor President Obama. On top of everything else, he got some more bad news yesterday. As reported in The Hill, 53 percent of Americans now view his presidency as a “failure.” Only 41 percent chalk it up as a success. Now, at first glance, that’s pretty depressing. Especially to President Obama. But, actually, it’s not as bad as it looks – and not all that surprising. The fact is, at this point in his presidency, most Americans considered George W. Bush a failure, too. And Bill Clinton, before him, the same. That poll, in fact, says more about us than any president. It says we have the attention span of a gnat. By the end of six years, we grow tired of any president, no matter how excited we were when he was first elected, and can’t wait for the next one. The obvious solution is: one six-year term for president. Period. Think about it: It’s better for the president. He or she wouldn’t have to worry about getting re-elected. And it’s better for us: Just about the time we’re getting sick of any president, we get a new one. Now all we have to do is change the Constitution. That’s my parting shot for today. I’m Bill Press.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:23:25 +0000

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