PARTING SHOT... There are so many questions about the fatal - TopicsExpress


PARTING SHOT... There are so many questions about the fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. But the biggest one remains: What really happened between Brown and Police Officer Darren Wilson? Unfortunately, we may never know the answer to that question. Ferguson police say Brown physically assaulted Wilson and may have tried to take his gun. Witnesses say Brown was running away from the police car and had his hands in the air as several shots were fired at him. Brown, sadly, is not here to tell his side of the story. There’s only one way we could know the truth: If Officer Wilson had been wearing a body camera. These cameras, no bigger than a pager, have become standard gear in more and more police departments. They capture audio and video of every encounter a police officer has while on duty – thereby protecting citizens from police violence, and police officers from false claims of abuse. Police departments nationwide are going to be asking what they can do to prevent tragedies like Ferguson, Missouri. The first thing they should do is equip every police officer – with a body camera. That’s my parting shot for today. I’m Bill Press.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:29:51 +0000

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