PARTITION OF INDIA – A Pure Political Game “A TIME LIKE OUR - TopicsExpress


PARTITION OF INDIA – A Pure Political Game “A TIME LIKE OUR DEMANDS STRONG MIND, GREAT HEART, TRUE FAITH AND READY HANDS ; MEN, WHOM THE LUST OF OFFICE DOES NOT KILL; MEN , WHOM THE SPOILS OF THE OFFICE CAN NOT BUY; MEN, WHO POSSESS OPINION AND WILL ; MEN, WHO HAVE HONOUR ; MEN WHO WILL NOT LIE ; MEN, WHO CAN STAND BEFORE THE TEMOGOGUE AND DEMN HIS TREACHEROUS, FLATTERIES WITHOUT WINKING; TALL MEN, SUN CROWNED, WHO LIVE ABOVE THE FOG IN PUBLIC DUTY AND IN PRIVATE THINKING “. Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with all doors shut? He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground and where the path maker is breaking stones. Put off the Holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil. The distress of Mahatma Gandhi on the wake of partition of Indian continent may still be heard from a distant voice calling to the people to unite and the unity in diversities may provide India’s survival as a nation before partition which depends on a wider vision of unity based on inter-dependence based on the sub continents and secularism and social justice. Let us try to hear again how distressed Mahatma ji was at the turn of events on the wake of partition: “ So far it was my desire to live up to the age of one hundred and twenty five years, but now I have no such desire. The objective before me was not just to attain freedom, but also to remove all the social ills in the society which had pestered during the 200 years of the British Rule. They have practically divested us of our traditions of tolerance and harmony and instead fomented hatred and discord through their communal policies . I had thought that we could change the entire system and the people of this country and would live together as brothers in love, harmony and peace, so that coming generations may be blessed with all of that , which we have been deprived of. Therefore in addition to the freedom of my country , the primary objective of my life was maintenance of cordial relations between Hindus and Muslims since I could not attain my objective , this freedom has become tainted .Today when I see Hindus and Muslims separated with more or less permanent gulf , I feel politically and spiritually defeated . I have no desire to live any longer …….when I cannot remove this mutual hatred and ill will between Hindus and Muslims , and cannot create feeling of love peace and harmony in name of God and religion , you tell whether there is any point in my living any more ? I would prefer death to this kind of life.” Partition of India was purely a political game fought with a mark of religious fundamentalism the speech of Quaid Azam Zinnah on 11-08-1947 who vehemently advocated the two nation theory was enunciated the Government of Pakistan policy has also realised the folly committed in accepting partition on communal lines in these words: “If you change your past and work together in spirit that every one of you , no matter what community he belongs to, no matter what his colour , caste or creed , is first , second and last , a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges and obligation there will be no end to the progress you will make. I cannot emphasise it too much ; we should begin to work in that spirit , and in course of time , all these angularities , of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the Muslim community , because even as regards Muslims, you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias , Sunnis, and so on and among the Hindus you have Brahmins , Vaishnavas, Khatris also Bengalis Madrasi’s and so on , will vanish. You may go to your temples, Mosques or any religion or caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state …….We are starting with the fundamental principle that we all citizens and equal citizens of one State….” The general expectations that by accepting partition of India , communal madness would subside and peace would prevail and both countries would live like good neighbours and friends, were belied immediately on the wake of partition , in human tale of woe and misery followed communal hatred ., madness, barbarism and its free hands both in Pakistan and India according to an estimate about 6 lacs people lost their lives and 14 lacs had lost their homes. The religious fanatism spread over the Indian continent in bitterness and repeated the story of shame and barbarity. Large scale exodus of refugees and their rehabilitation , subsequent three wars fought with severity loosing the life of many patriot living in both the sub continent, river water dispute and still continuing to create fresh problems of terrorism and sabotage with hostility and mutual suspicion in the inhabitants living between the two states, large scale violence , regional problem are the direct out come and the after effect the partition of India Time is a three -fold -present; the present as we experience it, the past as a present memory and future as a present expectations. The expectations cannot be the same as anticipation . A wish a desire or a hope however earnest and a sincere a wish, a desire or a hope may be and one may confidently look to them to be fulfilled the same cannot be an asserted expectation . A pious hope leading to a moral obligation can be infect only if it is founded on the sanction of reason and to fulfil such expectation should be justifiably protected through analysis as rectification to fructify into a right in the conventional sense. Thus a protection of such expectation may be required through overriding public opinion and public interest which can provide substantive justification to germinate the idea of unification of the old “House” of Indian continent by demolition of those walls, consisting of armed forces on whose maintenance 60% of the national income used to be expended and thereby perpetuation of the hatred coupled with community frenzy between the people living in both the subcontinent, has now the need of the time. Let us examine the factors responsible for the partition of India , certain extra-ordinary emotional circumstances in the event of quick succession rushed through a very disparate speed which caught in the whirl wind having a sort of commutative effect on our national life. The operation of the system of working of two political parties that is Indian congress and Muslim league and lack of collective wisdom in the leaders of both the political party had ultimately resulted into the partition of Indian continent . Gandihiji observed after the partition “when the congress leaders had virtually buried him a life , Gandhiji gave the said spirited reply” I cling to the hope that I am not yet buried alive. The hope rests on the belief that massed have not lost faith in my ideals . When it is proved that they have, they will be lost and I can then be said to have been buried alive. But as long as my faith burns bright, as I hope it will even if stands alone , I shall alive in the grave, and what is more , speaking from it. The life is worthless which ignores or disregards moral values. With the demand for local self government the tempo of national movement gain movement gain momentum , thus the government of India act 1909 Known as Morely Minto Act was passed by the parliament of England. Then came the first world war 1914 in which the people of India forgetting all differences , co-operated in anticipation of self government and Home rule after the war . This was done on the basis of pronouncement in parliament on 20th August 1917 regarding assurance as per policy of British government for granting responsible government by providing for the increasing association of Indians cocuy branch of Indian administration and for gradual development of self governing institution with a vision to progressive realisation of responsible government in India as an integral part of British empire and there after quit of India. Act 1919 was passed by the parliament. The governor general issue ordinance which were to have the free of law for six months. The Indian people had expected much more and men co-operation , civil discipline disobedience movements and terrorist activities started . Inspired communal riots insisted the necessity to send statutory commission popularity knew as Simon commission for England in 1927 to study the problems which was boycotted by Indian national congress. The commission submitted its report vehemently condemning diarchy which was discussed at round Table conference led to the government of India Act !935. Sir Stafford Cripps made negations with the acceptance that the elected body of Indians should frame the Indian constitution and for the purpose cabinet mission was send to assist the viceroy in setting up the constitution and to mediate between the congress and Muslim league. The plan was made public on May 16, 1946. India was to remain one state with the central government power to empire to Foreign affairs, communication and defense. The provinces would be grenped geographically into three regions, are predominantly Hindu other Muslim and third nearly equal population of the communities. Both Congress and Muslim League accepted the cabinet mission plan . Government of India Act 1935 has provided separate electorate and communal representation in the central and provincial legislature. To strengthen hands of all India Muslim league that critical stage in 1945 , British Government had decided to hold general election both for central legislative assembly and provincial legislature under the government of India Act 1935. In that high pitch of communal frenzy, the result was foregone conclusion. It has been rightly observed that civilisation beings in order, grows with liberty and ultimately dies in chaos. As such civil liberty are always safe as long as his or her exercise do not bother anyone. No state can justify the existence of administration of justice, if it fails to perform the maintenance of right within a political community by means of physical force of the state. Our present Administration system and judicial institution are nothing to do with the steady spontaneous growth of deteriorated state of our society which is considered for vacillation of purpose and exhibited in those experiments. The conflicts of opinion and rivalry of interest influence them. There is no steady advance towards higher condition of progress. If it require by reason is power of law which is incapable to keep society in awe and as such it is not possible for an individual to live in society. Legal justice can only be represented through collective wisdom which is to be preferred to the wisdom of any individual. Legal justice has failed to serve the purpose of society because it is becoming more complicated and right as well as conservative as a result it gives more importance to form than to substance. Life is a sky look , always it demands, the entire world worship to ascending sun. A successful man is always for bidder of individual success. Ultimately we have to choose between the reason and sentiments. We have to stake our life to win the life for our self. A small movement may best serve as an instrument to serve its own way. The strong is strongest when alone. The impossible is often unified. We should not forget to Tennessee’s charge of light brigade. “There is not to make reply, There is not to reason why, There is but to do and die. ” Life is only an urge to move on this so; it is transcript. “I slept and dreamed Life was beauty I woke and saw Life was duty” Die and you will win heaven; conquer and you enjoy sovereignty of the earth, therefore stand up determined to fight. The man dwelling on senses objects develops attachment from them, and he who lacks determination is devoid of the faith, and is at the same time possessed by doubts who is lost to the spiritual path. For the doubting soul there is neither this world nor the world beyond, nor even happiness. Sensibility leads a man towards abnormality, but in sensibility lead a man towards crime. Certainly you are not a criminal as you can very well digested. Man generally forgets anything effecting superficially to his psychology, but once he has been attached to his ultimately he becomes the burn which is not easy to discharged in ordinary process. Then he adopts, either forgiveness to his weakness or synthesised his best to see his face in mirror, which may perchance leads to happiness. Trafficking in doubtful claims, one of the least attractive phase of litigation in this country, which find no encouragement in such a system, while the right of the creditors are postcode with a jealously not less scrupulous than that which we find in the system with which we are more familiar. The order of lawyers are conservative by instinct and there are not a few who believe not only in the necessity but in the absolute sacredness of every technical rule, however unreasonable, and who see nothing but peril in innovations, however beneficial. The lawyers are always having perplexed with fear of change. He knoweth not the law who knoweth not the reason there of, therefore, it is not advisable to live in cloistered seclusion, detached from the world and all its pursuits. If you are ever tempted to join in the fierce hunt after the vulgar prizes of the world, remember that after all. That accretes and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. “There is a land in the present age, Where the people live in graves Liberty, freedom all unknown, Service and be slaves. The people are living in free past glory of their own as an outright, beggars would had sung, Well once upon a time. I was a king When such of the attitude of the people How can they get the freedom, Least to talk of liberty. Yet a certain day may come When the people will hum In the orchard of freedom Taste the juice of liberty”. (Not hearsay, not gossip, not publicity, but action.) This is an alarming situation which spell out the gravity and further invite peoples co-ordination to formulate public opinion to fight through the policy of non- co-operation which has provided the independence from the British rule by our leader Mahatma Gandhi . “Every day that comes and goes, every mile the river flows, says to me and say to you, much there is to learn and do, for the water and the day, no more will pass this way”.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:22:20 +0000

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