PARTNERSHIP Partnership is a strategic alliance or relationship - TopicsExpress


PARTNERSHIP Partnership is a strategic alliance or relationship between two or more people. Partnership isn’t to be taken lightly. It is a commitment. It is two or more people binding themselves towards a single vision. Much like in marriage, partnership between an individual and a ministry requires work, communication, understanding and God as the foundation. Partnership is a source of unparalleled joy and fruitfulness. Ephe6:8- “Whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same he shall receive of the Lord.” We would not be functioning as God proposed without our ministry partners. Ministry partners are those who have dedicated themselves to giving financially to the ministry on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. Many have been in partnership with the work of God for years, but have lived far below what is available to the simply because they lack knowledge. Anytime you invest your money or labour into God’s work, you don’t only become partners in investment but a partner also in return. When you make a choice to partner with us here at Perfect Love Believers Center (PLBC), we understand that our future becomes joined. We also understand that you are not only partnering with us, but us with you. Our success, pain and joy are experienced together as the work progresses. For every person who is saved, Spirit filled, healed or set free, a portion of that is credited to the partners in direct relation to their investment. That means when the ministry grows, we grow! When the ministry prospers, we prosper! We are co-labourers, co-workers and therefore co-receivers with the ministry. God has a system on which He has established His entire kingdom and that is the law of sowing and reaping. “While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Gen8:22. When we sow into God’s system, we can expect to reap a great harvest! Here at Perfect Love Believers Center (PLBC), WE MAKE OUR PARTNERS A PRIORITY. We are joined together. PLBC MAKING THE DIFFERENCE We have heard people say you have an opportunity to “make A difference”, but here at Perfect Love Believers Center (PLBC), we don’t just “make A difference”, but we “make THE difference”. This is extra special. We have received mails and letters from people all over the world stating; “I got healed when watching Real worship DVD by Pastor Preston”, or “I found Jesus because of your ministry”; it never gets old. When you support us as partners with your prayers, your finances, and your faith, you have the opportunity not only to “make A difference” but “make THE difference” in someone’s life. Our primary focus remains bringing the liberating truth and freedom of relationship with the heavenly father to people across the world. Your support helps us pursue every avenue and medium possible in reaching the end. In addition to the spiritual needs we address, we also support to bring tangible change to peoples’ lives through humanitarian efforts. As our vision grows, so does our impact. And our vision is expanding daily. How Partnership Helps YOU Grow. Like we said earlier, partnership is a two way relationship. That is why when you make the choice to partner with Perfect Love Believers Center, you have access to our resources that are exclusive to the relationship we have with partners. We appreciate all those who partner with us in the work of the gospel. We love you and pray for you on a daily basis. You are our responsibility. We thank God for your prayers and investment into the ministry and we are in agreement with you for a great return on your giving. (Luke6:38) If you are interested in becoming a partner with Perfect Love Believers Center a.k.a. Love Ministries, please call; +2348065153122 +2347060472449 +2347035324155 +2347034402816 Bank Details: Perfect Love Believers Center 0055522704 Access Bank We look forward to joining together in purpose with you.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:32:23 +0000

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