PASSAGE #8 Marzül awoke with his pipe in one hand and the book - TopicsExpress


PASSAGE #8 Marzül awoke with his pipe in one hand and the book in the other, in total darkness. At first he was startled by the feeling of things being in his hands, but then he came to and realized where he was, and calmed down. His flashlight battery had died, but he found his lighter in his pocket, broke off a piece of curtain, a leg from a chair, and made himself a torch. His flashlight battery had died, while he was sleeping, and the lights of the city had turned off. Marzül figured that the city lights were probably on a set timer to simulate day light. It felt like time for him to leave anyways, and he was getting anxious to get out of Australia without getting caught. Before leaving he turned off all the switches and made sure there was no trace of him being there. When he came back out onto Park St. it was late at night the next day, since he had crawled down into the sewage system the night before. Marzül had brought the “History of Anarchism” book with him, and his plan was to smuggle it out of Australia, before the Rothschilds could get their hands on it. The rest of the night he smuggled himself and the book back over the checkpoints leading to the port. Each checkpoint was surrounded by patrolling drones programmed to shoot at anything living that moved. But the drones had a red light on them which made them easily detectable at night. So Marzül waited an hour at each checkpoint to make sure he had the drone patrolling patterns down. On the last checkpoint he was almost caught by a drone coming near him, but jumped into a canal which was headed towards the ocean just in time. The book was in a plastic trash bag with all of his belongings and luckily it had enough air in it to keep the bag floating on top of the water, he had also closed the bag with three knots just to be sure. Back in the harbour Marzül found the same boat he had come in on, it was still in the harbour, but on the other side. In order to get there and not to be seen, he made his way swimming towards the boat hiding his head behind the plastic bag, as to not be seen by anyone. There was a lot of trash in the water in and around the harbour, and big ships inside the harbour to hide him, so his camouflage worked splendidly. He climbed up one of the ropes which were holding the ship to the port, and stealthily made his way around the ship. There was no sign of any crew, or any passengers, so Marzül decided to go up to see if he might hijack the ship. He turned on the motor of the ship, and saw that it had a full tank. Marzül darted back down the ship where he got off the boat and undocked it. Three of the ship’s crew yelled at him from a distance, where they were making their way back towards the ship to be there to welcome the passengers when they would arrive. They started to run towards the ship yelling for help. Marzül ran back up the ship and made the boat engines move in reverse. It was a very fast boat, and when he slammed the boat into full reverse it gave such a jolt that he almost flew over the steering wheel and out the front window of the ship. His nose broke from the amazing blow against the thick window almost losing consciousness, blood running down his nose, and pain settling in. Then he turned the boat around and set the boat at full speed towards the South American coastline. Luckily the boat had been energized before his arrival and was on full energy. Marzül at the time did not know it, but the boat was so fast that within an hour he had taken away all chances for the border patrol to catch him. He calculated that the boat would last 3 days at full speed, and that it was equipped with a special solar roof that could keep the boat going for months, but at 1/3rd the speed. Now fully equipped with a modern ship of the highest caliber, Marzül changed direction and started to head towards North America. He knew that North America had been hit the worst by WW3 along with Asia, but he had heard rumors that Northern Canada and Alaska had not been affected as much. Marzül knew that the empire would come looking for him, nobody steals a very expensive ship from the rich of Australia and gets away with it. So he knew he had to go somewhere where nobody would find him. After night had fallen, Marzül was exhausted, he had been up all day looking over his shoulder to see if they were following him. He put the boat on auto pilot, headed down below to make an inventory and see if there was anything he could use, or that would be useful. The boat was quite big and luxurious, Marzül had spent all of his time down in the hold of the ship, so he had not been able to appreciate it. Marzül had a certain disregard for luxury anyway, he could live better than any king with his pipe, good food and a comfortable soft place to sleep. Didn’t matter if it was covered in expensive leather or cheap cloth, it was all the same to him. ((( Marzül - A Tale Of Piracy ))) ((( Anarchadia ))) ((( Anarchadia New Zealand ))) ((( Women For Anarchadia ))) ((( Анархида ))) ((( We Are Change Milwaukee ))) ((( Anarchadia france ))) ((( Anarchadia Portugal ))) ((( Anarchadia Brazil ))) ((( Anarchadia Netherlands )))) ((( Rag Press )))
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 00:39:50 +0000

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