PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME IS SERVING SATAN IN THE NAME OF GOD. READ ON!!! The Bible says in Ephesians: 5:11:13: And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, “”but rather expose them.”” For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. ““But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.”” This is how I got to know Pastor Chris; a sister called Blessing has invited me to Christ Embassy church near where I live. I attended the Sunday service. She later asked me to follow Pastor Chris on Twitter for prayer. I started following and praying with him on line June 7th 2010, and even inviting others to follow him for prayers. Afterwards, Pastor Chris started sending me videos of the week, which I assume he sent to all on his email list, where brethren will ask him questions, and he will answer them from the Bible. I got to know him in a personal level. I started writing to him, and asking him questions about the scriptures. He knows very well what I am talking about. On the 29th of May 2013, I received this message from Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: • Conversation started 29 May • 29/05/2013 07:42 Chris Oyakhilome Live SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT>>>>>>>>> CHRIST EMBASSY wish to inform the general public that the new anointing water that heals and delivers, the Christ Embassy Wrist Band, the Stickers, the T-Shirt, the Calender, CD’s & DVDs Of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Books are all FREE products which are given away based on the purpose of order by all family and friends of Christ Embassy, to the glory of God Almighty. If you want all these items to send to you, kindly send us your details below to this email: christembassytvdelivery@gmail to enable the courier company to deliver it to you. Your Full Name......... Your Home Address...... Occupation...... Age......... Country............... City.................. Phone Number......... This information is for those people that are really serious to make a change in their lives. Those people that desire MIRACLE AND DELIVERANCE, FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH. The Lords miracle awaits you as you order for the New Anointing Water and Sticker. GOD BLESS YOU. STAY BLESSED AND STAY TUNED TO LOVEWORLD TV. First and foremost, I did NOT ask him for anything, and he knows it well. He has been a very good friend of mine. I am so disappointed in him. If for instance, I wanted to send a gift to a friend of mine who lives in Toronto Canada, the only thing I will require from him/ her will be his/her full name and address; NOT her occupation, or her date of birth. Suppose you receive this anointing water, how will you be using it for financial breakthrough? Ask Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, he knows. I was so shocked and deceived to have thought that Chris Oyakhilome was a servant of the Lord God. After I have received this message from Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, I started warning brethren on Twitter, face book, yahoo and Hi5 not to accept or receive any anointing water from anyone. I withheld his name. “””Immediately after warning brethren not to accept any anointing water from anyone, Chris Oyakhilome has started attacking me using evil powers, and has also deactivated that account. “”” How you asked: I was asleep one night; Chris Oyakhilome banged some evil thing on my head which was meant to make me forget everything about him sending the email offering me anointing water for financial breakthrough. If I was not both feet in Christ Jesus, I would have gone totally mad, I mean naked on the streets. You may not understand what I am saying, but Chris Oyakhilome knows what I am talking about. Chris Oyakhilome is serving Satan in God’s name, while deceiving many of God’s precious children. (See: 2Corinthians:11:14:15, Matthew: 7: 21:23) The evil powers that he used on me was meant to kill me, but because Jesus Christ who is in me is Greater than the evil things he used on me. (1John:4:4, Numbers: 23:23, Isaiah: 54:17; Isaiah: 59:19) Praise the Lord God of Hosts! I cried to the Lord God of Hosts saying: God how long will you let him do this to me? I have fasted and prayed for Chris Oyakhilome, asking the Lord to deliver him from himself. The Lord gave me a message for him, which I told him about. The next day, Chris Oyakhilome has attacked me again with his evil powers; after I have told him the message that God gave me concerning him. According to his evil things he used on me, I was supposed to be dead, but I am still alive. Praise the Lord God of Hosts. Alleluia! I informed one friend who was following Pastor Chris about it, and also a Pastor that I asked to pray for me. I cried to the Lord saying God: You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, And cannot look on wickedness. Habakkuk: 1:13 You have 7 eyes my Father, my God (Revelation: 5:6, Zechariah: 4:10); can’t you see what Chris Oyakhilome is doing to me? What kind of a father will let another man abuse and rape his little girl while he watches? I shed so much tears while praying, I said God the Bible says: you are the righteous judge; (Psalm: 7:11); You do not take bribes (Deuteronomy: 10:17); Why would you let Chris Oyakhilome abuse me this way. Am I precious in your sight God? Jesus Christ, did you even die for me? I cried uncontrollably. I received this message on the 15th of January 2014 from the brother that I told about Chris Oyakhilome’s evil powers, Brother Ebenezer Ozue at 09:58 am saying: Hello Sister Joelle. A Happy New Year to you. At the cross-over night with Pastor Chris, 31st December, he said he has no account with Face book and some social media. He denied sending mails for money and advised everyone to keep off from scammers. If youre still receiving funny mails bearing Pastor Chris name, it’s never from him. Happy New Year once more. Your write-ups are still expedient for growth. We are members one of another. Why it is that Chris Oyakhilome will use his Face book account throughout the year, then on the 31st of December 2013 deny having a face book account? Brothers and sisters wise up, who has been sending you these prayer points? Prayer at 12 noon and 10 pm (Local /GMT) - Mon Jan 27: Prayer at 12noon and 10pm (Local /GMT) - Mon Nov 11: Prayer at 12 noon and 10 pm (Local /GMT) - Wed Jan 29: Take a look at this message which was sent by Chris Oyakhilome on the 9th of August 2013, giving you even his location: near Baltimore, MD, United States. How can it not be Chris Oyakhilome? If you were using someone’s name and picture, will you indicate your location? NO! Theres a hedge of protection over your life. Dont destroy it. Learn more in todays Rhapsody or visit: 19th of October: he said: Thank you for 600,000 likes. How can he say that he does not have a face book account? Are you all not deceived by this Satanist? Who else has been making these declarations, if not Pastor Chris himself? November is the month of Ingathering. : May is the Month of Advancing. The Month of February is Your Month of Progress. : December is the month of Special Grace. 2014 — The Year of Greatness. If it was not him who sent me the email on face book, why then did he use evil powers on me? If someone is using Pastor Chris’s name and picture on face book, why can’t Pastor Chris prosecute the person, or find out who he is, as he did 2 or 3 years ago when someone called Sana Wanda was using his name and picture on Twitter? According to him, I should have been dead because of the evil things he used on me, but by God’s love, grace and mercy I am alive to preach His word and to win 10 Zillion of souls into His Kingdom. Praise the Lord. Why did Chris Oyakhilome deny having a face book account? The account he used throughout the year 2013, and still using in 2014? I know you will come out with all kinds of things such as: Judge not and Touch not My anointed, and do My prophets no harm….. Who told you Chris Oyakhilome is God’s anointed? I am not asking, or begging you to believe this message, but fast and pray, then ask the LORD GOD OF HOSTS to reveal to you who Chris Oyakhilome really is. (Deuteronomy: 29: 29, Psalm: 25:14, Jeremiah: 33:3) Remember this: Potiphars wife was the one with Josephs clothes in her hands, but no one believed Joseph. Genesis: 39:7:20. Many did not believe in Jesus Christ when He was alive, but on the Cross after His death, there was darkness in the whole world, finally those who didnt believe in Him said: He was really the Son of Man. See Mark: 15:39. Also Prophet Elijah was alone against 450 Baal’s prophets. 1 Kings: 18:22. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, answer these questions: 1. Why have you denied having a face book account? 2. Why are you serving Satan in the name of the Lord God of Israel in order to deceive many of God’s Children? 3. Why are you disturbing my life, by using evil powers on me? 4. Who in this world is disturbing, or using evil powers on your wife and daughters? 5. What do you achieve by constantly troubling my life? I am ready to be taken to court if you wish. I have the email you sent to me. The Lord wants you to repent of your evil deeds, and to forsake them. He has no pleasure in the death of a sinner. (Ezekiel: 33:11, 2 Peter: 3:9) I am calling Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and all Satanists to come to God in repentance by praying this prayer with meaning in your heart: Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I thank you because you love me. Jesus Christ, I believe in my heart that you are the son of God and that you died for me, so that my sins can be forgiven. And I believe that you were raised from the dead, so that I may be justified. Right now, I ask you to come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour. I confess you now as my Lord. Thank you because I am NOW born again and a brand new person and that I will one day be with you in heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen! If you prayed with meaning in your heart congratulations, you are NOW a child of God, and your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life. (John: 1:12:13, Luke: 10:20, Revelation: 20:15) Do the following: Take all the evil things you have at home, and burn them; if you do not do so you will have yourself to blame in the lake of fire. Words of Jesus Christ: If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. I would like to ask every TRUE servant of the Lord God of Hosts to pray for me. The Bible says: “”Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans: 8:37”” “”The Greater One lives in us.”” 1John:4:4. “””For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, And her salvation as a lamp that burns. Isaiah: 62:1.””” God richly bless you all. TO BE CONTINUED!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:27:20 +0000

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