PASTOR .SWEN KUMAR.P RAPAKA – 534 320 (VIA) PENUGONDA W.G.DT. (A.P) S. INDIA. E-Mail : [email protected] Dear Brethren Dog Oyvind Juliussen in Christ, Warmest Greetings to all of you in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. After much prayer and waiting upon the Lord, I write this letter to enquire about your ministry and also to introduce our ministry and ourselves. I have recently heard about you and your wonderful ministry to your people. Since we are independent and not affiliated to any church or denomination, we wish to work in association with you God willing. I am an evangelist pioneering among unreached Hindus. As you know India has 1200 millions people and more than 84% are Hindus. There are only 3% Christians. Though there are 33 millions gods being worshipped by Hindus. People life in terrible poverty. Sickness and suffering, more than half of Indian people live below break line. More than 1, 00,000 children die every month due to starvation. Only 5% of India’s 240 million children go to school. In the midst of such a distressing and frustrating situation, we take the Gospel to these hurting and suffering masses. People are more positive to the Gospel than before. They are able to distinguish between mand-made religion and God’s way of salvation. But the Gospel work goes slow due to castism and regionality, recial prejudice, etc. Indian people are divided in 3000 castes and innumerable number of sub castes. There are as many as 1640 different dialects and languages. Also seven major religions exercise good hold on people. We are not at all intimidated by any of these issues. We just press for ward with preaching the Gospel. Surely the Holy Spirit convicts and converts their hearts. So far our Lord has enable us to reach many hundreds of Hindus. We established 15 churches in untrodden territories. No Missionary has ever gone there. They are growing in the Lord. We need your prayers and participation. We are interested to know more about you and your ministry. You are most welcome to visit us in India and see what God is doing in our midst. Also please feel free to ask us any question to enquire about our ministry or us. We will be highly delighted to furnish any information. May the Lord richly bless you and prosper you all for His Nam’s sake. Kindly pray for us our ministry and us. We are awaiting your good Christian Co-operation and Blessings in the Name of ever flowing gracious loving Lord. With prayers and God’s best yours in His Service, PASTOR .SWEN KUMAR.P
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:09:02 +0000

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