PASTORs MONEY or CHURCH MONEY explained!!!!!!!!!!!!! May I - TopicsExpress


PASTORs MONEY or CHURCH MONEY explained!!!!!!!!!!!!! May I advice one to take a deep breath before reading this insert, because of health reasons. This article will equip men and women of God based on the issues of church and the linking financial position of a pastor. 1) A CHURCH should imperatively have a CHURCH-ACCOUNT. A church account is not in the bible yes, but the word storehouse was the appropriate reflection of the churchs account. There should be a difference between the pastors personal finance and the churchs financials. When Churches get bigger, they may have multiple accounts in order to properly execute the financial duties. 2) A PASTOR HAS A RIGHT TO BE PAID BY THE CHURCH! Before we go there, the bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10), however, I have also observed that the lack of money can also serve as the root too. According to 1Tim3:3-5, ministers (deacons) are advised not to be the lovers of money. Therefore, we can address the fact that being a pastor is a Devine CALLING from God, IT IS NOT A CAREER. So, just like Paul and the 12 apostles, they had careers or businesses. From Doctors (physicians), Tax Practitioners, Fish businesses etc. Equivalent to our times; Ap Paul had a degree in law, maybe an MBA, he owned a business which was specializing in tent-making and probably more expertise surrounding that market, like architecture or town planning . He was an international traveller. Churches are not equal in the financial abilities, therefore: a Pastor, through the financial officer or a churchs accountant should be given a portion appropriate with the churchs FINANCIAL CAPACITY. If the church makes R 2 000 000 per month, a churchs chartered accountant, financial committee , trustees or the board of financial directors can determine the salary appropriate for the man of God. Remember, he cannot be expected to use his own salary to pay for the church bills, thats cruelty and abuse, neither should he sweep all. If the church only manages to collect only R 1 400 per month, the financial officer will still set aside the APPROPRIATE percentage customized to fit that specific church. A pastor should therefore delegate the people with financial expertise to help in the financial handling of the church money, lest he be tempted. The church has lots of expenses, he is not the only expense... There is Water rates, electricity, rent, building maintenance, plumbing expense, building security, and more. Food for visitors, coffee in winter, cleaners, music directors, sound engineers, media producers, pastors salary, admin peoples salaries, book-shop cashier and more. All these can be expenses of the church. Including church investment. If the pastor keeps everything, from offerings and tithes, it may be unhealthy for the church. Also, remember he uses petrol, airtime and and many other things to do his work, and a church should not expect him to dig from his familys savings account, neither am I saying he should call his old varsity friend in Europe with the resources of the church. If the church building was bought by the church, it belongs and is a property of the church, not an individual. If the church building was bought by the man of God, it remains the property of the man of God, and if he wants to sell it he may do so. when he passes on, his property will be inherited by his wife. Let me re-iterate this, HIS PROPERTY. Church members and tithes are not his inherent property, keep in mind. They belong to the church, and the church belongs to Christ. THE CHURCHs FINANCIAL OFFICER or TEAM must have some level of confidentiality and to some extent, a level of transparency, but these can be advised according to the specific nature and financial culture the church has adopted. It is not a must that the church buys the pastor a car, but if the church can afford, why not? If he travels on behalf of the church, the church should pay his travel expenses, if he travels on a personal capacity, he should not use the churchs funds to fund his vacation with his new wife, unless it is a free offering from the church, transparently. If he writes a book and it becomes a best seller or otherwise, the turnover is his, ALONE, so are the royalties, unless if he co-authored with another. He still needs to pay the tithe though. If he is invited to minister in Australia, he is invited, NOT the church; therefore, if they offer him something there, it is his, ALONE. Also, this means that the flight ticket must be paid by HIM, from the personal finance account, because he is attending on a personal capacity. If a church is willing to help, it should, for the goodness of the gospel. If someone offered a car to the church, that car is the property of the church; it will be directed by the board members as to what to do with it. If the car is offered to the pastor, it is his car. Amen. If he used his own petrol to attend to the needs of the church, the church may want or need to refund him, unless if he offered. You must not muzzle the ox like that ( 1Cor9:14) A church should not be expected to build you a double story house, to buy you LV suits, to take your 8 children to varsity in London, to and to by you a Geep or Merc- AMG (2014 model) , unless the church volunteers to help you voluntarily, considering that it can afford. A PASTOR SHOULD TITHE TOO, (Neh 10:38 ; Num 18:26). From the income he gets from his company, the income from his place of employment and the income from his church, plus an income he gets from his publisheds books royalties AND HIS INVITES. He should be a good example who leads by example in these things. He is not exempt, fortunately. He MUST tithe AT the church he attends. Some say I tithe to my mentor, to my father TB Joshua- or to my cat, all these are unfounded in scripture. A church must KEEP expense records and income records in order to to develop a good and sound annual financial planning STRUCTURE and attitude. A church should not be an unfair employer to the pastor, and the pastor should not be an unfair employee.,We are told that in The ancient church, there was a list or widows which were legitimate for widows offering ( 1Tim 5:3- beyond). This is indicative of record keeping by the church. They would obviously check how much food is in the storehouse and how much food is required per day as well as how much good can they afford to give out. A church is not responsible for your wives Brazilian hair, neither is it responsible for your membership at Virgin Active. Paul was entitled to be given food by the church and to be sheltered by the church, but he did not exercise that right. Paul collected money from Masedonia, Galatia, Antioch and even in Achaia, BUT not for his own personal use in this case; but to deliver to the church in Jerusalem, remember that the church in Jerusalem was one of the first to suffer persecution which caused lots of needs in the church (1Cor 16:4 ; Gal 2:10). I advice ministers to have careers, to have a stream of income or two than just a churchs income. If possible ignore your church income and offer back into the ministry if you can. If the ministry is fit enough to afford you, then, there is no reason for you to keep your daily job, or is there. If the ministry demands you full time and at can support you, then, choose wisely. Also, when Paul was in Jail or in need of food supplies , the church helped him, even though we know that Paul never at any moment wanted to become a burden to the church (1Cor16) So, the church should not abuse the pastor, and the pastor should not abuse the church. Amen. Patrick Mndebele [Christian Answers (S.A)] Pastors should be paid (1Cor9:14) Supported himself (v12) Accepted offerings when he was in need (2Cor11:8) Elders (1Tim 5:17) Widows (acts6:1) 1Tim5 explains Priests (Levites) should tithe (Neh10:38) (Num18:26)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:05:56 +0000

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