PATH TO UNFAITHFULNESS By Dean Fugett A casual examination of the - TopicsExpress


PATH TO UNFAITHFULNESS By Dean Fugett A casual examination of the rolls of most congregations will reveal a large number of the "unfaithful," those folks who seldom if ever attend the worship services, and never participate in any other activity of the church of the Lord. These people are a continual concern to the conscientious preacher and a heartbreak to the faithful elder. Most efforts to enlist them back into the service of their Captain fail. It is evident that preventive effort will be much more beneficial than treatment after the fact; but how did these people arrive at this condition What are the steps toward unfaithfulness that others may be warned? An examination of the history of those who have departed will indicate a uniform pattern of behavior that is characteristic of most of those who have turned back, no longer to walk with the Lord. No one seems to take the giant step from the faithful relationship to unfaithfulness in one bound. A gradual departure seems to be the pattern. The following is a list of those elements observed in many we have seen leave the Lord’s service in past years. It is hoped that this list will assist the sincere follower of Christ to evaluate his own life for the danger signs of creeping unfaithfulness. (1) Creeping Absenteeism: At first, seemingly irreconcilable conflicts arose that "prevented" one from attending some services. Then, it seems that one is almost looking for the barrier to attendance. This absenteeism deprives one of the association with strong mature Christians and keeps one from the food of God’s Word that can provide strength for temptations. Soon one is able to absent himself without any prodding of the conscience. If you are one of the absentees, see if you do not observe this pattern in your own life. If you are one who is beginning this pattern, please be aware of where it will eventually lead you. (2) Critical Observations: When one finds himself continually being critical of the actions of others in the worship services – song leaders, preachers, elders, singing, those serving, actions of members around him – he can be assured that it will not be long until he can find a "reason" to absent himself from those associations with imperfect people. When one begins to evaluate his own worship experience by the behavior of other participants, his own worship experience is beginning to lack some vital elements. (3) Hyper-Sensitive: Whenever we begin to feel that every comment of the brother or sister is "against" us, we are headed toward a reason for not continuing our fellowship with them. After all, we do not have to take that kind of treatment! So we have found justifications for departure. Another symptom is this creeping malady is the individual who finds occasion to complain because he was not "served." That is, no one called; he was expecting and no one responded. Admittedly, there is cause for concern whenever anyone’s needs are not adequately met in the congregation, but that is not justification for quitting the Lord. (4) Entertainment-Oriented: Some folk become members of the church during an emotional high and now they are disenchanted because the high is not maintained. They are continually complaining because someone is not "doing something" to entertain them. Surely, someone should be appointed to keep these folks interested. It won’t be long until they begin to eye those churches and congregations that do major in entertainment rather than Christianity. We must remember that worship is God directed, not man-centered. From your own experience you may add to this list. Be sure to examine your own life to see if you are beginning to show any signs of being afflicted by the creeping disease that will slowly but surely consume your soul. No one intends to fall away. No one plans to be lost, but just as surely as we begin to slip away or drift from those things which we have heard, just that sure is the outcome – unfaithfulness. Once we have severed the tie, once we have taken the dreaded step, it is harder to return to the first love. The best action is to guard against ever getting into that condition in the first place. Guard against the listed steps that will lead you to unfaithfulness.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 04:19:39 +0000

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