PATIENCE AND TIME . Time runs on patience. . Without - TopicsExpress


PATIENCE AND TIME . Time runs on patience. . Without patience there is no time. . When you hear someone say, ‘I have no time,’ it means either he has no patience or what is controlling him has no patience for him. . I learnt time runs on patience when I understood better what the Lord meant in Genesis 8:22; which says, “While the earth remains (endures), seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). . There is time for everything under the sun means there is something and someone enduring everything under the sun. . Now ask yourself this: ‘I have time in seconds, days, months and years; but on who’s patience does my time runs? . It is good you know this, to every time there is patience at cost on someone and something else. Apart from the truth that the Lord is patient with everyman on earth, which is why every man therein still has time to live here; understand also that your time means the patience of another human on earth. Someone else is enduring patiently because it is your time. The cost of a man’s delay is because another man is somewhere wasting time or using his time for selfish interests only. . Even some of the souls under the alter of God in heaven, who were killed as martyrs of Jesus Christ the Son the God, where made to exercise patience so that other Christian here on earth could still have time to attain to their calling. So the cost of the time we Christians have here on earth runs on the patience of those in heaven. (Revelation 6:9-11) . Now we are waiting for the coming of the Lord, while the Lord is also waiting for us. One see it as the Lord’s delay, while the Other see it as the Lord’s patience. The patience of God is the salvation of men, which is why the second coming of Jesus is being delayed (2 Peter 3:9-15). . There is no treasure like time on earth, and yet time is one of the most wasted of all the treasures on earth. . The reason time is the most precious treasure on earth is because salvation, eternal life and grace of God are all subject to time; and because time is the only thing that can change eternity. There is nothing else that changes eternity apart from God and time. No amount of gold, cars, houses, properties, education, knowledge, powers etc. can change eternity. . Eternity does not respect any of those things, neither will eternity pause for a while because of money or valuables. Eternity only paused for time, because eternity respects time and time is the only chance to change how eternity looks like. To restructure eternity, use time. . Thus, eternity is also having patience for time to run. . Amazing that the greater ones have patience for the lesser ones to have time. 1. God is greater than all, and His patience gives all time 2. Eternity is greater than time, but is paused for time. 3. The earth is greater than the seasons therein, but the earth endures all seasons. . The day time is over is the day patience comes to an end. . Now let me differentiate between ‘Patience’ and ‘Endurance.’ . Patience and endurance are the same under time, but they are not the same under eternity. Patience and endurance separate from each other when it comes to eternity. The reason is because patience cannot wait forever, but endurance can endure forever. In truth, eternity is about endurance forever, even for everlasting to everlasting without end. But patience on the other hand has an end in view. . Let me show an example of patience having time and end in view: It is written, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Habakkuk 2:3) . From this verse of scripture, the attributes of patience include: Wait, appointed time, vision, end, tarry, surely come and not tarry. Without these attributes, it is no more patience but . No man is patient to endure eternity; rather patience is to endure time. What you cannot endure in time, how can you endure worse things in eternity? No one endures second death, yet second death endures forever. Men shall suffer second death, but not endure it. Endurance and sufferings are separated in second death. It is the suffering that endures forever, not men that endures the suffering.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:14:44 +0000

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