PATIENCE WITH LOVED ONES PROGRESSION IS OF CHRIST Sometimes in our desire to help friends, family and associates, we think that by pushing them forward we are helping. We want them to be where we think they “ought” to be, not where they are. More times than not they come away with feelings of being unloved and invalidated. I am reminded of an incident that happened many years ago. A young lady came to me and told me that she was dating a man who was not a member of our faith. She expressed reservation but was determined to marry him because she loved him. He, on his part had been studying the gospel and had made the determination to be baptized. I cautioned her that if she was going to marry him that she would need to be patient with him in his new-found faith and priesthood responsibilities. She nodded her head in agreement. After they had been married for less than a year I received a phone call from her one day in which she lamented that she was frustrated with her husband because he was not taking the lead in their home. I reminded her of our previous conversation and she determined to be more patient and let her husband progress at his pace, not hers. Now years later this man is faithfully supporting his family of five children, exercising his priesthood in a very responsible manner and is both a credit to the community, the church, and his family. This young woman learned a valuable lesson in loving and supporting her husband through his progression. She found that the heavenly virtue of patience is often required of the followers of the Savior. (Hebrews 6:12) He above all others showed patience to all those who came to him for relief and comfort. Remember, our time line of progression for others might not always match theirs or that of the Lord. thedisciplemd/patience-with-loved-ones-progression-is-of-christ/
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 15:29:58 +0000

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