PATIENT CARE MINISTRY An Associate Ministry with New Life - TopicsExpress


PATIENT CARE MINISTRY An Associate Ministry with New Life Fellowship of Churches New Life Christian Fellowship, Poipet, Cambodia by Donnie Sargeant INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAVING LIVES! Dear Friends & Family ANOTHER NEW LIFE FELLOWSHIP PASTOR IS KILLED IN MOTORBIKE ACCIDENT. As I been working on this letter to send out I was informed this morning that another NLF pastor has been killed in a motorbike accident. Not clear on details but Pastor Koy Kype (not sure spelling) was killed early morning on the 16 of July. His wife was with him in the accident and has many injuries but not so life threatening I believe. Her one knee she was undergoing surgery on when I went to visit so have not met her yet. The Pastor just got married 6 months ago he was likely around my age. Please pray for Pastor Koy’s wife’s healing and the family and congregation that will have to deal with this loss. PCM will be helping as much as we can. Below is what I wrote before. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES THAT WILL SAVE LIVES! With the Patient Care Ministry we fight to save lives and this is not easy task at times. I really do not like talking about finances but I really want people to know where we are at with the challenges we are facing. This year so far we have taken on 3 cases of patients with Cancer. We also have some ongoing patients that came to us for help again. I mention just a few cases we are dealing with but there are much more then what is mentioned. To tell you the truth this is beyond me and the ministry financial capacity so it has to be God and His people together that are helping win these peoples battles for life. We are doing it but have a distance to go still. PATIENT FOCUS MEAS SOKHA: Had breast cancer and had got so far in her treatment then ran out of funds to complete the treatment. PCM was able to raise funds to complete her treatment and she is now completed her radiotherapy and seems to be doing quite well. Her remaining treatment cost over $360 but praise God, a person covered that bill. Every time I meet her she tells me how thankful she is and I tell her thank the Lord for a donor and helping us help her. KHEAV CHENDA: also started her chemotherapy for cervical cancer and ran out of funds to finish the course so came to one of our staff for help. She is a young lady in her 30s and has a husband and 3 children. Her family is quite poor. We were able to get promised funds of around $1000 dollars so were able to help some of the cost of the Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy is around $400 a time and she will being doing her third and last session and then will need a month of Radiotherapy which costs $12 a time and needs 30 sessions. So her cancer treatment is not all covered. The end cost will reach over $1620 that is with required blood tests and mapping for radiotherapy. She has took some loans out to pay for the 1st chemotherapy session therefore has some expensive debts already and may have to borrow more money for the last of her treatments. Please pray that she will be able to pay off her debts and totally heal from her cancer. VI SAKHEOUN: She is 53 and has Cervical Cancer also and we have paid out over $100 already to get tests done so we can find out how to treat it and if it is treatable. If it is treatable her case may cost over $1500 to $2000 likely and at present we do not have funds to commit to her treatment so please pray that they will come in. Leap Long: He is an ongoing patient of ours because when I see Leap Long I see a sincere desire to have a better life but has such a positive attitude I just can’t give up on him. He went through another time his disease flared up and he was hospitalized. He suffered severe infection to his right leg and was unable to walk again. At one point they thought the leg may have to be amputated but the hospital was able treat the infection and it healed. In all Leap Long’s suffering the medical staff as my witness he has kept a positive attitude, never complained and greets everyone with a smile. Leap Long has had a bills in the hundreds of dollars. Though we cover his bills we do need to pray that money will come in so we dont face shortages as we try to help other patients. HEALTHCARE ASSISTANTS (HCA): Another part of PCM is trying to maintain training of our Healthcare Assistants (HCA). We are trying to do 4 healthcare seminars a year. We have 2 of them sponsored already (1 finished) but 2 others have not been sponsored. We are trying to have local medical people conduct them. One seminar costs around $700 which includes food & travel for the HCAs plus training materials. I believe the Health care Assistants are valuable assets and as they train will be able to help save lives in their communities while improving the health in their communities. Sypho: She is staff for PCM and has had trouble with her nose several years now and has not been able to eat anything cold and has been getting headaches at times. She found a place that could do surgery for her problem so was able to remove a growth in her nose that was believed to be the problem. Her surgery was quite expensive but PCM is covering the cost. We pray she will be able to do some of the things she couldn’t do in the past. We do need to have a steady flow of money come in for the ministry so please pray for that. Other expenses that are not mentioned include staff wages, travel, utilities and supplies. All the things mentioned above are investment opportunities I believe into saving lives here in Cambodia. So please invest some prayers and if God should lead financially any amount God places on your heart to give. I try not to worry about how much a person gives because God works the math out and God will make gifts small and big come together to meet the need I believe. PERSONAL NOTE: I have been taking time off from going to the office and working more at home. I wanted to take the month off but it just didn’t happen. I felt the need to go to the office and deal with different situations but for the most part I have cut back the time I spend there. Our home is a busy home right now with a baby and 2 toddlers. We also at the moment have our sister-in-law staying with us who has been experiencing fainting spells and weakness. Pray for her! It also been a struggle getting myself to write and keep communications going but I am trying to do so. I feel pressures from all areas in my life including a patient’s medical needs, family, ministry needs. I feel I also need some prayers. Thanks to all for your encouragement. I really appreciate any feedback from any letters or e-mails I send out no matter how small the message is. Thanks to those who do that. Thanks again for all those who encourage us and the ministry. God bless, Donnie P.S. If led to donate please contact me and I will direct you can donate according to where you are from.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:35:19 +0000

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