PATRIOTIC Front presidential candidate Edgar Lungu - TopicsExpress


PATRIOTIC Front presidential candidate Edgar Lungu yesterday left the country for Kigali, Rwanda on an international tour to source for campaign funds. And foreign affairs minister Harry Kalaba and Muchinga Province minister Col Gerry Chanda have rubbished a medical report circulating on social media, indicating that Lungu was diagnosed with End Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD). Government sources have disclosed that Lungu left Kenneth Kaunda International Airport at around 02:00 hours yesterday with former president Rupiah Banda. “President Banda came with a private jet from South Africa and was at the airport to pick Honourable Lungu at night, around 02:00 hours. According to the flight plan, the aircraft was destined for Kigali [Rwanda]. We have learnt that from Kigali, they will go to Nigeria, where they will meet some business people who can help the [PF] party with some campaign money,” sources said. The sources said Lungu needed Banda to help him with financial contacts in the West African country. “If you recall, Lungu’s team tried to ask for RB’s helicopter to boost his campaign with transport, but at that time RB had not officially supported Lungu’s candidature, so it was difficult for him. But now he is in,” the sources said. Asked if Lungu was being taken to meet Nigeria’s former president General Olusegun Obasanjo, the sources said: “There is that talk surrounding the trip, but we have no detailed information of the people he will meet in Nigeria or in Rwanda. But what we know is that he is expected back in the country before the end of tomorrow (today) because he did not ask for permission from acting President Dr Guy Scott to travel out of the country,” said the sources. And acting President Guy Scott refused to comment on Lungu’s trip. Dr Scott, who is on a working holiday with wife Dr Charlotte, declined to say if he was aware of Lungu’s trip or if he had sanctioned it. Meanwhile, Kalaba and Col Chanda rubbished reports that Lungu was sick. According to a medical report, signed by a Dr Gupta, Lungu, folio number 176/9/103-56 was diagnosed with renal disease as patient number 103-56 at a named private hospital in Lusaka. “Following your recent visit to our medical centre, we would like to guide you that our medical opinion has been substantiated by our specialist urological consultants and it has been established [that] you will need to undergo the 1st phase of kidney transplant at a medical institution to be advised by our messers in India for specialist treatment,” read the circulating medical report in part. “However, it should be noted that our medical team has considered all possible options and we have concluded beyond reasonable medical consultation that you commence Peritoneal Dialysis in order to stabilise the diagnosed ESRD.” “Medical sources said Lungu was not keen to commit to the dialysis programme because he did not have enough time before the January 20, 2015 presidential election. But Col Chanda said Lungu was fit and that the Northern Province campaign tour was disrupted because the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) needed to clarify things with the candidate. “What is wrong with these Zambians? Edgar is very fit. Yes, we broke camp not because he was sick but because ECZ wanted to clarify certain issues with our candidate. That is the only reason we broke camp,” said Col Chanda. Kalaba also rubbished the report and instead issued a statement detailing Lungu’s campaign programme. “PF president Edgar Lungu will tomorrow fly to Northern Province for his continued scheduled campaign programme. We wish to confirm that all logistical arrangements have since been concluded. This is because Hon Lungu has insisted that no public facilities or public resources will be used in this campaign. He has insisted that the party should raise its own resources and make all arrangements for his travels and campaign,” Kalaba stated. “The PF president will fly to Mbala on Monday 29th December 2014, and will land at Samora Machel International Airport at 09:00 hours. He is expected to go by helicopter to Kaputa and Nsama districts to hold his public meetings. On Tuesday 30th December 2014, he is expected to address Mbala residents at Lucheche Grounds at 11:00 hours.” He said Lungu would also take time off his campaign programme to visit president Michael Sata’s village in Mpika. “We, therefore, call upon our members to keep their spirits high and ensure that the turnout is massive at the rallies,” said Kalaba. Efforts to get a comment from Lungu proved futile as his mobile phone went unasnwered. However, Lungu told Radio Phoenix that he was not sick. “When I am sick, I will tell you that I am sick... what we need is peace. When we have peace, we will enjoy the bonus of speaking freely. We will allow people to make speculations... ngati wadya nsima wakuta, you start imagining things that this one is dead, this one is sick,” Lungu told the radio station. Banda’s principal private secretary Mikatazo Wakumelo said reports that Banda had traveled were not true. “That information is not correct. What I know is that the former president left Lusaka for South Africa on Christmas Eve to be with his children. He told me that he was going to spend New Year’s Day with his wife and children. He is in South Africa, so that information [about his travel with Lungu] is not to my knowledge. It is not true,” said Wakumelo.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:46:24 +0000

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