PATRIOTS...CALL OF DUTY...NON-STOP NON-VIOLENT PROTESTS... CITIZENS OF T&T, we must proceed on a course of Civil Disobedience (NON-STOP NON-VIOLENT PROTESTS) to prevent this undemocratic Constitution Amendment Bill from being passed in the Upper House especially since it it quite clear that the Peoples Partnership party introduced the Addendum to the Constitution and proposed Runoff elections, to distribute third party votes and legally manipulate the results in their favor. Too late too late shall be the cry if citizens sit back and do nothing and wait until after the disappointing fait accompli in the Upper House on Tuesday, August 26th. Why wait until then to stand up against this unconstitutional, undemocratic Bill? Why not let the government know NOW before its too late that the people mean business! Let your VOICES be heard NOW! Citizens you must rise up and show the PM and her Cabinet ministers that you are on to them. Let them know that you are aware of their deceptive plans to remain in office. People you must also pay attention to the fact that with the implementation of runoff elections process, the government can easily distort these statistics: runoff voters percentages and allocations, and under the amended Constitution the President has no authority to swear in a new Prime Minister. This means that the incumbent PM and her PP cabinet could stay in government indefinitely. Also with regards to term limits for the office of the PM, this was created so that even if a PM is doing an excellent job running the country and is in good health and capable of being re-elected for a third term, he/she would not be given that opportunity. With regards to Reformation and Recall of a minister who is not working or may be involved in corruption, two-thirds of all electorates in his constituency must sign a petition to have that ministers appointment revoked. Although this is not impossible to achieve, it may be very difficult to get two-thirds of the electorate to sign. In this case the PM is trying to make the citizens believe that that they have the power to remove that minister who is performing poorly when in essence what she is doing is making it tough for the public to recall or have that minister terminated. The people must make this necessary sacrifice to let this government know that they answer to the people. They took an oath to serve the people and the country. Their performance so far has been unsatisfactory and very disappointing. PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar and her PP government ministers have lost their mandate because of their inability to govern and failure to make the right decisions in the best interest of the people. Patriots of Trinidad and Tobago, the struggle continues. This sham about Constitution Reform and Runoff Elections is a ploy to infringe upon or violate your right to vote and to manipulate election results in their favor and to their advantage. My people it is time to Get Up and Stand Up for Your Rights. Your birthright, democracy, freedom and country are at stake here. You must not allow the Government (29 people in Cabinet) to take this away. Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, there is STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Let us ALL unite and make this sacrifice to organize and conduct NON-STOP NON-VIOLENT PROTESTS... because in the end it will all be worth it knowing that you stood up to be counted and fought for the future of your country. We can organize and help each other with food supplies, water, communication, etc. Where there is a WILL, there is always a way. Together WE can make this work. We must think of and look to our ancestors, who toiled and built this land whether as slaves or indentured servants. With admiration and respect, let them be our role models, our heroes in todays struggles as we fight for democracy, freedom, justice and equality to rescue and restore this land that we love, our nation, Trinidad and Tobago. Think of the men like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi aka Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Biko, Stokely Carmichael, aka Kwame Ture, Malcolm X, Dr. Eric Williams, Patrick Manning, Angela Davis, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh who all stood up and fought for what they believed in, brought about change, made a difference, and created significant influence on generations of lives all over this world. Nothing Worth Having Was Ever Achieved Without Effort ~ Theodore Roosevelt - 26th US president. https://youtube/watch?v=Tg97JiBn1kE Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:12:05 +0000

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