PATRIOTS: CALLING PEOPLE RACIST IS TARGETED LEFTIST PROPAGANDA STARTED BY LEON TROTSKY OF THE SOVIET UNION ! DO NOT FALL FOR IT!! HERE IS MORE INFORMATION ON RACES IN THE WORLD. List of Human Races of the World.. so how does one become a RACIST NOW ?? The evolution of different human races is as old as the evolution of humanity as theorized by Charles Darwin. According to recent researches in the field of anthropology regarding the origin of mankind, it has been suggested that the human race may be older than originally thought. The following four races are the chief distinct classifications of humans based upon genetics and anthropology. However, we can see many subraces as a result of matrimonial and reproductive interaction between people belonging to different races. The four primary races are as follows:- Caucasoid Fast Fact: The word Caucasian comes from Kavkas, who is believed, according to ancient legends, to be the forefather of the Vainakh-speaking people (the Chechens, Ingush and Georgian Kist people), all of whom trace their ethnic origins to the Caucasus mountains, mainly along the North and South Caucasus regions. In essence, it means that either Kavkas could have come from Caucasus or vice versa. The exact place of origin of the Caucasians is a matter of debate among anthropologists but most seem to agree with the aforementioned theory. The Caucasoids are further classified into various sub races such as Aryans (including some Indo-European populations), Semitic (Arabs, Hebrew speaking people), Hamitic (Berber-Cushitic-Egyptian native races), Nordic, Mediterranean, Dinaric, Alpine, Arabid, East Baltic, Turanid, Iranid and Armenoid. These sub races are primarily based upon geographic location and language. The Caucasian race and all its sub races are characterized by light skin color ranging from white to dark wheatish, straightish to wavy hair with color ranging from flaxen to brownish to dark ebony, prominent eyes, pronounced and well-shaped nose and sharp features, medium built and average to stocky musculature. Owing to the very cold conditions of the place of its origin, the Caucasian race has light and sparse skin pigmentation and, as a result, they are not very well suited to living in very hot equatorial climates and are ill-suited to remain exposed to strong sunlight for long. Negroid Fast Fact: Thomas Huxley, the prominent Darwinian biologist, believed that Aborigines, Papuans, Negritos and Melanesians should be categorized under the Australoid race, although a lot of his predecessors and contemporaries were unanimous about inclusion of these subraces under the Negroid race. The Negro race is subdivided into sub races such as Aborigines, Melanesians, Negritos, Papuans, Dravidians, etc. People belonging to the Negroid race are physically characterized by dark skin due to dense pigmentation, coarse black and wooly hair, wide noses and foreheads, broad, often thick lips, large built and broad skeletal structure. The Negro race people are known for their stamina and ability to survive in very adverse environmental conditions, especially extreme heat. The dense pigmentation of their skin equips them to face the intense heat and strong sun of the equatorial belt of the earth, which is where this race is believed to have originated. Even today, the maximum number of Negroid race people can be found in the equatorial regions such as Africa, Southern India, etc. Negroid subraces also include the following:- The Nilotic peoples The Bantu race The Sudanic race The Pygmy peoples The Khoisan peoples Mongoloid Fast Fact: Due to the vast and diverse geographical distribution of the Mongolian race, the term Mongoloid seems more appropriate than Asian, as an umbrella term to refer to people belonging to this race. The Mongoloid race include all those people who are classified under the sub races East Asian, North Asian and Native American. Mongoloids are characterized by yellowish or light Wheaties skin, extremely straight and black hair, very less hair growth upon their bodies, small, almond-shaped eyes, slight built and very lean musculature. The facial features are usually small but clear. The regions of the world that are regarded as the homelands of Mongoloid race people are the far Orients, Northeastern India, certain American countries where Native American people can still be found, etc. The Mongoloid race can be classified into the following two broad subraces:- Neo-Mongoloids which include ethic groups like Eskimos, Buryats, Chinese and Chukchis. These groups have physical features that are extremely Mongoloid in appearance and are typically found in Mongoloid populations that have adapted to living in extremely low temperatures and cold climatic conditions Paleo-Mongoloids which include ethnic groups such as Polynesians, Filipinos, Burmese, certain Native American peoples, Jōmons, etc. The physical features of these ethnic and genetic groups are less Mongoloid in appearance and such features are usually found in Mongolian populations whose lifestyles are adapted for living in warm to temperate climatic conditions over several generations. Australoid Fast Fact: According to the Out of Africa Theory, Proto-Australoids (believed to be ancestors of the Australoid races) are thought to have migrated from the African continent and moved along the Southeast Asian coast towards the Australian landmass As discussed before, the Aborigines, Melanesians, Papuans and Negritos come under the Australoid race. In short, the original native races local to the Australian subcontinent come under this category. Most anthropologists debate the distinctiveness of this race as they believe that sub races like Aborigines, Negritos, etc. are, genetically and physiologically, very close to the Negroid race. This belief conforms to the Out of Africa theory. This could be the reason behind the racial similarities between the Australian aborigines and the native inhabitants of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean. Hence, many anthropologists and genetic biologists believe that these should be categorized as sub races of the Negroid race. Therefore, it is believed that the Australoid race is a classification of humanity which is based upon geographical location and regional culture rather than genetic and biological traits. Tracing the Origins As mentioned in the beginning of this article, it is really not possible to accurately determine all the infinitely distant subraces of a particular major race. This is, especially, the case in modern times, when inter-racial interactions, and resultant diversity in the permutations and combinations of interbreeding, has made it really difficult to trace a mixed-race persons genetic heritage to any one of the four major races. Also, as far as theories go - whether they are about racial evolution, mass migration of entire populations or origins of a racially similar peoples nativity - they can get refuted any time another one, with contradictory evidence, shows up. The most prominent example of such a perpetual scientific debate is the theory of Aryan invasion of India, which claimed that the Dravidians were the original natives of the Indian landmass. The invading Aryans took over the Northern regions and pushed them towards the South, where they have settled since. Recently, a number of historians, anthropologists and geneticists have come up with a theory that says otherwise. Both schools of thought back their claims with comprehensive analytical pointers as well as thorough interpretation of conclusive evidence. Owing to these factors, only the broadest classification of the four major human races have been discussed in this article. SO CALLING PEOPLE RACIST IS TARGETED PROPAGANDA ! DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:01:50 +0000

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