PATRIOTS: Isnt it WONDERFUL that Jeb Bush is running for President - TopicsExpress


PATRIOTS: Isnt it WONDERFUL that Jeb Bush is running for President on the platforms of AMNESTY and COMMON CORE? Isnt that special? Isnt that special that Jeb Bush wants to have the IRS STEAL your wages, salaries and property, WITHOUT A LAW ALLOWING THEM TO DO SO, and transfer them to ILLEGAL ALIENS in the form of EBT Food Share Cards, free public schooling, Taxpayer subsidized low income housing, free entitlements of Socialistic Security and Medi-SCARE (which is ALREADY $117,000,000,000,000.00 in UNFUNDED liabilities), free Socialized RomneyCare also known as ObamaCare, free Obama Phones, free Federal benefits of all sorts and Welfare? Isnt it special that Jeb Bush wants to use the IRS to steal your wages, salaries and property, WITHOUT any law allowing them to do so --> according to the SCOTUS Income Taxes DO NOT APPLY TO AMERICANS, to use for Common Core, so that your children can be inculcated into the ways of THE STATE and (1984) BIG BROTHER? Isnt it special that nearly every single REPUBLICAN in office wants to pass AMNESTY despite the SMOKE and MIRRORS they are blowing at us. They just funded a bill for $1,100,000,000,000.00 much of it for AMNESTY and RomneyCare/ObamaCare. Most of this will go into THE PUBLIC DEBT. I hope you all know who they are going to send in the IRS to make them pay for all of the public debt. The public debt is already OVER $18,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION). Do you suppose they are going to send in the IRS to force people, at gunpoint, to pay for all of that? Somebody has to pay for that. Isnt it special that EVERY SINGLE Dollar of debt and unfunded liabilities are USURPED powers and Constitutionally UNLAWFUL spending done by our elected Republican and Democrat criminally contemptuous enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws? These laws are supreme laws of the land which We The People ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (PREAMBLE of The Constitution) meaning to secure our wages, our salaries, our property, our individual Rights, our States Rights, our economy, our small businesses, our jobs and our felicity FROM THEM and their IRS. IF any of those specials bothers you, and you can fog a mirror, YOU need to see these videos about INCOME TAXES NOT APPLYING TO YOU and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, TODAY! 1.) Cracking the Code: 2.) Why does the IRS keep telling everybody that Income Tax is VOLUNTARY? 3.) America: FREEDOM to FASCISM: 4.) Director of IRS (2013) ADMITS Income Taxes are VOLUNTARY: (What more proof do you want?) 5.) IRS, Special Agent, Criminal Division, EXPOSES IRS FRAUD ! ! ! on The American People !: INCOME TAXES, ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, DO NOT APPLY TO the vast MAJORITY OF AMERICANS. The REPUBLICANS and the Democrats are using your STOLEN extorted wages, salaries and property AGAINST YOU, AGAINST YOUR FAMILY and AGAINST Our Ninth and TENTH Amendment SUPREME LAWS of THE CONSTITUTION and against all of US ! STOP LETTING YOUR EMPLOYER WITHHOLD/STEAL YOUR WAGES because you are killing all of us, The Constitution, yourself and your children... IT IS AGAINST THE LAW, ACCORDING TO THE SUPREME COURT ! ! ! SHARE WITH EVERYBODY ---> use COPY and PASTE to forward the WHOLE ARTICLE, please... And, JOIN US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 - Capt. Karl #IncomeTaxes #CrackingTheCode #IRS #Taxation #Taxes #VoluntaryTaxes #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #JebBush #Bush #Romney #GOP #Republican #Democrat #Elections #Vote #AMNESTY #ObamaCare
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:42:33 +0000

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