PATTERNS DESCRIBE BEHAVIORS. BEHAVIORS DESCRIBE PEOPLE. STAGED EVENTS ALWAYS HAVE A FEW COMMON FACTORS: 1. THE REALLY BIG MEDIA PUSH 2. AN EMOTIONAL HOOK 3. A PLEA FOR DONATIONS 4. ATTACHMENT TO A LEGAL AGENDA THAT IS UNPOPULAR AND UNWANTED AND OFTEN UNCONSTITUTIONAL 5. THEY ARE DISTRACTIONS FROM BIGGER, REAL THREATS AT HAND 6. SOCIAL MEDIA BOTS SELL THEM HARD 7. THEY ARE MEANT TO CONTAIN THE DIALOGUE IN A GOOD COP/BAD COP BOX THAT DOES NOT ALLOW FOR OTHER ALTERNATIVES 8. THERE ARE BOOKS, MOVIES, AND OTHER INJECTS INTO REAL LIFE THAT SET MARKERS AND SWING PARADIGMS. 9. THERE IS OFTEN A HUGE AMOUNT OF INSURANCE FRAUD IN THESE THINGS. I was not paying any attention to the girl threatening to off herself until it got all the media. That is always a red flag. Until BO-CARE we had an anti-suicide society but now there is a huge ORCHESTRATED PUSH to get folks to off themselves under the moniker of death with dignity which is merely another facet of the AGENDA 21 programming ongoing from all angles here in the US. HERE IS THE AGENDA: DEPOPULATION. IT IS NATIONWIDE. https://google/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=compassion%20%26%20choices%20by%20state A QUICK IP LOOKUP LED ME TO WILLIAM GORDON IN BERKELEY. ip-adress/whois/ Administrative Contact William Gordon Compassion and Choices 2417 SACRAMENTO ST Berkeley, Ca 94702 (510) 559-0452 peoplebyname/phone_results.php... 2417 SACRAMENTO STREET https://google/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant... WHEN I SAW THE DONATIONS PAGE SETUP, I KNEW IT FIT THE PATTERN OF AN AGENDA: THEY ALWAYS ASK FOR MONEY. ALWAYS. WITHOUT QUESTION. LOOKY LOOKY AT WHAT I FOUND LOL SAME NAME AS THE GUY THAT OWNS THE DONATIONS SITE FOR BRITTANY WILLIAM GORDON, AGE 43 Has lived in Berkeley, CA Oakland, CA Richmond, CA Inglewood, CA ****Norfolk, VA intelius/.../Berkeley-CA/William-Gordon.html HAS WORKED AT Alutiiq Security & Technology intelius/.../Berkeley-CA/William-Gordon.html https://alutiiq/ !!!!! https://alutiiq/capabilities/lead-seed/ https://alutiiq/.../tra.../social-services-training/ !!!!!! https://alutiiq/capabilities/remote-facilities/ !!!! https://alutiiq/capabilities/security/ !!!! https://alutiiq/cap.../security/protective-services/ !!!!!! https://alutiiq/contact/ (THAT LEAD AND SEED THING IS PROPAGANDA PROGRAMMING AT ITS FINEST BTW. THEY DONT WANT YOU; JUST YOUR GRANDCHILDREN.) AND THEN .... BINGO!!! Homeland Security Operations Support: Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC) Incident Management Division (IMD) Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) Oversight for the integration, coordination and execution of Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) Events of National Significance, national level homeland security exercises, and National Special Security Events (NSSEs) Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) Secure training facilities in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area designed to support mission continuity and incident management exercises Experience in planning and executing CBRN/E response exercises Alutiiq Training Alliance: The companies provide full lifecycle training expertise to federal, state, local and private sector clients in the areas of: Homeland security Continuity of operations Crisis management Law enforcement Counterterrorism Antiterrorism/force protection Threat and vulnerability assessments Intelligence community support Protective operations https://alutiiq/capab.../security/homeland-security/ i am callin the whole thing fake from the get-go. FOTO CREDIT 1: FOTO CREDIT 2: intelius/Find-Phone-Address/Berkeley-CA/William-Gordon.html FOTO CREDIT 3: https://alutiiq/capabilities/security/homeland-security/ I HAD ORIGINALLY POSTED THIS: BEFORE I FOUND WHAT I DID: Denisa Len 2 hrs · i still have a lot to do before i can hit the hay, but before i go, i want to point something out: that the news feed here on fb and radio and telebishion and digital print are really pushing the story of a girl that was sick and took her own life. what is so special about this girl? think about the agenda in play. it is another example of the media, at the behest of its handlers, boxing the unsuspecting public into the its OK to kill yourself to make it easier on others corner that is part and parcel included in BO CARE. death with dignity was built into BO CARE and it is built into the numbers, as well. i know folks that are already receiving literature about making the decision to die in their medical plans. BO CARE does not want you healthy and well. they dont want the baby boomers, the middle-agers, even Generation X: they want the youngest Americans they can get ie the grade schoolers and middle schoolers, plus a lot of foreigners -- so that the fundamental transformation of our country can be completed. they dont want anybody around that can remember when. BO CARE does not cover extended medical care for the elderly, the extremely infirm, the badly diseased: no single payer plan does. those folks are sacrificed at the alter of Marxism and in the name of multiculturalism. so while you are reading these stories, read it with your intellect, and not your emotion: ask yourself what is it they are selling? it is OK to kill yourself to make it easier on others. NO, IT IS NOT. God brought you into this world and it is He that will take you out.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 07:29:28 +0000

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