PAWS ON BOARD FRIDAY!!!!! This is yet another first for Nowzad - - TopicsExpress


PAWS ON BOARD FRIDAY!!!!! This is yet another first for Nowzad - rescue in the Ukraine! Please take time to read the fascinating story of Trini and help if you can. Trinis rescuer says: Since our arrival in Ukraine it was apparent animal welfare was not a priority. Pets were lest around the Army training area in hopes the soldiers would feed them. Sadly this isnt always the case and the animals are forced to look after themselves. This usually isnt an issue as survival instinct kicks in and they roam doing their daily dog/cat stuff! During the first week a little puppy no more than 4 months old started grabbing everyones attention. She was a little mongrel so full of energy, bouncing around the training area and putting smiles on the troops faces. She sat outside the cookhouse for scraps or sneaky sausages that we could bring out. Afterwards she would play with the other dogs and curl up next to them at night. It was sad knowing that when the Exercise finished the camp would be empty and they wouldnt be getting the left over rations. Towards the second week of the Exercise, the temperature had dropped nearly 20 degrees and was very cold. The little puppy was limping and always by herself; not with the pack. On closer inspection we saw she had broken her rear right leg and the bone was through the skin causing a nasty wound. The other dogs could sense the injury and didnt want to be around her. Various medics on the camp were able to bandage her up a couple of times but we couldnt do any more as we had limited supplies due to it being only a two week exercise. One evening we saw her curled up in a ball near the accommodation whimpering; a colleague was able to change her bandage and took about 20 ticks off her which had made her their home due to her inactivity. The next day she seemed happy enough; the broken leg was obviously still causing her pain, however when she sat outside the cookhouse she was now chased off by the pack. A few days passed and we kept seeing her around, playing by herself. The fact that she proved to be such a little fighter and still enjoying herself despite injury made me want to do something. She was the star of the Exercise and everyone was talking about how adorable she was; I didnt want to leave knowing she wouldnt make it through the cold winter. My room mate told me about a book she called from Afghanistan with love; the story of a soldier bringing a dog home he befriended on tour. I found Nowzad and sent an email explaining the plight of the little puppy. Within 20 minutes I had a reply from Louise who said she would look for animal welfare organisations within Ukraine. The next day I was exchanging emails with people in the US with the goal of getting the puppy out and receiving medical attention. I couldnt believe how fast things were happening or that they were happening at all; we were booked on a flight 2 days later so I was skeptical that anything could be achieved in such a short time. Later that evening I was told that someone would be picking little Trini up at 1500hrs the following day, less than 48 hours since I made the enquiry. I couldnt believe someone in the US would get a little dog picked up from someone theyve never met from a Ukrainian training area which happens to be the largest in Europe at 40,000 sq km. Its hard enough getting a vehicle from MT to drive an hour up the road or meeting someone at a specified location in Aldershot garrison if they havent been there before, especially if theres a language barrier! We needed a name so we called the puppy Trini; shortened version of Trenirovka which means training in Ukranian. It seemed fitting as there was a strong possibility she might lose her leg so we wanted something with tri in it! Sure enough little Trini was picked up on time by the beautiful Ksenya who had driven 150km and was going to drive 550km to Kiev where Trini could receive treatment. I couldnt believe the kindness and trust of people Ive never met and who had such a love for animals that they would go so much out of their way, I am truly amazed. Little Trini went on an 8.5 hour road trip and arrived in Kiev in the early hours the following morning and received immediate medical attention. She was diagnosed with having Anaplasmodis; a blood disease spread by ticks. She has received treatment for that and the vet will evaluate her leg after X-rays. Had we not rescued Trini, she would not have survived another week. Without treatment the blood disease was fatal and she would have been in a lot of pain. I am ever so grateful to Nowzad, Louise, Aleksandra, Darya and Ksenya who made this happen and to the wonderful vet in Kiev who is discounting treatment. These people are out of this world and so incredibly kind. It just proves that even if something seems impossible or ridiculous; there is always a solution if you put some effort in. You can help finish this awesome story by donating to help bring Trini home! - -just put Trini in the special instructions! Thanks so much
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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