PAY ATTENTION!!! For months now I have been stressing holiness, - TopicsExpress


PAY ATTENTION!!! For months now I have been stressing holiness, but I have not been doing so without a purpose. Father wants to reveal Himself to the Body of Christ, and He will do so, but He is not going to show Himself as anything but a disciplinarian and judge to those who are disobedient and deceived, but to you who take your walk seriously, this is a time of intimate fellowship, where He will reveal to you great understanding. In this hour the obedient will understand questions they have had about Father and the Bible that have evaded them since they have begun the walk, this is an hour where the obedient will be marked by their understanding, holy lifestyles, and power! The limp wristed, Mickey Mouse anointing many of your leaders have is garbage, they are weak, and cannot even obey Father, they cannot even live without choosing to sin, CHOOSING TO SIN, when you know who you are in Christ sin doesn’t master you , you master sin! So why do your leaders keep excusing inexcusable behavior? They are weak, petty, worldly, religious, BUT without power. When will you have enough of the show? When will you demand the signs of an apostle to follow those who call themselves apostles!? Now, dont get me wrong even apostles are not seeing every sick person they pray for healed, but dont get it twisted, there is a place of maturity in which a believer can grow in where all the sick can be healed, thats scripture, period! It is written: [Jhn 14:12 KJV] 12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Doing the works Christ means doing what He did with consistency in which He did it. Eat the meat the Anna Mae! Some will say, well, brother, Tony, He was talking to His disciples, that dont apply to us. And that sounds logical, BUT It is written: [Mat 28:20 KJV] 20 Teaching them to observe ALL THINGS whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen. It is written: [Jhn 17:20 KJV] 20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; Who believes on Messiah through the words of the apostles? Us!!!! All rules apply to us that applied to the church in Acts, same power baby, stop believing lies, tighten up; we got work to do!!! Some will say, well, brother Tony, the time of miracles has past, prophecies has past ect..., havent you read I Corinthians 13:8? It is written: [1Co 13:8 KJV] 8 Charity never faileth: but whether [there be] prophecies, they shall fail; whether [there be] tongues, they shall cease; whether [there be] knowledge, it shall vanish away. And then I ask them, have you not read I Corinthians 14? It is written: [1Co 14:24-25, 29, 31 KJV] 24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or [one] unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on [his] face he will worship God (Yah), and report that God (Yah) is in you of a truth. ... 29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. ... 31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. My point is this, if prophecy was done away with in I Cor. 13, why did Paul explain how to operate in a gift that no longer exists in the very next chapter. Besides, knowledge, is also in that list of things that “shall cease,” but we learn every day, so since we learn every day, knowledge has not passed away, neither has prophecy or tongues, but the church today misuses tongues, that another lesson for another day, but if you want an explanation I have one written already, I will repost. Chew it up, spit it out, throw it away, or eat it and digest it, what you do with it is your business, speaking it is mine. When have you seen your last documented miracle, apostle? And I dont want to hear about the one that happened in someone elses tent in 1979! Demonstrate! Put up, or shut up! Change your lifestyle or change your title! Am I not of the tribe of Judah! Do not the Jews require a sign? Who sent you Moses, reveal His nature: show us a sign. Show us a sign Apostle! And there is nothing wrong with asking your leaders to show you power. The Messiah, rebuked the Jews for asking Him for a sign, because He already had shown them so many and many of them still did not believe, that’s why He said a perverse generation requires a sign, asking a sign within itself is not evil. What is evil is when you ask for a sign, and He gives you one and you still don’t receive Him or those He sends. The clearest sign of a true Believer is a holy life style according to scripture. To you who say you are prophets or prophetess, open Daniel, and the prophets of old, open up Revelation, and reveal the mystery of that which is written, if you are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, then speak the mysterious so that we may understand, but if you dont understand biblical prophecy, then how can you call yourself a prophet? I have never seen so many prophets who do not understand biblical prophecy in my life. Would I be wrong in calling you a soothsayer, since you are so negligent and lack understanding of the precepts of prophecy and the prophetic books themselves? Challenge me! Put me to the test, you ain’t talking bout nothing! I understand, many mysterious and will soon know all; will not He tell His friends what He is doing? Will not He reveal to the prophets what is next? I know Him, and He has revealed to me the truth, that’s why I Know and speak with confidence that many of your leaders are liars! I can prove it, in fact they have already proven it through their idolatrous practices, but since you are waiting on every revelation to be passed down through your leader and you don’t follow, THE LEADER, but follow blind guides, then you both will fall in a ditch! Eat the meat Anna Mae! Boy, it ain’t nothing better than knowing who you are in Christ! Open the book prophet, reveal the Christ, open the Revelation, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, and make it harmonize with all else written in the Bible. You can’t do it, can you…lol. And, yall still following that mess? It is on you, when they fall into that ditch and you find yourself with them, it’s on you! You have been warned! Tell the prophets to open the Book, and reveal the mystery…lol. Come on prophet, teach us! I’m still seeing miracles and healings, but I don’t talk about these much, because I desire perfection, so that you will not accuse me for my lack of power, but then I realized why should I restrain myself, although I have not been perfected in power as of yet, I am greater than your Bishops whom you worship…lol Lets get it, show me, cause I have shown you, and He will show greater works then these, and I will make His babies warriors, and His warriors kings, yes, and the your kings shall be as god before Pharaoh and the leaders of the world system, you who are false so love. Yes, Our arm will be strong, not for profit, nor for hire, but we charge you to PAY ATTENTION! They only sell you dreams and play off of your insecurities, concerning your identity in Christ, and your need to have something tangible to prove who you are. They know you dont understand your identity in Christ, so they prophecy a house, or a car, and you go buy a house or a car, you dress nice, and look good so you can feel anointed, but you still aint got no power, matter of a fact, some of you are so unclean that to Father you look and smell like a Im just telling the truth, dont get mad, some of you and your leaders are nothing more then well dressed pigs. A pig in a Mercedes, a driving pig like the one in the Geico Thats right, I am insulting you, because you are insolent, and are byword an insult in the ears of Father. I dont care about you getting mad false teacher, I want you to get mad, I want you to speak evil against me, so my Father will bring the flood, the fire, the wind, the sword, and many plagues to your house, until you repent or die! You have shut up the door to the kingdom to long, you will not deny the children their portion, I will fight, and my brothers and sisters with me and will utterly destroy you prophets of Baal! Now say something I don’t like! Everybody aint fake, but MOST ARE! Ask Noah, the whole world perished, except He and seven others, ask Moses, a whole generation had to die out before they went into the promised land. Scriptures says when He returns will faith be found on earth? But I have warned you about many of your leaders, because many of those who lead, are not truly lead by the Spirit, and thats just the harsh reality, likewise, these so called leaders will be one of the biggest obstacles of genuine Believers who are in their congregations coming into full awareness of who they are in Christ. Father will tell you His secret, reveal to you the mystery, because you have sought Him with your whole heart, but because you didnt listen and leave these slutty behind congregations, when he tells you the secret or reveals to you the mystery concerning the Gospel and His nature. You will share the revelation with someone YOU THINK is spiritual and they will talk you out of truth, because the revelation of His Nature and your Nature in Him has not taken firm root in you as of yet, and yes, they, some of your beloved leaders whom you have idolized will talk you out of truth and make you weak, when Father wanted you strong as tempered steel, so be it! Until next time, line upon line, precept upon precept! Obey all you know, and more will be given!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:57:38 +0000

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