PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS!! The U.S. Congress officially - TopicsExpress


PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS!! The U.S. Congress officially passed the Noahide Laws in legislation, passed by both houses, Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush Sr., indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress. This Public Law was designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day. See the government copy here: Guillotines, by the thousands are being stored in Georgia, Nebraska and several other parts of the United States to behead Americans under these 7 noahide New World Order laws. Bill #1274 of the Georgia House of Representatives - 1995/1996 Sessions HB 1274 - guillotine provisions Code Sections - 17-10-38/ 17-10-44 has set the use of guillotines for beheadings into law in America. Search this bill on the official government website here: The 7 noahide laws allow for the zionist Jews to kill Christians. These zionists are not real jews, Revelations 2:9 states I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.... Revelations 3:9 states ...them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;. The Edomites were in Israel when the Jews were in Israel. King Herod which was not a Jew, was an Edomite. They dwelled amongst the JEWS, ate with the JEWS adopted their practices, culture etc. The Edomites who resided in Israel, later proclaimed themselves to be the house of ISRAEL, and are now recognized as Israel today by the majority of the world. Read about the noahide laws here: The infamous Rothschild family who own all the worlds centralized banks which control our money are the zionists. The Rothschild family crest star is the jewish zionist stars origin. All TV networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry, and most large independant news are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven zionist individuals: 1. Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner 2. Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company 3 .Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd 4. Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios 5. Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc 6. Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric 7. Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited. Thus everything you learn from TV is controlled by the zionists. Adolf Hitler was even one of these zionists thus he killed off any real jew. Our government has created a completely false history concerning WWII and Hitler. Newly declassified FBI files confirm Hitler did not kill himself and that they have been lying to us about this fact as confirmed on the official FBI homepage here: Official history is merely a veil to hide the truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and again we see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 100% wrong. Take the Rothschilds, the bloodline formerly known, among other names, as the Bauers, one of the most notorious black occult bloodlines of Middle Ages Germany. It became known as Rothschild (red-shield or rotes-schild in German) in the 18th century when a financial dynasty was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild working in league with the Illuminati House of Hesse and others. They took their name from the red shield or hexagram/Star of David on the front of their house in Frankfurt. The Star of David or Seal of Solomon is an ancient esoteric symbol and only became associated with Jewish people after the Rothschilds adopted it for themselves. It has absolutely no connection to David or Solomon, as Jewish historical sources confirm.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:30:47 +0000

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