PC and Relativism – a Double Whammy Most of my friends agree - TopicsExpress


PC and Relativism – a Double Whammy Most of my friends agree we’re in crazy times. “Everything is upside-down!” “What are they thinking?!” “Our country is going to hell in a hand basket!” And other comments. Isaiah’s words may sum it best: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” – Isaiah 5:20 Several things are going on that affect our culture and people’s words and behavior. I always thought that political correctness (PC) with its supporting axis, academia/media/government, is responsible for most of what’s wrong in society today. It does carry a big share of the blame. A public person is attacked by some PC claim, and the person immediately caves. Recently, Smith College president stated “all lives matter.” For some reason, students took exception. The president immediately apologized. Recently at a store, I complained that the music – rows and rows of CDs – had tabs mostly in alphabetic order, but the CDs were all over the place. Customer service called the manager over that area. He said the music vendor handled that. He made no offer to improve the situation, but just passed the buck. He felt no accountability. And, he seemed none too pleased that I confronted him with a problem. This episode and other experiences got me thinking. I believe the problem even above PC is that today’s generation doesn’t accept, and fears, accountability and confrontation. Basically, the absence of accountability and confrontation is relativism where anything goes – positions held by another person or group are accepted as right and true. There is no black and white. Everything’s gray. Everything’s a compromise. Doesn’t matter if the position is harmful, not normally acceptable behavior, not a standard of society, not Biblical, or whatever. We all know our government left our people behind at the embassy in Benghazi. People testify before Congress – no accountability. A House committee investigates and holds hearings – no accountability. Secretary of State asks “what does it matter,” and no one holds her accountable. We’ve all seen it. Someone tells a lie. Someone does something unethical. Someone claims a special privilege for no justifiable reason. Elected and appointed officials lie, or violate their oath of office, or violate the Constitution. Nobody seriously calls them out. They’re rarely held accountable. This generation doesn’t want to confront wrongs. Confronting civilly is just being assertive, not aggressive. Assertiveness is a good thing, a healthy thing. And, this generation doesn’t want to hold people and groups accountable for their positions, behavior and beliefs. The diabolical and destructive duo – PC and relativism – came straight out of the bowels of the abyss and are deceiving many. PC denies truth. Relativism denies principle. Until our country holds people and groups accountable and calls out offenders, we will continue our slide into a completely post-Christian, post-Constitution nation with a corrupt, tyrannical government. If you and I don’t speak up, everything will stay the same. And, today, the same is pretty sorry.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:50:25 +0000

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