PDP-BJP : THE WIN WIN COALITION Posted on 24 Dec 2014 by Kashmir - TopicsExpress


PDP-BJP : THE WIN WIN COALITION Posted on 24 Dec 2014 by Kashmir Scenario PDP-BJP : THE WIN WIN COALITION MALIK SAJID Alas !Jammu and Kashmir, a fractured mandate and the ‘killing’uncertainty prevails. The State which witnessed record voter turnout in 30 years, defying the separatists, the militants violence in the Valley, is yet to recover from the ‘Kashmir Floods’, isin dire need of the much needed development. To say in the common parlance Roti, Kapda, Makanand I will add Bijli(otherwise the mobiles and whatsappof youths will not work) Paniand Jobs also, are the need of the hour. And naturally these needs can be fulfilled only by a strong and stable government. Now, that a coalition government is a reality, which is the best coalition in the interest of the people, the State and the Nation ? Well, as would be apparent the election results show the Valley backing the PDP, while Jammu region has thrown its lot behind the BJP. Both are the main parts of the State and any dispensation which comes in power needs to fullfill the aspirations of both regions. In that sense PDP+Cong + Independents or PDP + NC+ Independents or similar combination of the BJP with NC does not fullfill the aspirations fully apart from the inherent instability attached to these formulas. However, a PDP+ BJP combination has lot of pros. First, the inherent stability factor. Second getting people rid of the inefficient governance of NC- Cong combine. Third the support of a stable central government augurs well for development of the State especially with PM Modi who has flagged development as his top most agenda.Fourthly , being in the government with the PDP gives the BJP a chance to make further inroads in the Valley where by at least fielding 33 candidates and getting 3 % of the vote share it has madea decent beginning. The Valleyites had shown tremendous ( a little guarded though) enthusiasm for it and it stands to gain much more support by 2020 if the government was to run well.It would also make it a truly Pan-Indianparty, as such a muslim candidate winning on its ticket from Kalakote is a good beginning.What about the PDP’s situation in this alliance. Firstly, the Valleyites would like to see a PDP government and the PDP wouldlike to honour this mandate by a stable, efficient and development orientedgovernment . The PDP also similarly stands to increase its voter base in Jammu region by 2020 , where it has won 3 seats by 2020 hence becoming a truly Pan State party. The ideological fault lines though are also very many. The core constituency of the PDP ie the Valley, is inherently opposed to the perceived agenda of the BJP as regards removal of Article 370 is concerned. There is much fear in the Valley of the same too. The good voter turnout and subdued (and not enforced boycott calls) also are seen as a measure to stop the so called BJP’s march into the Valley. The BJP also has its problem with PDP. The hardliners in it do see PDP as a ‘milder form of separatist’ and is opposed to anything which tries to dilute its agenda of ‘full integration of Kashmir with the Indian Union’, thereby are ideologically opposed to PDP’s ‘self rule’, soft borders etc etc. Their belief in one flag, one constitution, one country is not in congruence with the PDP’s stated approach on the Kashmir problem. So, where is the meeting point.? The BJP has in the recent past shown an inclination to leave contentious issues behind for another day and focus on government formation, governance and development. The rally of the PM in Srinagar where he did not mention the issue of Article 370 and only talked ‘vikas’ is a case in point. The BJP will also be under tremendous pressure form the constituency that had voted for it so decisively, to be in the government to undertake sweeping development for them. Moreover, a large areas left unrepresented (be it the Valley or the Jammu region in non PDP or non BJP governments) would be a lop sided government given the nature of the mandate. Hence a PDP – BJP combo is in the best interest of both the Jammu and the Kashmir region. It gives it the support of a strong development oriented central government, gives the State the much needed developmental boost,the stability, frees the people of the nepotism and hypocrisy of NC and Cong, gives opportunity for growth to both the parties in each others constituencies. It’s in the best interest of both the parties to leave the contentious issues for 2020 elections and presently focus only on governance based on a common minimum programme. Mr Modi has shown much willingness for that. Further, PDP need not worry about the hype of the Kashmir issue created by separatist and pseudo intellectuals, the far cry of the aamaadami is VIKAS and only VIKAS, the massive participation is a true reflection of the same.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:36:45 +0000

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