PDP CANDIDATURE:AN AMBITION DEAD BEFORE ITS ARRIVAL. Turning and turning in the widening gyre, The centre cannot hold, The falcons cannot hear the falconers, Things fall apart. Such is a poem to explain the PDP sinking king pharaohs ruling in Nigeria,do you still remember the history that sorrounds pharaohs ruling whose word and sudden belief could not save then in the red sea.And come 2015,Jonathan is set to go back to OTUOKE. Won pe lole,o ngbe omo eran jo(They call him a thief, yet he capers with a newly stolen kid) such is the YORUBA powerful word for president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who doesnt give a damn about where he raised #22000000 to purchase PDP presidential nomination form when his contemporary in APC General Muhammed Buhari could satisfied Nigerians on where he raised the same nomination form fund from. As if we are fools,bokoharam negotiations is ongoing and they keep killing our people in thousands and millions everyday and mere stealing is not a corruption in mr GEJs cabinet. If you dear wonder about where to go from this Nigeria of ours,I guess 2015 general election has suggested and is still suggesting a way forward.This umbrella has done us an evil worthy of proffering for and anything lesser in evil is the answer thus APC IS A TOTAL answer to PDP failure.As progressives,if we keep looking at the scars of yesterday,we may not see the stars of tomorrow.An unapologetic PDP friend of mine once arguedthe promise of a progressive state and the doctrine of a social contract anchored on a social democracy,all sound good but they are a bit vague for an ordinary Nigerian to connect to.The best way to sell the APC quickly is to show the performance of governors currently serving under the party’s platform. If it can show convincingly that its elected officials are already delivering “change”, then it will be easier for Nigerians to believe that it will do more at the federal level.If the APC feels that the ruling party has failed, it should catalogue its failures,present them before Nigerians,and tell us why its own party will be different.Period!every action or inaction of the APC will count to support or disrupt its probability of capturing power in 2015.The party should get one thing clear –that it is possible does not mean that it will be an easy one. As if he has not argued well or I say he is eluded by political logics and reasoning or maybe he is just being a cheese ball in hand of political mischief makers,I call him to order by telling him that no evil, no tragedy,no rape of hope and promise,no violence,no negation of project nationhood,can even remotely approach the monumental scale of that of the PDP from 1999 till date and they have this perchant for failing us every time. I want to be a little bit homely as IFON OROLU BOY,having satisfied the feelings that the sinking ship of PDP at the center cannot be saved by the whole world sailors.My rejection of PDP is a holistic praxis,from center to state and to the local level,they wont just understand that they have been logged-off political cyberspace because any click on their link most time displays on the screen of the political computer the the well-done jobs of the progressives:from infrastructural development,human empowerment,political magnamility,zest of peoples goodwill and better tomorrow glaring promise of the masses.Do this umbrella carriers still want us to admit them despite their failure from 1999 till date when the wise ones among them have defected to where the hope lies? I am not of the bias view that APC is perfect but the blind could even see the difference between the never-do-well umbrella and the people-loving broom.Apc has many sins but none of the unfolding sins of APC is irredeemable;PDP is irreedeemable,her legacy is morally and ethically indefensible.I do laugh in a relish each time they sponsor cyberdogs to misinform the people online to claim for new faces in politics of OROLU LAND,as if those faces are old already.So many intrigue of them will not just work,the memory of their failure still lingers in peoples heart,their breakdown in Abuja is enough a testimony,the last term they buried the ambition of some of their candidates in the golden casket of history is the recently concluded guber election in OSUN,they did not only tormented the people,they whirled and wombled in their federal mighty,if someone could point at his fellow brother from the same compound and ordered the federal boys to whisk him away,you wonder weather such person is going to rule our animals if our trust of political power is reposed in him.Dont ask me names,you know it yourself.When wooded DSS men came to some of our lines on election day and started flashing our mobile number for identification,people wept,shouted and caused as they took some of us away but I never did any,I was so happy that the PDP were eventually burying themselves in IFON OROLU because people cannot only see their crushade of anarchy,they can feel the comfortability of our peace. I will not advise the PDP not to fill in anyone to vie for any political office in Ifon,either new face or old but I will help them by telling them the result before the judgement day,the result is a resounding failure,those candidacies are dead long before its arrival.PDP is a lost cause.we cannot embrace any uniformity of darkness without pockets of light.O DI LAI PONGBA,OJU WA O TUN RIBI NILE YII MON O,AMIN ASEEEEEEEEE. Come 2015,APC still remains a party to beat in OROLU. Come 2015,we must swim more in the pool of progress. Come 2015,federal must change and this jonathan must go. Come 2015,OROLU MUST BE A BETTER PROGRESSIVE LAND. Come 2015,I SEE APC WINNING OROLU without any stress. APC OROLU O NI BAJE OO. OROLU A GBEWA OOOO. OSUN A DARA OOOOOO. NIGERIA A SUNWON.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 09:12:22 +0000

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