PDP GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARIES: THE TODDLERS AND THE COLOSSUSES With just a month to the PDP governorship primaries, aspirants to the governorship position, are currently engaging in alliances and counter- alliances, in order to have political advantage over their opponents. One notable feature of the current political scenario is the gradual shift of the state to a single- party state, as the opposition party, APC whose gubernatorial candidate in the 2011 governorship election, Senator John Udoedeghe, hasnt shown any convincing indicator, that the party would be visible in the forthcoming election. In the course of this, workplace captures the strength and weaknesses of some of the PDP aspirants, establishes the viable ones and the toddlers, and delineated what should be expected in the days ahead. Our measurement index are: zoning, government support (both presidential and governors), party structure, financial resources, goodwill, academic and professional qualifications, and lifestyle. UDOM GABRAIL EMMANUEL Udom Emmanuel is a seasoned banker, and Secretary to the Akwa Ibom a State government. Udom was appointed to replace Umana Okon Umana, who was fired as SSG last year. STRENGTH Udom is from Eket Senatorial District, where the zoning formula of the PDP favors to produce the governor of the state. He is one of the leading governorship aspirants from ESD, Udoms educational and professional background, which enabled him reach the apex in his banking career is a strong boost to his ambition to govern Akwa Ibom. His experience in the banking sector is multi- sectoral, and this has endeared him to many intellectuals and corporates in the state, who are determined to oil his aspiration. This could serve as a catalyst for performance if he eventually becomes governor. Udoms greatest boost is the purported support of the state governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio, who is also the chairman of the PDP governors forum. Its believed that Governor Akpabio would leave no stone unturned in ensuring that he produces a successor. A political Scientist with the University of Uyo believes that Governor Akpabio has surmounted greater battles, and his succession bid wouldnt be an exception, especially now that PDP accords greater role to Governors in the country. WEAKNESS Udoms weakness is that there is an apparent gang- up by other governorship aspirants, which has resulted in a unity of opposition. This situation, if not properly managed, might result in some unexpected losses that might spillover to the general elections. Finally, Udom is from the same local government with Bishop Sam Akpan, a relatively older fox in the politics of the state, and this might give him some additional political task. ASSESSMENT With the confirmation given to the Paul Ekpo led State Exco of the party, and Governor Akpabios strategic place as Chairman of the PDP governors forum, Udom is certainly the man to beat in the November gubernatorial primaries of the ruling PDP. Udom is a colossus in the 2015 governorship fray. NSIMA EKERE Another leading governorship aspirant in the 2015 Governorship aspirant is Obong Nsima Ekere, a former deputy Governor, and Acting Governor of Akwa Ibom state is a seasoned estate Valuer, and property developer, whose seal in his specialty is visible. He contested for, and won as a member of the state House of Assembly, which was truncated following General Abacha death. Nsimas gentleness, maturity, and openness are political capitals in respect of the PDP governorship primaries of November 2015. Obong Ekere has political connections and support across the 31 local government areas, most of whom were part of the Godswill/ Nsima 2011 Governorship project. STRENGTH. Nsimas greatest strength is that he is an offshoot of the Akpabio political machinery; Having contested election on the same ticket with Governor Akpabio, His Excellency, Obong Nsima Ekere cannot be discountenanced in his bid to become governor of Akwa Ibom State. He has exuded more maturity than many of the aspirants, and maintains decorum in his political life. He has sufficient financial muscle to prosecute his electioneering campaign, and has a well organized political network that is focused on an issue- based campaign. Another factor that has endeared Nsima Ekere to so many is playing politics without bitterness. For instance, the way and manner which he managed his resignation and post- resignation politics endeared him to very many in the state. Pundits believe that he is the least controversial among the aspirants, because he has not had any problem with Governor Akpabio since his resignation. WEAKNESS Nsima Ekeres greatest weakness is that some members of the Governors political network believe that nsima still feels bitter about the way and manner he resigned, and can ONLY support him as an alternative. ASSESSMENT Nsimas growing popularity has sent serious jittery down the spine of many who underrated him. Pundits are saying that Nsima Ekeres in the case of a consensus arrangement, Governor Akpabio might prefer Nsima to any other aspirant. But will it get to that? He is another colossus in the race. With his subtle and secretive and manner of politicking, Nsima Ekere could doing surprises at the November governorship primaries of the PDP! He is a colossus in the race. OPOLUBUM IKPONG ETTEH Opolubum Ikpong Etteh is the leader of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly. He is a three term member if the house, whose has a great deal of political associates across the 31 local government area. Etteh, an indigene of Ibeno, is also from Eket senatorial district, where the PDP zoning arrangement favors. Etteh is soft-spoken, but intelligent leader, whose sagacity, and wealth of experience in legislative business would be of benefit to the state. STRENGTH Opolubum Etteh is favored by the PDP zoning arrangement. He is a quite but strategic manner of politicking is a plus to his governorship bid. Etteh has an unimaginable coterie of relationships across the 3 senatorial districts that, if properly harnessed could lead to surprises in event of a primaries election . Ettehs purported affiliation with the Ijaws, where president Jonathan comes from could also be made an issue if the governorship election gets to a point of negotiation. Also, his experience in legislative business and many years in politics gives him several political friends, and a viable machinery that could spring surprises. Etteh has an unimaginably wide coverage, due his maternal background of Ibibio and marital background of Annang, and this a viable political advantage! WEAKNESS The recent endorsement of Udom Emmanuel by Eket Federal Constituency is a major setback for Opolubum Etteh. Also, the emergence of Udom Emmanuel, Helen Esuene, and Bishop Akpan from the same federal constituency as Etteh have overshadowed reduced Ettehs chances of becoming Governor. Finally, Ettehs Ijaw connection makes an average Ibibio man uncomfortable, and this could create electoral deficits. ASSESSMENT If Opolubum Etteh makes good use of the indexes that favor him, he might spring surprises at the November governorship primaries of the PDP. UMANA OKON UMANA UOU as he is fondly called is a frontline aspirant to the governorship seat of Akwa Ibom State. Umana has held several public positions such as Director of Budget, Permanent Secretary, commissioner for Financial, and finally secretary to the State Government. Umana Okon Umana was fired by Governor Godswill Akpabio as SSG last year for gross insubordination, and for being distracted from his official duty. STRENGTH Umanas main strength is his financial resources, which he has accumulated from his days as Director of Budget. Umanas other strength is his viable propaganda machinery, which has in the last one year engaged in blackmail and smear campaigns against the government of Akwa Ibom State, and other perceived opponents of UOU. This machinery has made some anti- government newspaper a wing of UOU political campaigns. WEAKNESS Umana is from Uyo senatorial district, meaning he is not favored by the zoning arrangement of the PDP which is in favor of Eket senatorial district. Secondly, UOUs heavy dependent on propaganda and smear campaigns, its argued by an Analyst, would turn the people against him. That is because people will most likely be disposed toward uncontroversial persons during elections. It is also believed that Umana has stepped on too many toes as SSG, and this may earn too many enemies, who might be using the opportunity of his aspiration for a revenge. Umana has a questionable source of wealth, and this might pose an obstacle to his governorship bid, particularly now that people are routing for decency and fiscal discipline from public office holders. Finally, many politicians in the state believe that Umana is in a vengeance mission against governor Akpabio and the entire Annang nation against the manner he was ousted from office. This belief has made so many in Governor Akpabios political machinery afraid and cautious about their dealings with UOU. ASSESSMENT Umana Umana is not favored by any measurement index to emerge as flag-bearer of the PDP in the November 2014 governorship primaries. BENJAMIN OKOKO Benjamin Okoko is an Abuja based business man, and governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party. Okoko has severally contested for the governorship primaries of Akwa Ibom under the aegis of the PDP, starting from 1998. It is believed that okoko would have won the PDP primaries of 1998, which was upturned in favour of Obong Victor Attah, by Chief Don Etiebet. STRENGTH Benji Okokos main strength is his supposed victory in the 1998 gubernatorial primaries of the PDP, and that might create some sympathy in the mind of some party faithfuls. He is favored by the zoning arrangement in the state, and this is a major strength for Benjo. Okoko, being an Abuja based politician, hasnt stepped on toes, and this is a political capital in his favor. The splendor and grandiose with which Okoko is persecuting his electioneering make have endeared him to so many in the state, and this could hype his chances of electoral victory. Okoko, it is believed have high connection in Abuja and northern Nigeria, particularly among the elites, and this could also help his bid. Finally, Obong Victor Attah, former Governor of the state, is believed to be in support of Benji Okoko, and this is also a political capital for Okoko. WEAKNESS Benji Okokos main weakness is that he is relatively unknown to the current party structure in the state, and this stand against him in the November primaries. Benjamin Okoko has has serious problems to grapple in his home Ikot Abasi local government, where Nsima Ekere and Mike Sabastien, who are relatively known, also come from. ASSESSMENT Benjamin Okoko can emerge as flag bearer of the PDP in the November primaries, ONLY if it gets to a consensus arrangement. BASSEY ALBERT AKPAN Bassey Albert was a 7 year commissioner for finance in Akwa Ibom State. A banker and politician, Bassey, who is mostly loved by the youth in the state has thrown his hat into the ring of the governorship race. STRENGTH Bassey Alberts main strength is the support of the youth. Bassey is considered by many as the most generous of the aspirants, and has a strong financial base. His flamboyance and stylish social demeanor have also endeared him to many. Basseys other strength is that his support base at home, Ibiono Ibom, Itu, is firm. He also has growing and intimidating support among youth in Uyo, the capital city, and some splinter supports in all the LGAs in USD. WEAKNESS Bassey Alberts main weakness, is that he is not favored by zoning, which is in favor of Eket Senatorial District. Also, pundits say, is that Bassey Alberts campaigns seem to be an all boys affair, and this has made some elders uncomfortable with his aspiration. Bassey has his elder brothers aspiration to grapple with. Ime Alberts aspiration, analysts argue, might be an obstacle to his (Bassey) governorship bid. Recently, Bassey has been credited to having engaged in war of words with the Governor. This might make the party hierarchy in Abuja see him as a belligerent who cannot be trusted with power. Bassey has lost many supporters in ISD, most of whom think his campaign is ethnic- driven. ASSESSMENT Bassey Albert might be the game changer in the PDP primaries, but hes unlikely to emerge as the PDP flag-bearer in the November governorship primaries. EKPENYONG NTEKIM A one time state chairman of the ANPP seasoned lawyer and attorney General of the state, Ekpenyong Ntekim is a political strategist whose mastery of politics would be an advantage in his governorship bid. STRENGTH Ntekims main strength is that he is from Eket Senatorial District, which the PDP zoning arrangement favors. Ntekims experience in party politics, which is what is needed in a primaries election. Ntekim has a cross-cultural background which is an asset in favor of Ntekim. Barr Ntekims loyalty profile is worthwhile, and this puts him is in the good book of the state governor, implying that that the governor will not pose any obstacle to his bid to govern the state. Barr Ntekim is from Oron extraction of the state, which believe that its their turn to have a shot at government house in 2015. WEAKNESS Ntekim main weakness is that many see him as a conservative politician. Some analysts believe that Ekpenyong Ntekim does not have a strong financial background to carry on his governorship bid, but this theory can be debunked in the days ahead. Finally, most people in Oron believe that Ntekim is playing the spoiler for Governor Akpabio, and cannot be trusted by an average Oron man. HELEN ESUENE Helen Esuene is the senator representing Eket senatorial district in the National Assembly. She is a entrepreneur, and very successful business woman, whose rise to political prominence took no one by surprise. STRENGTH Senator Esuenes main strength is that she is from Eket Senatorial District, where the governorship is zoned to. Senator Esuene has a viable family name, having married a former military Governor of then South Eastern State, Brigadier General Udokaha Jacob Esuene. That name has been a political capital for Senator Esuene, and could add value to her bud to govern Akwa Ibom State. For instance, some retired military Generals, who were colleague with her late husband, might support her in memory of their comrade. Being the only female governorship aspirant, a political Analyst believes Mrs Esuene could use the gender argument to win some votes in the November Governorship primaries of the PDP. WEAKNESSES Mrs Esuenes prime weakness is gender. In a male dominated political space like Akwa Ibom, a journalist with a national paper argues that its unthinkable for Mrs Esuene to emerge as PDP flag bearer in the November governorship primaries if the PDP. The endorsement of the Mr Udom Emmanuel by Eket Federal Constituency, Senator Esuene base, is a setback to her governorship bid. By implication, she needs to work extra hard to make up for that catastrophic loss. ASSESSMENT Senator Esuene is unlikely to emerge as flag bearer of the PDP in the November governorship primaries. BISHOP SAM AKPAN Samuel Akpan was a Special Adviser, Bureau for Political and Legislative Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the PDP, and until his recently, Chairman of the State Road and Infrastructure Maintenance Agency. He is a career politician, who has a network across the 31 local government areas of the state. He was the international president if AKPF, one of the groups believed to have played a pivotal role in the emergence of Governor Akpabio in the 2006 governorship primaries of the PDP. STRENGTH Bishop Akpan has a viable political structure across the 31 local government areas, most which were local government chairmen and house of Assembly members. This group of people believe that Bishop Akpan played a role in their emergence, and would alway show some support and loyalty to him. Bishop Akpan has been involved in he internal politics of the PDP for several years having held several offices in the party for over a decade. This is an important political capital that could aid Bishop Akpan in his political decisions. Followers of Bishop Akpan believe that Bishop Akpan have spiritual backing to be the governor of the state, and this impacts greatly on their morale. WEAKNESSES Bishop Akpans shaky financial base is a major setback to his bid to govern Akwa Ibom State, as money will play a defining role in the governorship primaries of November 2015. A senior politician in the state also said that Bishop Akpan might be routing for a political settlement, the way he conceded his support to Helen Esuene in the 2011 senatorial primaries. This might stand against him, as he had lost most of his core supporters. A public Affairs Analyst noted that Bishop Akpans religion will also make him loose some votes. Finally, Bishop Akpan has been out of mainstream politics/ decision making for a while, and this would affect his capacity to win delegates for the November Guber primaries of the PDP. CONCLUSION As we countdown to the PDP governorship primaries, its obvious from the ongoing consultations, spread, financial capacity, goodwill, and connections at the disposal of the governorship aspirants, that Udom Emmanuel, Nsima Ekere, Opolubum Etteh, Umana Umana, Benjamin Okoko and Bishop Sam Akpan are the leading contenders in the Akwa Ibom Guber race. We promise to give you more report as events unfold vis-a-vis the race to the hilltop mansion in 2015. Workplace Uyo
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:21:09 +0000

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