PEACE BE UPON YOU PROSPERITY VS SALVATION (#MustRead)! Friend, do not be deceived, there is a marked difference between being saved and being prosperous - prosperity as we would have it in todays world is not the same as salvation. Your prosperity is NEVER a measure of your standing with God. Those who are prosperous are not necessarily saved but those who are saved are prosperous, of a necessity. To the saved, prosperity is a part of being saved - whether they have plenty, little or nothing, the fact that their salvation is not lost is enough prosperity. But to the prosperous, salvation is not necessarily part of the equation. There are so many prosperous but hell-bound Christians in the Church today because while salvation (seeking God and His righteousness first) brings prosperity (ALL these things shall be added onto you...the reward of seeking God first), prosperity does not guaranty salvation. To have real prosperity, therefore, SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM...not THESE OTHER THINGS...if you change the formula, you may be prosperously damned! The serpent is still very cunning! He can deceive you into using prosperity to measure your standing with God. Follow this post carefully, if you are able to get the distinction clearly, then you will discover that prosperity is a gift that accompanies salvation but salvation is not a gift that accompanies prosperity. The Church has so failed in her definition and application of the verse on prosperity in the 2nd verse of Johns third epistle that she has fallibly and carelessly equated prosperity with salvation and right standing with God. But Satan knows it is a lie and so he wants men and women to be so drunk in their prosperity and the quest for it that they gradually lose their salvation. For those who are saved, who are being saved, and who will be saved, salvation is prosperity. Let my soul rejoice in its prosperity, which is my salvation! Soul prosperity is NEVER boosted by prosperity as we preach it today. In fact the prosperity preached today can rob us of our salvation. God forbid! Pay attention to this: Prosperity as we would have it in todays world. Prosperity today is defined almost exclusively in terms of material possession - so that saved poor people are not to be considered prosperous. This definition is anti-Christ and a mockery at the wisdom of God, who gives riches to whomever He wishes, without becoming guilty of discrimination. If this is true, then we have a lot of work to do to convince holy but poor persons who have given their lives to Christ, not minding their condition, on whom the gospel is meant for and what its purpose is - whether or not it has a place the both the rich and poor. You see, every argument on the gospel of prosperity depends intrinsically on what we understand by the term prosperity. If there is any section of the bible that cannot qualify to be used in the kind of prosperity gospel of today, that passage is 3John 2 and I will tell you why. Read Beloved, I WISH above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Now see the commentary (Matthew Henrys Commentary on the bible) Soul prosperity is the greatest blessing on this side of heaven. Grace and health are rich companions. Grace will employ health. A rich soul may be lodged in a weak body; and grace must then be exercised in submitting to such a dispensation. But we may wish and pray that those who have prosperous souls, may have healthful bodies; that their grace may shine where there is still more room for activity. You see that? It is a wish and not a mandate; a prayer and not an injunction. What does this mean? It means Lazarus can get to Heaven as well as the Rich man who approached God asking what he ought to do to be saved. And each of them can consider themselves prosperous in the language of Salvation, in spite of their social circumstances. Is prosperity a part of the gospel? Emphatic yes! But as a miscellaneous not as the main theme. Prosperity or Salvation or both? The choice is yours!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:29:14 +0000

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