PEACE MOVEMENTS SOKA GAKKAI INTERNATIONAL-USA SGI -USA FIFTY YEARS AS A CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE WORLD TRIBUNE 1964 2014 WORLD, IN THE PAPERS NAME, EMBODIES THE DETERMINATION TO SEND THE LIGHT OF PEACE AND HOPE TO ALL HUMANITY, AND TRIBUNE, WHICH COMES FROM THE ANCIENT ROMAN GUARDIANS OF THE PEOPLE, SIGNIFIES USING OUR VOICES OF JUSTICE TO RESOLUTELY PROTECT ORDINARY PEOPLE ~SGI PRESIDENT DAISAKU IKEDA~~ Treasuring the Individual... SGI President Ikeda shares the spirit behind the SGI-USA Statistics administrators program on its 10th anniversary.. My sincerest congratulations on your meeting celebrating the 10th anniversary of the SGI-USA statistics administrators program, which pays a vital role in advancing kosen-rufu. You have been striving steadily and earnestly every day in order to build a solid foundation for the SGI-USA. I Express my heartfelt appreciation for your noble , dedicated efforts. Thank you very much for all of your hard work!!! THE PURPOSE OF STATISTICS IN THE SGI Is not simply to assess the condition of the organization through numbers. It is an endeavor to record, with utmost respect for every individual who has encountered Nichiren Buddhism, how many people we have helped become happy through this practice and to what extent we have expanded our network of peace. For that reason, I have always said that each number statistics represents not an item of data, but the life of one person. Therein exists the pulse of a persons life, the character and personality of that individual:it includes the drama of inspiration and revitalization, the warm bonds that connect one person with another. It is because we have always treasured the individual that the SGI has grown to the extent it has today.. NICHIREN DAISHONIN WRITES: THROUGH ONES TRUSTWORTHINESS MAY AT FIRST GO UNNOTICED, IN TIME IT WILL OPENLY REWARDED (The Four Virtues and the Four Debts Of Gratitude.) The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol.2, p.636). In accord with this passage,your dedicated efforts, though unknown to others, will without question brilliantly illuminate your lives with unfathomable good fortune and benefit in lifetime after lifetime. In your struggles to ensure the continuing wonderful development of kosen-rufu in America, your mission and responsibility as statistics administrators are becoming all the more important. Please deeply convinced that all of your inconspicous efforts are clearly evident in the light of the Mystic Law, and with persistent prayer, advance cheerfully and energetically with a vision toward the future of K O S E N -R U F U.....WORLD PEACE MOVEMENT In addition, please progress together with the harmonious unity of many in body, one in mind while leading WONDERFUL LIVES OF VICTORY.. MY DEAREST , MOST PRECIOUS FRIENDS, TOGETHER WITH MY WIFE. I AM PRAYING EARNESTLY EVERY DAY FOR YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND THE GREAT HAPPINESS OF YOUR FAMILIES. DAISAKU IKEDA SGI PRESIDENT SEPTEMBER 2014
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 11:25:52 +0000

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