PEDAGOGY OF ECONOMICS Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours - TopicsExpress


PEDAGOGY OF ECONOMICS Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Course Objectives : After completion of this course the student –teachers will be able to : . understand the foundation of teaching Economics. . review the curriculum and syllabus of Economics at secondary and higher secondary level in West Bengal. . acquaint with different strategies for teaching Economics at secondary and higher secondary level. . prepare achievement test in Economics at secondary and higher secondary level. . prepare lesson plans in Economics for instructional purposes. . conduct pedagogical analysis of content for teaching in the classroom. . acquire competence in preparing tools of evaluation Economics learning. . acquire skills of analyzing text book in Economics. . understand the role of Economics teachers. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching of Economics [15 Hours] a) Economics : Modern Concept b) Nature of Economics: • Science or Art. • Positive or Normative Science. c) Value of teaching Economics. d) Aims and objectives of teaching Economics at Higher Secondary Level in India. e) Co-relation between Economics and other school subjects f) Modern trends in teaching Economics. Unit – 2 : Review of Curriculum and Syllabus in Economics at Higher Secondary Level [10 Hours] a) Place of Economics in Curriculum at Higher Secondary Level b) Principles of Curriculum and Syllabus of Economics at Higher Secondary Level c) Review of existing Syllabus of Economics at higher Secondary Level in West Bengal. Unit – 3 : Strategies of Teaching Economics [15 Hours] a) Criteria of a good method of teaching of Economics. b) Methods of teaching Economics – c) Lecture Method d) Inductive and Deductive Method; e) Discussion Method f) Project Method g) Constructivism h) Individualized Instruction i) Various techniques of teaching : CAI, Field Survey etc. Unit – 4 : Role and Quality of a Teacher and Teaching of Economics [20 Hours] a) Quality of a good teacher of Economics b) Role of Teacher in Action Research in Economics c) Problems Faced by Economics Teacher d) Learning Resources in Economics – Meaning and its Utilization in Teaching Economics. e) Different Types of Learning resource in teaching Economics – i) Print Resource ii) Audio Resource iii) Visuals Resource f) Role of ICT in Teaching Economics g) Importance of subject room and subject library in teaching economics Unit – 5 : Assessment of and Assessment for Learning of Economics [20 Hours] a) Assessment of and for Economics learning.; concept b) Evaluation system in Economics – i) Unit Test, ii) Essay Type Test & Objective Type Test. c) Review of Present Evaluation System in Economics at Higher Secondary Stage in West Bengal. d) Suggestions for Improvement of Present Evaluation System. e) Achievement Test in Economics : Concept, Need and Steps for constructing achievement test. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge : [20 Hours] a) Taxonomy and Instructional Objectives for teaching Economics. b) Lesson Plan – Concepts, features, types (approaches), formats, importance and criteria of its effectiveness. c) Pedagogical Analysis – meaning, purpose, scope and importance. d) Pedagogical Analysis on the following topics : • Supply • Demand • Budget • Inflation and Deflation • Market and Banking System, • Global trends of Economy. References 1. Yadav, Anita, Teaching of Economics, Anmol Publication Pvt., Delhi. 2. Majumder, Smritikana, Method of teaching Economics, Rita Publication. 3. Halder, Gourdas, Teaching Economics and Civics, Banerjee Publishers. PEDAGOGY OF GEOGRAPHY Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Course Objectives : Students Teachers will be able to; • Define meaning, nature, scope, aims and objectives of teaching Geography. • Explain the relationship of Geography with other school subjects. • Differentiate between methods and techniques of teaching geography. • Perform pedagogical analysis of various concepts in Geography. • Describe instructional planning and development of relevant material for the teaching of Geography. • Demonstrate uses of ICT on teaching Geography. • Describe continuous, comprehensive evaluation, diagnostics testing and remedial teaching in Geography. • Explain importance and uses of learning resources in Geography. • Know the use and representation of statistics and different teaching aids in teaching Geography. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching Geography • Meaning, Nature, Scope and Historical Development of Geography and its place in Secondary School Curriculum. • Aims and Objectives of teaching Geography in school as an integral part of general education. • Values to be taught teaching Geography. • Writing objectives in terms of behavioural outcome of students. • Correlation of Geography with other school subjects. Unit – 2 : Review of Curriculum and Syllabus of Geography at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level in West Bengal • Principle for construction of Geography curriculum. • Reference material – Encyclopaedia, newsletter and magazine, online and offline mode. • Principles of framing Geography syllabus for different levels of secondary school. • Selection of Geography textbook and critically review it as prescribed by WBBSE. • Significance of study tour in Geography curriculum. Unit – 3 : Learning Strategies and Methods of Teaching Geography • Responsibilities and qualities of Geography teacher in teaching Geography. • Role of professional organization for Geography teacher. • Observation Method, Regional Method, Comparative Method, Assignment Method, Field trip, Lecture Method, Demonstration Method, Project Method, Dalton Method, Discussion Method, Laboratory Method, Questioning Method and Storytelling Method in different branches of Geography. • Oral work, Written work, Drill work, Home assignment, Self Study, Supervised Study. • Unit Planning and Lesson Planning : Principle and Procedure. Unit – 4 : Assessment of and for Learning Geography • Modern trend of evaluation in Geography. • Concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. • Development of test item. • Preparation of achievement test. • Difficulties faced by the geography teacher and suggestive measure to overcome them. • Use of statistics and graph in teaching Geography. Unit – 5 : Learning Resources and their Organization • Use of local resources in teaching Geography. • Use of different aids to teach Geography. • Importance and organization of Geography Club. • Importance and setting up of Geography Lab. • Construction of low cost teaching aids. • Preparation and use of audio visual material. • Recreational activities of Geography club, geography fair, games, quiz and study tour. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge 6.1 Geotectonics and Geomorphology : • Mountain building, seafloor spreading and volcanism with special reference to Plate Tectonics and Continenta; Drift Theory. • Classification, landform formation and drainage development in Folded and Faulted Structure. • Weathering and its resultant landform, lithology and landform. • Landforms under Fluvial, Glacial, Marine, Karst condition, development of landforms after Davis, Penck and King. 6.2 Bio Geography and Soil Geography : • Definition and Nature of Biosphere. Concept of Food Chain, Food Web, Ecotone Community, Ecology, Energy Flow in Ecosystem. • Ecosystem as a component of biosphere, Concept of Bio-Geo-Chemical Cycle, Bio Diversity, Environmental degradation and hazards. • Definition and factors of soil formation, physical and chemical properties of soil : Texture, Structure, Colour, Moisture, pH and Organic Matter. • Nature, Types and Conservation of Soil Erosion. 6.3 Climatology : • Nature, Composition and Layering of the atmosphere, Concept of Heat Budgetand Insulation. • Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Temperature, Inversion of temperature, Green house effect and importance of Ozone layer. • General wind circulation, monsoon mechanism with reference to Jet stream, Global pressure belts. • Air mass, Mechanism and forms of precipitation, Tropical and Mid-latitude cyclone. 6.4 Oceanography and Hydrology : • Physical and chemical properties of ocean water, oceanic sediments (origin and classification). • Major features of the ocean floor, coral reefs and atolls. • Hydrological cycle, concept of run off and infiltration. • Factors and processes controlling storage and movement of ground water. 6.5 Regional Geography of India and Social Geography : • Relief, Drainage, Climate, River, Industry (Iron and Steel, Cotton Textile and Jute). • Agricultural Crops, Paddy, Wheat and Tea; Coal, Bauxite, and mineral oil. • Population : Global distribution and density, uneven growth. • Settlement : Definition of rural and urban settlement as per census, rural settlement types, function and types of urban settlement. 6.6 Economic Geography : • Agriculture as primary activity : intensive and extensive, different farming practices. • Industry as secondary activity : forest based – paper; agrobased – tea, cotton and textile; Mineral based – metal-iron and steel, nonmetal-petrochemical with examples. Engineering industry – automobile with major Indian examples. • Tertiary activities : Importance of different modes of transport, trade and communication. • Concept of material resources and classification; Biotic resource : Forests, Fisheries; Mineral resource : iron ore, Manganese, Copper, Mica and Bauxite, Energy resource : Conventional and nonconventional with their importance. References : 1. Macnee, E. A. : The Teaching Geography, Oxford University Press. 2. Gopril, G. H. : The Teaching of Geography; McMillan & Co. Ltd., London. 3. Verma, O. P. & Vedanagam, E., G. : Geography Teaching ; Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 4. Rao, M., S., : Teaching of Geography; Annmol Publications 5. Kour, Balvinder : Teaching Geography; Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi 6. Das, Madhumita, Teaching of Geography, Rita Book Agency,Kolkata 7. Dasgupta, Harsha Kumar, Teaching of Geography, Kolkata, 8. Bhattacharya, Bhujunga Bhusan, Teaching of Geography, D. N. Brothers, Kolkata. GEOGRAPHY PRACTICAL Full Marks – 70 1. Map projection –Principals and classification .polar Zenithal stereographic projection, cylindrical equal area projection and Bone’s projection. 2. Surveying And Levelling – Prismatic Compass Survey (closed traverse with four sides) contouring by Dumpy level (3 radiating lines from the same point). 3. Cartogram– Bar graph, choropleth, dot, sphere diagram, climatic graph, climograph, pie graph, isobar ,isohyets, isotherm. 4. Interpretation of topographic sheet. 5. Computer basics. 6. A physico-socio-economic field study report. 7. Identification of rocks and minerals. 8. Scales. 9. Barometer, Hygrometer, Thermometer. 10. Laboratory note book & Viva Voce. PEDAGOGY OF TEACHING ENGLISH Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Objectives : • To merit effective and constructive acquaintance with the basic foundations of English Language teaching in India and West Bengal. • To acquire practical expertise in pedagogical analysis and develop behavioural competencies in teaching skills. • To apply principles abstracted from the study of various methods and approaches as regards purpose and procedure of planning lessons. • To work out and practice strategies for teaching language skills and communication skills. • To credit working acquaintance with the concepts of language learning assessment. • To turn into resourceful user of different kinds of Language Test. • To become efficient in construction of Test and Test Items. • To register familiarity with basics of Action Research. • To explore and experience various resources for target language learning. • To try out various means of organizing various resources for target Language Learning. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching English a) Historical background and present status of English Language Teaching in India b) Relationship between English Language and other Indian languages c) Aims of objectives of teaching English i) as a link language. ii) as a tool for learning empowerment. iii) as a library language. iv) as a source for socio-cultural individual enrichment. d) Principles of learning English Language as a Second Language – i) Developmental, ii) Psychological, iii) Sociological e) Modern Trends in Teaching English as a Second Language f) Theories of Language Teaching. i) Ferdinand De Saussure or Influence of other language English. ii) Leonard Bloomfield. iii) I. A Richards iv) Noam Chomsky. Unit – 2 : Review of Existing Curriculum and Syllabus of English at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level in West Bengal a) Place of English as a Second Language in Curriculum at Secondary & Higher Secondary Level in West Bengal b) Principles of curriculum &Syllabus Framing For English Language c) Review of Existing Syllabus of English Language At Secondary Higher Secondary Level in West Bengal Unit – 3 : Strategies of Teaching English a) Quality of a good English teacher. b) Criteria of a good Method of Teaching English c) General principles of teaching English as a second language in India. d) Traditional Methods of Language Teaching (Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method etc.). e) Functional Communicative Approach with Special Emphasis on Learning English. i) Managing classroom communication. ii) Patterns of Interaction. iii) Managing pair & group work. e) Language Skills i) Listening ii) Reading iii) Writing iv) Speaking Unit – 4 : Learning Resources in Teaching English a) Quality of a good English Language Teacher. b) Learning resources in English Language: Concept and its importance. c) Print Resources – Text book, Reference book. d) Usual Resources – Projected, Non-projected. e) Audio Resources – Educational Radio Programme. f) Language Laboratory: Importance of Language Laboratory in Teaching English. g) ICT & English teaching – Role of ICT in teaching English Language. Unit – 5 : Evaluation and Assessment in Teaching English a) Assessment of English Language Learning. b) Achievement Test. c) Various kinds of tests of elementary concepts. i) Criterion Reference Test. ii) Non Reference Test. iii) Aptitude Test. iv) Standardized Test. d) Principles of constructing a English Language Test e) Characteristics of a good test – Reliability & Validity. f) Construction of a English Language question paper. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge a) Daily Drama (Unit I & II). b) The Solitary Reaper – William Wordsworth. c) Loveliest of Trees. d) Packing by A. E. Houseman. e) Narration. References : 1. Bose, R. B. N. & Sterling, T. S. : Elements of English Rhetoric and Prosody; Chakraborty, Chatterjee Co. Ltd. Calcutta, Latest Edition. 2. Bright, J. A. & McGregor, G. P.; Teaching English as a Second Language, ELBS & Longman, London, 1978. 3. Brumfit, C. J. & Johnson, K.; The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, OUP, Oxford, 1979. 4. Heaton, J. B. : Language Testing, Modern English Publication Ltd., Great Britain, 1982. 5. Hornby, A. S. : Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, OUP, Oxford, Latest Edition. 6. Johnson, J.; The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, OUP, Oxford, 1979. 7. Johnson, K. : Communicative Syllabus Design and Methodology, Pergamum Press, Oxford, 1982. 8. Jones, D. : English Pronouncing Dictionary, ELBS, London, Latest Edition. 9. Kemp, et al.; Designing Effective Instruction, Macmillan College Publishing Company, 1994. 10. Krashen, S.; Second Language, Acquisition and Second Langu., Learning, Pergamum Press, New York, 1979. PEDAGOGY OF SANSKRIT Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Objectives : The objectives of the course are as : • to understand the basic foundations of the Sanskrit language. • to find out and establish the relationship between Sanskrit and other Indian languages. • to be accustomed with the various teaching methods and approaches Sanskrit language teaching. • to prepare them in language learning assessment. • to evaluate instructional materials in Sanskrit language. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching Sanskrit Language [10 Hours] a) Historical background and present status of Sanskrit Language Teaching in India. b) Relationship between Sanskrit Language and other Indian languages. c) Aims and objectives of teaching Sanskrit Language at Secondary level. d) Principles of learning Sanskrit Language. Unit – 2 : Curriculum and Syllabus of Sanskrit Language at Secondary Level [10 Hours] a) Place of Sanskrit Language in Secondary curriculum in West Bengal. b) Principles of framing the Sanskrit Language syllabus. c) Sanskrit Language and allied subjects : Bengali, English, literature, History & Philosophy. d) Evaluation of Sanskrit Language at Secondary level in W.B. Unit – 3 : Strategies for Teaching Sanskrit Language [20 Hours] a) Pedagogical Analysis on i) Rationales for selecting the topic / unit. ii) Division into sub-units. iii) Learner’s previous experience. iv) Behavioural / instructional objectives. v) Teaching strategies vi) Use of writing board vii) Probable questions/answers viii) Criterion Reference Test b) Strategies to be practised through Micro-teaching. c) Use of CAT model and its implication in teaching Sanskrit Language. d) Lesson Plan. Unit – 4 : Approaches of Teaching Sanskrit Language [15 Hours] a) Different methods of teaching i) Direct Method ii) Traditional Method iii) Translation Method iv) Text book method v) Bhandarkar Method b) Different approaches of teaching i) Oral work ii) Use of Dictionary iii) Reference Books iv) Dramatization & Play-way method v) Group teaching c) Different ways of teaching in different content area i) Reading & writing Devanagari script ii) Prose iii) Poetry iv) Grammar v) Composition vi) Spelling mistakes Unit – 5 : Sanskrit Language Teacher [15 Hours] a) Quality of a good Sanskrit Language Teacher b) Learning Resources in Teaching Sanskrit Language c) Role of Sanskrit Language Teaching in managing controversial issues d) Problems faced by a Sanskrit Language teacher Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge [30 Hours] a) Samudrabedanam (Ramayanam, DwabinshaSarga, Judhakandam), Sloke – 1, 5 - 13, 17, 25 – 29, Total 16 Slokas. b) Sangmanasam c) History of Sanskrit Literature : Vedic – Samhitas, Upanisadas, Vedangas. Ramayana and Mahabharata, Mahakavyas (Upto 12th Century A. D.), Specially – AswaGhosh, Kalidasa, Varbi, Magh, Shree Harsa, Vatti, Kumar Das. Dramatic Literature (upto 12th century A. D.), Vasa, Kalidasa, Vavabhuti, Narrative Literature (Panchatantra, Hitopadesa&Kathasaritsagar), Sudraka, Rajshekhar, BisakhDutta, Harsabardhan, Lyric Poems : Meghdutta of Kalidasa (25 Sloke), Gitagobindam of Joydev, Prose Literature : Dandin and Banabhatta. d) Grammar : Declension (Special stress on stems ending in at, an, as, Sarvanamas, Numerals – one to eight), Conjugation (Special stress on the groups Bhavadi, Adadi, Rudhadi, Hvadi), Sandhi (Specially – VisargaSandhi), Samasa, Krit- pratyayam, Taddhitapratyaya, Vidhanam, Atmanepada-Vidhanam, Parasmaipada- Vidhanam, Sananta, Yananta, Nijanta, Stripratayaya, correction of error, case- ending. e) Translation from mother tongue into Sanskrit. f) Comprehension test strictly from Panchatrantra and Hitopadesa. References : 1. Sanaskrita Sikshar Pathanirdesh : Dr. Pranab Bandopadhyay. 2. Sanaskrita Sikshana Paddhati : Dr. Pampa Chattaraj. 3. Janashikshaya and Sanaskrita : Dr. Dhyanesh Narayana Chakraborty. 4. Patel, R. N. (2004) : Educational Evaluation – Theory & Practices, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 5. Sharma R. A. (1983) : Technology of Teaching, International Publishing House, Meerut. PEDAGOGY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Course Objectives : • To enable the student teacher understand the nature and characteristics of Physical Science. • To understand the nature of learning of Physical Science. • To acquaint the student teacher about strategies of teaching . • To enable learners teaching process in Physical Science. • To acquaint the student teacher about different kinds of assessment procedure for Physical Science learning. • To develop the ability to prepare different teaching learning resources in Physical Science. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching Physical Science a) Nature and Scope of Physical Science. b) Aims & objectives of teaching Physical Science (Instructional Objectives). c) Correlation with other subjects. d) Curriculum of Physical Science at school level and its reforms in the light of National and State level Unit – 2 : Strategies for Teaching Physical Science a) Inductive & Deductive b) Discovery c) Problem solving d) Demonstration e) Project f) Model of Teaching- Bruner &Ausubel Unit – 3 : Learning Resources of Teaching Physical Science a) Improvised Apparatus b) Projected and Non-projected Teaching Aids – Blackboard, Chart, Model, Model, OHP and PowerPoint. c) Physical Science Laboratory – Planning & Organizations. d) Science Exhibition, Science Club, Science Quiz, Science Bulletin and CAI. e) Criteria of a good Physical Science Textbook. Unit – 4 : Assessment of Learning a) Different strategies of evaluation in Physical Science – Formative, Summative, CRT, NRT and Diagnostic. b) Achievement Test Construction. Unit – 5 : Quality and Role of a Physical Science Teacher • Characteristics of a Physical Science Teacher. • Role and responsibilities of Physical Science Teacher. • Lesson Planning. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge 6.1 Physics : a) Motion, force, work & energy, displacement motion and its types, speed velocity and acceleration, force – magnitude and direction. b) Heat as energy, temperature, transfer of heat thermal expansion and change of state. c) Newton’s Law, qualitative concept of relativity, universal law of gravitation, Kepler’s. d) Simple pendulum, restoring force, SHM, displacement, amplitude, frequency time period, expression for time period, wave motion, propagation of through a medium, longitudinal and transverse waves length, relation between speed, frequency and wave length, transfer of transverse waves length, relation between speed, frequency and wave length, transfer of energy and momentum in wave propagation, periodic motion, sound waves and their nature. e) Light, image formation by spherical mirrors and lenses, telescope, microscope, defects of vision and correction perception of colour, colour blindness, composition of white light, wavelength and colour of light. f) Modern Physics : Semi-conductor 6.2 Chemistry : a) Introduction to chemical relations, types of chemical reaction combination decomposition displacement reactions by performing actual classroom activities related to these reactions (wherever possible). b) Introduction to the electronic concept of oxidation-reduction, oxidation number and redox reaction by demonstrating different redox reactions in the class and discussing their chemical equations. c) Endothermic and exothermic reactions by performing the activities of dissolution of any NH4Cl in water, evaporation of water, spirit (endothermic) and adding water to quick lime, dissolution of NaOH in water, H2SO4 in water and neutralization reaction (exothermic) of aq. NaOH by aq. HCl. Concept of rate of reaction, factors affecting the rate-effect of (a) Concentration, (b) Temperature, (c) Pressure and (d) Catalyst. d) Periodic Classification of Elements. Coordination Compound : nomenclature and isomerism. Valence bond and Crystal field theory, Colour and magnetic properties of transition metal compound. e) Organic Chemistry : alkanes, alkenes, alkyne, aromatic compounds – aromacity, orientation, structures and properties of Benzene and Naphthalene. f) Applied Chemistry : Polymer, dye, resin. PRACTICAL IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE During practical final examination the students will have option to perform practical either in Physics or in Chemistry. Distribution of Marks : Viva – 15 Lab Note Book – 15 Experiment – 40 (20 + 20) Physics Group – A 1. To determine the volume and sp. gravity of a rectangular parralleopiped or a cylinder with the help of slide calipers. 2. To determine the sp. gravity of a given liquid by the sp. gr. bottle. 3. To verify the laws of reflection of light by ray-tracing with pins and to show that the object distance is equal to the image distance (at least three different rays are to be taken and rays to be traced with pins). 4. To verify the laws of refraction of light (at least three different rays are to be taken). 5. To determine the focal length of a concave mirror by the method of coincidence. 6. To verify Ohm’s law using ammeter and voltmeter. Group – B 1. To determine the sp. gr. of a granular solid insoluble in water with the help of a sp. gr. bottle. 2. To draw L-T2 curve by determining time periods with the help of a simple pendulum for a least five different length of oscillations and to verify the proportionality of L and T2. 3. To determine the focal length of a given convex lens by U-V method using pins or a luminous object (at least five different object distances should be used). 4. To trace magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet when its north pole is pointing north. 5. To verify the laws of combination of two resistances (a) in a series and (b) in parallel by using a P. O. Box. 6. To determine the value of an unknown resistance with the help of a meter bridge. Chemistry 1. Qualitative analysis of inorganic mixture containing not more than four radicals from the following by systematic tests. Basic radicals : Pb+2, Cu+2, Fe+2, +3, Al+3, Zn+3, Ca+2 , Mg+2, Xe+2, Ba+2, K+1, NH4+1 , Ni+2, Co+2 Acid radicals : Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–, S–2, SO4–2 2. Qualitative analysis of single solid organic compound. a) N, Cl, I, Br by chemical tests. b) Solubility test and solubility classification. 3) Determination of the following functional groups by systematic chemical tests HO2, NH2, CO NH2, CONHAr, OH, Carbonyl (Aldehyde and Ketone) – COOH, COOR, Olefinic. 4) Determination of the strength of an unknown acid or alkali solution with the help of standard alkali or acid solution using phenolphthalein or methyl orange as indicator. The following acids and bases are to be given for determination of the strength of solutions H2SO4, HCl, NaOH and Na2CO2 solutions. PEDAGOGY OF LIFE SCIENCE Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Course Objectives : • To enable the student teacher understand the nature and characteristics of Life Science. • To understand the nature of learning of Life Science. • To acquaint the student teacher about strategies of teaching . • To enable learners teaching process in Life Science. • To acquaint the student teacher about different kinds of assessment procedure for Life Science learning. • To develop the ability to prepare different teaching learning resources in Life Science. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching Life Science 10 Hours a) Nature of Scope of Life Science. b) Aims and Objectives of teaching Life Science. c) Values of teaching Life Science. Unit – 2 : Strategies of Teaching Life Science 20 Hours a) Concepts, features, steps, importance, limitations and comparison of different methods – Lecture method, Demonstration method, Heuristic method, Problem solving method / Project method / Project method, Laboratory method, Programmed Learning and CAI. b) Development of core-teaching skills through simulated micro-teaching. c) Lesson Planning. Unit – 3 : Learning Resources in Teaching Life Science 15 Hours a) Meaning, types and importance of learning resource. b) Qualities of good Life Science text books. c) Teaching aids in Life Science – Specimens, Charts, Models, Aquarium, Herbarium, Vivarium and Museum, Audio-Visual aids – Epidiascope, Projector, Computer, Flannel board. d) Principles and importance of using teaching aids in Life Science teaching. e) Improvisation of teaching aids. f) Life Science laboratory – organization, equipments and importance. Unit – 4 : Co-curricular Activities in Teaching Life Science 10 Hours a) Life Science Fair and Exhibition. b) Field Trips / Excursion. c) Life Science Magazine. d) Life Science Club. e) Bulletin Board. f) Quiz Unit – 5 : Assessment of Life Science Learning 15 Hours a) Concepts of assessment and evaluation. b) Concept of Achievement Test and identification of test items under various criteria like knowledge, understanding, application and skill along with table of specification. c) Assessment of laboratory practical activities. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge 30 Hours a) Concepts and methods of Pedagogical analysis. b) Questions to be set to assess the pedagogical knowledge of the content from Class VII to XII on the following items : i) Breaking of unit into sub-units with no. of periods ii) Previous knowledge iii) Instructional objectives in behavioural terms. iv) Sub-unit wise concepts. v) Teaching-learning strategies. a) Teaching techniques. b) Application of teaching aids. c) Learning Strategies (Students’ activities). d) Probing questioning. e) Board work f) Concept Mapping. vi) Blue Print for Criterion Referenced Test Items vii) Criterion Referenced Test Items for 20 marks. Class – VII : i) Seed and germination. ii) Flower – Reproduction organ of plant. iii) Organ system of plant. Class – VIII : i) Unit of Life ii) Plant and animal tissue. iii) Circulatory system of man. Class – IX : i) Photosynthesis. ii) Respiration. iii) Ecosystem. Class – X : i) Cell Division. ii) Nervous System. iii) Excretory System. Class – XI : i) Diversity of Life. ii) Animal Kingdom. iii) Biomolecules. References : 1. Teaching of Life Science by Mrs. K. Yadav. 2. Teaching of Science – Today and Tomorrow by N. N. Siddiqi, M. M. Siddiqi 3. Teaching of Science by R. C. Sharma. 4. Human Physiology by C. C. Chatterjee. 5. Biology of Animals by Ganguli, Sinha and Adhikari. 6. College Botany by Ganguli, Das and Dutta. 7. An Introduction to Biology by Sanyal and Chatterjee. PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES Botany : 1. Observation typical plant cells from onion scale leaves. 2. Section cutting of monocot and dicot roots and stems. 3. Dissection of regular and irregular flowers. Zoology : 1. Identification of museum specimens – Microscopic and Macroscopic specimens, bones of toad and guinea pig. Physiology : 1. Preparation of human blood film. 2. Preparation of slide of squamous epithelium. 3. Measurement of blood pressure. 4. Harvard steps PFI. PEDAGOGY OF MATHEMATICS Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Objectives : • To enable the student teacher understand the nature and characteristics of Mathematics. • To understand the nature of learning of Mathematics. • To acquaint the student teacher about strategies of teaching . • To enable the student teacher about the teaching process in Mathematics. • To acquaint the student teacher about different kinds of assessment procedure for mathematics learning. • To develop the ability to prepare different teaching learning resources in mathematics. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Mathematics Education a) Meaning and Definitions of Mathematics b) Nature of Mathematics. c) Perspective on the psychology of learning and teaching of mathematics – constructivism and a Vygotskyan perspective, Cognitive guided instruction, Cognitive apprenticeship, Critical and realistic mathematics education. d) Rationale, objectives, principles, designs and materials produced in the recent curricular reforms at the National and state levels and their critical appraisal. e) Analysis of the aims and general objectives of teaching mathematics vis-a-vis the objectives of secondary education. f) Correlation and Integration with different branches of Mathematics and other science related subjects. Unit – 2 : Strategies for Teaching of Mathematics a) Meaning and aspects of mathematical concepts. b) Concept Formation and Concept Assimilation. c) Mores in teaching a concept – defining, stating necessary and / or sufficient condition, giving example with / without and / or sufficient condition, giving example with / without a reason, comparing and contrasting, giving counter examples etc. d) Use of Concept Attachment and Advance Organiser Models, Planning and implementation of strategies in teaching a concept. e) Learning by Discovery : Nature and purpose of learning by discovery – Inductive – Deductive guided discovery strategies, Maxims for planning and conducting discovery strategies; planning of strategies involving either induction or deduction or both for constructing knowledge. f) Identification of slow learners in mathematics and remedial measures. g) Identification and nurture of talented students in Mathematics. Unit – 3 : Teaching Process in Mathematics a) Problem-solving approach – definition, characteristics, steps, importance and limitations. b) Analysis & Synthesis approach – definition, characteristics, procedure, importance, limitation and comparison between them. c) Kinds of proof – direct proof, mathematical induction, proof by contradiction, proof by cares, the contra positive and disproof by counter example. d) Project Method – Definition, characteristics, importance and limitations. Unit – 4 : Learning Resources in Mathematics a) Learning types, functions, preparation and utilization of learning resources in Mathematics – Teaching Aids, Textbooks, Models, Calculations and Computers. b) Mathematics Club – Aims, Suggested activities, organisation. c) Mathematics Laboratory – Importance, Physical Infrastructure and Materials Planning and organising lab activities. Unit – 5 : Assessment of Mathematics Learning a) Concept of assessment in mathematics learning. b) Diagnostic tests and its remedial teaching strategies. c) Construction of Unit test – design, blue print; Item construction; marking scheme, question wise analysis. d) Construction of Mathematics question paper including general instruction with nature of options and overall coverage, and marking scheme. Unit – 6 : Pedagogical Knowledge a) Arithmetic : Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Mixture. b) Algebra : Sets, Relations and Functions and Graphs, Systems of linear equations and their graphical solutions, Quadratic equations, Theory of Indices and Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Arithmetic Progression (A. P.), Geometric Progression (G. P.), Matrices, Determinants. c) Co-ordinate Geometry : Straight lines of two-dimensional Geometry. d) Trigonometry : Trigonometric ratios, Simple Identities, and solution of simple trigonometric equations. e) Calculus : Limits and Derivative, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Indefinite Integrals and Definite Integrals (H. S.). f) Vector : Scalar (Dot) Product of Vectors, Projection of a Vector on a line, Vector (Cross) Product of Vectors. References : 1. Nickson, Marilyn (2007), “Teaching and Learning Mathematics : A Guide to Recent Research and its Applications”, NY : Continuum. 2. Kulshrestha, A. K. (2005). “Teaching Mathematics”, 3rd Edition, R. Lall Book Depot., Meerut. 3. Patel, R. N. (2004), “Educational Evaluation Theory & Practice”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 4. Grouws, D. A. (ed.) (1992), “Handbook of Research on Mathematics”, Anmol Pub Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 5. Siddhu, K. S. (1990)., “Teaching Mathematics”, Sterling Pub., New Delhi. 6. Kumar, S. & Ratnalikar, D. N. (2005). “Teaching of Mathematics”, Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 7. Marshal, S P. (1995). “Schemes in Problem-solving”, Cambridge University Press, New York. 8. Malone, J. & Taylor, P. (eds.) (1993). “Constructivist Interpretations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics”, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. 9. Elements of Secondary Additional Mathematics – P. Jana and A. Mitra. 10. Higher Secondary Mathematics – Ghosh and Chakraborty. 11. Higher Secondary Mathematics – Bhanja & Ganguly. 12. Higher Secondary Mathematics – Maiti and Ghosh. 13. Differential Calculus – Das & Mukherjee. 14. Integral Calculus – Das & Mukherjee. 15. Higher Algebra – Berner & Child. 16. Advance Higher Algebra – Ghosh Chakraborty. 17. Modern Algebra – Quaji Zammiruddin. PEDAGOGY OF WORK EDUCATION Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Objectives : a) To understand the nature and concept of Philosophy of Work Education. b) To acquire the basic skills in Work Education. c) To acquire mastery over development and use of tools of evaluation. d) To understand the different areas of work experience. Unit – 1 : Foundations of Teaching Work Education a) Aims, Objectives and significance of teaching Work Education at secondary level. b) Nature and scope of Work Education. c) Work Education and its inter-disciplinary approach with other school subjects d) Bases of Work Education – Psychological, Philosophical, Historical, Sociological, Cultural and Economic e) Importance of Work Education in our daily life. Unit – 2 : Review of Curriculum and Syllabus of Work Education at Secondary Level a) Principles of frame-work of curriculum and syllabus of Work Education subjects. b) Justification of present syllabus of Work Education subject prescribed by WBBSE. i) Exposure stage. ii) Involvement stage. c) Assess the curriculum and syllabus of Work Education of CBSE and ICSE Board of secondary level. d) Criteria of selection of activities of Work Education in schools of rural and urban area. Unit –3 : Strategies of Teaching Work Education a) Inductive and Deductive approach. b) Methods. i) Lecture-cum-Demonstration approach. ii) Laboratory Method. iii) Discussion Method. iv) Problem solving Method. v) Project Method. Unit – 4 : Qualities of Work Education Teacher a) Attribute and Responsibilities. b) Need for subject orientation. c) Professional ethics. d) Dynamic activities towards productive and creative works including involvement in society. e) Upgradation of knowledge about vocational trends. Unit – 5 : Learning Resources and Assessment of Learning Outcome of Work Education a) Work Education Laboratory. b) Home (students residence) outside the campus. c) Budgeting and Planning. d) Time table allocation. e) Materials, tools and equipments. f) Organisation co-ordination of different agencies monitoring network through resources centre – problems thereof. g) Visit to local productive or creative centre. h) Assessment of daily / weekly practical activities and yearly seasonal activities of Work Education. i) Evaluation process of Work Education. Unit – 6 : Complete Frame-work of Pedagogy Knowledge of Work Education a) Division of the units and suitable sub-units. b) Selection of one sub-unit : i) Nature of subject and previous concept. ii) Instructional objective. iii) Concept of content of sub-unit. iv) Teaching strategies demonstration for practical activities. v) Materials, tools and equipments. vi) Teaching aids and mode of use. vii) Involvement in practical. viii) Observations of activities. ix) Critical evaluation. Practical of Work Education FM – 50 (Group – A and any one unit from Group – B) Group – A Unit – 1 : Agricultural Activities (any two) i) Growing and care of indoor plants. ii) Growing and care of flowering plants in pot. iii) Kitchen gardening. iv) Arrange and care Bonsai. v) Cultivation of simple medicinal plants. Unit – 2 : Production and Creative Activities i) Book / Khata binding, cover-file, pocket-file, various types of envelops, decorative letter rack, fancy paper bag. ii) Modelling with – clay, plasticine and plaster (any one). iii) Relief-work with –clay or plaster. iv) Creative work with paper and paper-pulp – Greeting cards, Badge-making, Mask- making. v) Creative candle making. vi) Decorative art pieces – Glass painting, egg-cell mosaic, sara painting, decorative wall plate (any two). Unit – 3 : Textile Design a) Apparel designing and Fabric items for decoration. ( any one) i) Weaving ii) Knitting iii) Embroidery iv) Making simple garments. v) Making fabric items for interior decoration. b) Designing on cloth i) Fabric Painting ii) Tie & Dye iii) Batik-print iv) Block-print or stencilling. Unit – 4 : Fruit and Vegetable Products and Preservation (any one) : i) Pickle for short-time use. ii) Pickle for Long-time use. iii) Fruit-processing – preparation of jams. iv) Fruit processing – preparation of jellies. Group – B (Any one from Group B) Unit – 5 : Chemical Project (any one) i) Soap making ii) Phenyl making iii) Chalk making Unit – 6 : Garnishing and Servicing of Food (any one) i) Veg. and Non-veg. Break-fast. ii) Heavy tea and snacks. Unit – 7 : Silk-screen Printing(any one) i) Producing Small sticker for awareness ii) Simple card design. Unit – 8 : Workshop Activities (any one) i) Wood work. ii) Household Electrical Gadgets fitting and repairing. iii) Elementary electronics repairing – Radio, Tape-recorder, T. V. PEDAGOGY OF ART EDUCATION Full Marks : 100 Total No. of Learning Hours : 100 Objectives : • Understand nature & concept of teaching Visual Art. • Understand Beauty of nature and Beauty of Art. • Understand the Methodology of Teaching and pedagogy of Content of Art Education. • Understand the different area of Art Education and Work experience. • To enable art educators to develop good craftsmanship and individual skill to tackle different methodologies masterly. • To help bridging all subject close together through visual implications. • To learn about evaluation, exposition, exhibition, publicity, making of art objects under the teaching Art education. Unit – 1 : Foundation of Teaching Art Education a) Aims and objectives and significance of teaching Art Education, Art & Craft at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level. b) Art Education and its inter-disciplinary relation with other school subjects c) Different phases of development of Art & Artists of India any five important phases and artists. d) Important Western artists and their works of Arts. Brief introduction of any five important phases and artists. e) Important activities in connection with art design, decoration for society & individual life and teaching and learning of Art Education. Unit – 2 : Review of Curriculum and Syllabus of Art Education at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level a) Principles of frame-work of curriculum and syllabus of Art Education for Secondary and Higher Secondary Level. b) Place of Art Education in National Curriculum for Secondary & Higher Secondary level – 2010. c) Justification of present syllabus of Art & Craft of WBBSE and WBCHSE d) Assess the curriculum and syllabus of Art Education of CBSE, ICSE and NIOS for secondary and higher secondary level. e) Place of Art Education in co-curricular activities. Unit – 3 : Strategies of Teaching Art Education a) Inductive and Deductive Approach b) Method i) Lecture-cum-Demonstration Method. ii) Laboratory (Studio or Workshop) Method. iii) Project Method. Unit – 4 : Qualities of Art Education Teacher a) Attribute and Responsibilities. b) Need for subject orientation. c) Professional ethics d) Artistic activities through nature and environment. e) Eye-training for observation of art & craft works. f) Upgradation of knowledge about art & craft works and their creators and exhibitions etc. Unit – 5 : Learning Resources and Assessment of Learning Outcome of Art Education a) Art Education Studio-cum-Workshop b) Students residence, locality & nature. c) Budgeting and Planning. d) Time table allocation. e) Materials, tools & equipments. f) Artistic and cultural co-ordination with students of different schools through art exhibition art completion art workshop. g) Visit to local artist’s studio, museum, gallery and art-collection. h) Assessment of daily / weekly art works and yearly sessional activities of Art Education. i) Evaluation process of Art Education. Unit – 6 : Complete Frame-work of Pedagogy Knowledge of Art Education a) Division of the units and suitable sub-units. b) Selection of one sub-unit : i) Nature of one sub-unit : ii) Instructional objective. iii) Concepts of content of sub-unit. iv) Teaching strategies demonstration for handling materials of Art Works (Practical activities). v) Materials, tools & equipments vi) Teaching aids and mode of use. vii) Involvement in artistic and creative works (practical). viii) Observation to artistic creative activities. ix) Evaluation & Appreciation. References: 1)Indian Art-Percy Brown 2)meaning of ART-Herbart Read 3)Education through Art-Herbart Read 4)Bharat Silpa- Nirmal Kumar Ghosh 5)Silpa-o -Silpe- Krishnalal Das, vol-1 to III 6)Sikshay Silper Sthan- Ajay Kumar Hazra 7)A concise History of Indian Art- Roy C. Craven 8)Art Education: Teacher Hand Book For V to VIII-R. K. Chopra, NCERT. 9)Child Art –W. Viola. 10.Indian Art& Architecture- V. Roland 11)History of World Art –E.M.WINGERT, P.J.WINGERT, MCHLER. 12) Kala Shiksha Sikshan-Radha Prakashan Mandir, Ahra-2 Practical of Art Education FM – 50 (Group – A and any one unit from Group – B) Group – A Unit – 1 : Drawing and Painting a) Line drawing and drawing with light and shade. b) Representational Drawing and painting from nature – plants, foliage, flowers, birds and animals etc. (medium – pencil, pen & ink, crayon, water-colour- any two medium) c) Perspective Drawing. d) Still-life study (medium – pencil, pen & ink, crayon, water colour, oil-colour, acrylic colour – any two medium). e) Composition Painting – (Crayon, Water-colour, Oil-colour – any two medium). Unit – 2 : Print Making a) Arrangement printing with leaf, finger, cork, stamps, cardboard, jute and bandage texture. b) Monotype surface-printing. c) Thread-print. d) Stencil-print, spray-print. e) Simple block making and print – Potato-cut-print, vegetable print with lady finger, Lino-cut print, mono-print. Unit – 3 : Designing on Different Surfaces (Any two) a) Creative pictorial or geometrical design – Water colour / Pastel colour. b) Surface design – Floor decoration (Alpana, Rangoli), Wall decoration. c) Poster-Design (Monochrome / multi-colour). d) Textile-Design – Garment design with fabric colour, designing with potato-cut block and stenciling on garments and other cloths. e) Simple lettering for communication, calligraphy. Unit – 4 : Creative Art with Paper (Any two) a) Paper-cutting, Assemble-art with Photo-pasting. b) Collage – Simple and Creative. c) Collecting and arranging rare photographs, photoprint on various theme. Group – B (Any one from Group B) Unit – 5 : Pot-decoration a) Decoration – Clay-pot, Vash b) Decoration – Glass-pot, Ceramic and fiber pot. Unit – 6 : Sculpture & Modeling a) Making simple objects and figures with clay, plaster, plasticine and wood (any one medium). Unit – 7 : Facsimile Drawing a) Facsimile drawing with pencil or pen and ink. Unit – 8 : Simple Computer Art a) Computer generated figurative drawing. b) Computer generated figurative or non-figurative painting. EVALUATION SYSTEM OF B. ED. CURRICULUM I. For Foundation & Pedagogy (Course – 01 to 05) 500 marks • 6 questions (from 9 options) × 2 marks= 12 marks (at least one question from each unit) • 3 questions (from 6 options) × 6 marks= 18 marks ( 1 question from each unit) • 7 questions (from 10 options) × 10 marks=70 marks (at least 1 question from each unit) II. For Pedagogical knowledge of school subjects (Course – 06 to 07) 200 Marks • 10 questions (from 12 options) × 2 marks=20 (2 questions from each unit) • 6 questions (from 8 options) × 10 marks= 60 (at least 1 question from each unit) • 1 question from pedagogical knowledge (unit-6) × 20 marks= 20 marks (Question may be divided into parts with division of marks). In case of question containing 2 marks answer will be within 30 words : In case of question containing 6 marks answer will be within 150 words : In case of question containing 10 marks answer will be within 300 words : Questions are to be set in English only except i) Bengali, Sanskrit (School subjects) and ii) Language proficiency. III. Institution and School based Practicum 300 Marks • Simulated micro-teaching with peer observation (for two school based subjects = (25+25) = 50 marks (Assessment by Internal-Subject Teacher) • Internship at school= 50 (25 for each school subject). • Final Teaching =100+100=200 marks (joint assessment by external and internal examiners). IV. Pedagogical Practicum 300 Marks Pedagogical Analysis for two school subjects (50 x 2 = 100 Marks) – Preparation of Pedagogical Analysis - 30 marks – 3 pedagogical analyses during session (one notebook to be submitted on the day of examination) = 10 marks – Viva (10) (joint assessment by external and internal teacher). Lab based Practical (100 marks for first method). • Notebook (sessional ) = 20 marks • Two Experiments (30 + 30) = 60 marks • Viva = 20 marks. • (joint assessment by external and internal subject teacher). Or Non Lab based Practical-100marks for first method. D2. Lab/ non lab based Activity -1. Project 50 marks • Project Report – 40 marks • Viva-10 Activity -2-Sessional Activity/Text Book Analysis 50 marks • Report – 40 marks • Viva-10 (Joint assessment by external and internal teacher). D3.Achievement test construction on school subject as first method (60 marks) • Prepare a notebook (sessional) (10) • Prepare an Achievement test up to fifty marks ( 40) • Viva (10) D4. Preparation of TLM on School Subject as first Method(40 marks) • Preparation of TLM during Examination – 30 marks • Viva – 10 marks (All components under D will be evaluated jointly by Internal & External ) V. Psychological Testing – 20 marks (Any two testing by standardized test on the following areas: Intelligence, Personality, Motivation, Interest, Attitude, Learning Style, Test Anxiety, Psychological Stress). Sessional (Preparation of Practical Notebook) -10 marks Viva – 10 marks (Joint assessment by external and internal examiner) F. ICT Skill Development 30 marks Sessional – 20 marks Viva – 10 marks (Joint assessment by external and internal examiner) G. Language Proficiency 50 marks • Terminal written examination. • 15 MCQ × 2 marks • 4 SAQ × 5 marks [Answer will be not more than 100 words and should have “expressive” and “reflective” proficiency of the learner]. N. B. Questions are to be set to test i) Proficiency in English, and ii) Proficiency in Bengali. The choice will be open to the candidate.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 10:13:29 +0000

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