PELOs annoying request for 20 FACTS (as you can all see i have - TopicsExpress


PELOs annoying request for 20 FACTS (as you can all see i have VERY BORED FRIENDS LOL) 1. I have no shame in admitting how much I LOVE MYSELF because loving thy self is the first step to loving others. LOL its the FIRST commandment the Lord created :) 2. I love telling my GIRLS laupisi stories LMAO my fave so far: PELO has a friend and the friend tells me oku na RELATIONSHIP MHK!! Oku ai ha friend oku text atu: BABE YOUR ALWAYS ON MY MIND, WHEN I GET READY TO PLAY FOOTBALL, I WRITE YOUR NAME ON MY WRIST SO EVERY TIME I LOOK AT IT, IT GIVES ME STRENGTH #LMAOOOOOOO 3. My besty Sesiluni Evai Muli Filise is my RIDE AND DIE PARTNER LOL! The amount of times we have been banned from eachother from our mums due to our ADVENTURES MHK!! 4. I do not believe in comparing myself to others because I LOVE BEING ME and have no time to HATE on others. If everyone was CONTENT with being themselves - HATE would never exist. 5. My sis Selina Taulanga and I were so pikoia dancing on the dancefloor at mount druitts lataki hulohula, we went to the bathroom and danced with who we loved the most OUR REFLECTIONS LMAOOO #FIELAUkoeongoVAINI 6. I LOVE the power of womans worth and self respect!! YES ladies we have the power to make men RESPECT US! Thats by you RESPECTING yourself!! #WOMANSactivistatHEART 7. My fone is my HEARTBEAT!! 8. Cannot stand HOHAA guys!! Its one of my PET PEEVES!! #LENAsaysNOtoLAUPISIness 9. My sister made me sneak out to see one of her fans 2am one nite, NO JOKE we get to the car- my uncles trailer is attached, so we had to detach it only to have it roll down the road, so had to chase it and bring it back and block the wheels with bricks, jump in the car, it doesnt start- my sister reckons asks the neighbours to jumpstart her car cos we need to take my niece to the hospital LOL so they come jump start the car and FINALLY we drive down the road only to DIE OUT around the corner, so we had to push the car back home and attach the trailer and park the car how we found it HOIII: BIGGEST eti faiva for a FAILED MEET UP LOLL!! 10. I have a phobia for saying YES to guys that ask me to dance, last time i did that: GAINED AN OBSESSED TAE MAHINO!! LOL 11. My MUM went clubbing with me til i was 21 #OVERprotected 12. Im the BIGGEST over thinker LOLLL! 13. I LITERALLY cringe when guys are TOPLESS!! Its why i tell my sisters IF i ever get married STRICTLY no strippers at my hens night LOLLLL! 14. I have NEVER worn make up in my life. 15. I wasnt allowed to pluck my eyebrows until i was 19 and went to the states and my aunty told my parents to GET WITH THE TIMES LOL! 16. I have NEVER had a pimple in my life! 17. Worst love profession ever given to me: LENA I GET SO HAPPY WHEN I SEE YOU, OKU HANGE OKU ERUPT EKU LOTO HA MOUNGA AFI LMAOOOO!! #HOPEtheLAVAburnsyourLOTO #LMAOOO 18. Most NGUTU MALIE line i have gotten from a guy: Lena fefe ho ongomatua i ask him whats it to him and he replies: koe eke pe a naua keu pone mo naua kapau e faifai pea ta mali, pea ke ita o alu te na kau pe moau o fekau keke foki mai #LMAOOOOO #BIGGESTsweetTALKER 19. ANNOYING TEXTS from a guy: Lena kataki ai ha faingamalie keu sio atu ka koe. I reply: Ill let you know. Him: Ok let me know please Lena. I DONT REPLY (half an hour later) Lena kataki text mai pe kofe aho ke ataa keu sio ka koe. I DONT REPLY Lena!? I DONT REPLY Lena!? IGNORE HOI! #DoesntGETtheHINT 20. IM VERY IMPATIENT! But i expect people to be PATIENT with me LMAOOOOO!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:44:19 +0000

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