PENANG HINDU ASSOCIATION (PHA). Vanakam ,today I would like to - TopicsExpress


PENANG HINDU ASSOCIATION (PHA). Vanakam ,today I would like to share some news about the PENANG HINDU ASSOCIATION (PHA). The first time I came to know about this PHA activities was during my visit to Penang for Thaipoosam 2014.They were doing an excellent service and I was impressed with the hand out notice slips about Tamil school where they were promoting Tamil schools and encouraging our Indians -Tamils to sent their children to SRKT.This is the first time I saw such a notice during Thaipoosam In Malaysia was distributed to the public and only in Penang I saw such a campaign was done where event recently at the Tamil International conference hand out notice was distributed to bring awareness and the importance of Tamil Schools in Malaysia to the public.Yes we must make use of this festivals not only for prayers purpose but also for this type of activities to bring awareness to the public and here the PHA and The PITC Committee did a great job. Despite that as far I know PHA was the first NGO that supported the idea of Tamil secondary School in Penang which was suggested by the current State government. In Malaysia we have so many Indian based political parties and NGO s but I can see PHAs activities and news very frequently published in local news papers and social media Recently I was shocked about one of the posting by PHA, in FB , Makkal Osai & The Star .Its regarding the low income group of people in Malaysia -Penang cant afford healthy food due to food price hike and inflation . The worst part here is that there are people giving babies and small children the condensed milk .I hope the government will come up with a solution to control the price hike especially for the milk powders and other basic needs or come up with a scheme to help reduce the burden of this low income group.I would like to thank the PHA for their concern and financial & other aids for the needy peoples in Penang. Keep up the great service .I hope and urge more local volunteers and donors join hand with PHA to serve our community. I also hope that the PM department office in Penang for the Indian related issues is functioning effectively ,so that our Indian based problems can be solved and hope all parties will keep a side political differences and co-operate to solve our Indian issues .I also urge the state government to come up with better solution for the poverty issues in Penang and I am sure the state government is looking in to this issues seriously . I also personally have witnessed some of the PHA activities during my visit to Penang for YB Karpals funeral ,April 2014.They also jointly organizing Medical Camp and free medical Clinic with the The Temple of Fine Arts Penang. I have visited Klinik Derma SIvasanta (Sivasantha Charity Clininic) at River road ,under the management of The Temple of Fine Arts Penang , Malaysia,with assistance of volunteers from this society and some NGOs like PHA to this clinic. The Sivasanta clinic operates every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm to 10pm. (the registration closed at 9pm). I was so surprised when I noticed that this clinic, not only provides outpatients treatment but also specialist & dental and other treatments to the lower income group of people, despite of their racial backgrounds. I been told that there are 58 specialist doctors doing this wonderful service for the public and all the doctors here provides their service in a voluntary basis and free of charge .I also felt good when saw the former Penang MIC chief Dr.Rajapathy who was also part of the team . Despite that , this NGO also gives scholarships for students & other financial aids and supplies groceries for the needies .The volunteers here will do the interviews and counselling before they proceed for the release of the aids.Thus this clinic become ONE STOP HELPING CENTRE .All the funds are provided by some of the good hearted peoples and by fund raising programs . This clinic also organizes free medical camps from time to time to bring some awareness to the public regarding the health issues. I also had a chance to have a good discussion session regarding various Indian issues and shared some opinions and ideas with all the volunteers. I would like to thank one of the very active and benevolent volunteer here from PHA Mr.Murugaih for inviting me to this wonderful place and introducing some good hearted friends in Penang. I have gained a very good experience and knowledge in this urgent four days trip to Penang. I really salute all the doctors and other volunteers for their great service and I pray to Swamy Sivananda and Penang Tannermalai Murugan to give a warm blessings to all of them. Hope all our Problems will be solved phase by phase for a better living in Malaysia...Penang Hindu Association Prof. Dr.Ramasamy
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:01:15 +0000

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