PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 10th June 2013 DJWAHL KHUL - THROUGH DAVID J ADAMS (Audio version available at …. soundcloud/david-j-adams/djwahl-khul-10th-june-2013 ) FOCUS ON OPENING YOURSELF TO THE MAGNIFICENCE OF YOUR OWN MAGNETIC BEING. Greetings Dear Hearts, I am Djwahl Khul. A short time ago we indicated to you that in this new Dimension of Oneness you will be working with ALL your senses, and not just those senses that you have been working with in the old Dimension of separation and duality. Throughout that time you have comfortably worked with the Physical Dimension, the Emotion Dimension, the Mental Dimension, and the Spiritual Dimension, but you have not worked, for eons of time, with an equally important Dimension - the Dimension of Magnetics. Humanity has retained the ‘knowing’ that the Earth Planet itself is surrounded by a Magnetic field. Some refer to it as a grid, a Magnetic grid, but what Humanity has chosen to forget is that each and every life form upon the Earth Planet also has a Magnetic field, and there is constant interaction between these Magnetic fields of the individual Light force and the Magnetic field of the Earth. In the earliest of times Humanity worked with the Magnetics within themselves, and communicated through these Magnetics, with the Magnetics of the Earth. That is why, Dear Hearts, you were almost exclusively nomadic, for you were drawn by the calling of the Earth’s Magnetic field to move from place to place, just as the winged ones of the moment are constantly moving, sometimes vast distances across the Earth Planet, because they are called by the Magnetics of the Earth, and it is through their connection with the Magnetics of the Earth that they can move from place to place with total accuracy. The Light Beings within your oceans do likewise, they are guided in their journeys, no, indeed, they are called on their journeys by the Magnetics of the Earth, speaking to the Magnetics of themselves. So what happened to Humanity that did not happen to the winged ones, or those creatures within the oceans? The answer is quite simple, Dear Hearts, Humanity determined that they would follow the course of the Mental Body, and instead of accepting the unknown pull of the Magnetics of the Earth, they sought to give this logic, they sought to come together, to gather together, to stop their wandering - and as the mind grew stronger, the Magnetic field was forgotten. But in the Dimension of Oneness, Dear Hearts, it is important once more for all Beings of Light upon the Earth Planet to once again activate and connect to the Magnetics of themselves. Whilst we speak of a Magnetic field, or Magnetic grids, they are not constant, they are more a mix of ‘oscillating spirals of energy’, some transmitting and some receiving, and although your minds have chosen to forget the existence of the Magnetics within yourself, they have not ceased to exist. I have come tonight to alert you to the existence of the Magnetic field of your own Being, and to ask you once again to begin to communicate with your Earth Planet through these Magnetics. Indeed, these are being strengthened daily by an infusion of energy from the Cosmos, that over recent times has focused purely on the Magnetics of the Earth and the Magnetics of ALL upon the Earth. Part of your Ascension process has been letting go of the power of your mind and releasing it to the power of your Heart, and once you begin to do this, you also open yourself to the power of the Magnetics within yourself. The Magnetics are a form of communication with the Earth, and of course with the Cosmos, a connection and a communication that bypasses the mind and works entirely with your Heart. Do not try to think too deeply about how the Magnetic field looks or feels or senses, just allow it to happen, to embrace one more of the powerful senses that Beings of Light possess, and by accepting the existence of the Magnetics and working with them, you will increase the Light quotient within yourself, for you will have let go of another veil, another blockage from the past. In the Dimension of Oneness you are encouraged to find the wholeness of yourselves, open to the powerful energies from the Cosmos that are flowing into the Earth Planet at this time, empowering the Magnetics of the Earth and the Magnetics of YOU, and you will find your relationship to each other, and to the Earth itself will change in dramatic ways - not in ways your mind will see, perceive or understand necessarily, but then your awareness of all things now is not contained within your mind; it is contained within your total Being. Focus on opening yourself to the magnificence of your own Magnetic Being, and allow that to shed more Light upon your journey. I bless and embrace your Magnetic Beings.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:51:55 +0000

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