PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 14th October 2013 SANANDA - - TopicsExpress


PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 14th October 2013 SANANDA - THROUGH DAVID J ADAMS (Audio available at … soundcloud/david-j-adams/sananda-14th-october-2013 ) SEND FORTH YOUR ‘RAINDROPS OF PEACE’ ( The circle opens with the sounds of the Tibetan Bowls and the Drum ) Relax and feel yourself moving deep into your Hearts, moving deeper and deeper into the Light within your Hearts, and allow all the discord, all the problems of your Earthly day to be dissolved by the Light frequencies deep inside your Hearts, for it is your Hearts that guide you on this new journey into Higher Dimensional Frequencies of the Earth. Feel a deep sense of Peace and Harmony radiate through your Being. Breathe deeply. Feel the Peace become the essence of your Being. Greetings Dear Hearts, I am Sananda, Cosmic Peace Ambassador. I come tonight to remind you of the Blue Light of Peace that was placed into your Hearts a short time ago, the Blue Light of Peace that is waiting to be unleashed upon your Earth, to cascade like a million raindrops across the Earth, raindrops that are so essential for new life to be created, for new growth to occur within and upon the Earth. And the time has come, as the new Light frequencies pour into the Earth from the Cosmos, the time has come to plant the new Earth with the ‘Seeds of Peace’. You may have felt Dear Ones, that once we placed the Blue Light of Peace within your Heart that change would be instantaneous, but growth is sometimes slow, seeds need to be planted, and then to be nurtured, and then to be watered. It is time now to plant the ‘Seeds of Peace’ wherever you can, to allow others to feel the vibration of the Blue Light of Peace radiating from your Hearts, to begin to live the Peace within your Hearts, for it is only as you begin to live that Peace that it begins to flourish, it begins to grow, it begins to spread. Becoming Peace in your lives is all about intent. It is about reactions to the day to day events of your lives, it is about choosing to respond to situations that occur in your lives with the energy of Peace, and not the energy of anger, not the energy of blame - the energy of Peace. Think, feel and BE Peace in all situations in your lives, and yes, Dear Hearts, you will be challenged, for life is full of challenges, life is full of situations which beg you to react harshly, negatively, angrily, but if you breathe Peace with every breath you take, you diffuse those situations in your lives, and as you diffuse those situations with your radiant Peace, the causes of discomfort begin to melt away. Send forth your ‘raindrops of Peace’, nurture every opportunity that comes your way to show and be the ‘BEING of Peace’. As more and more of the Light workers on the Earth embrace the energy of Peace within their Hearts, more and more of those who are yet to awaken will begin to notice the changes of energy, and yes, at first they may wonder what this is, they may rebel against it, but in time they too will be permeated by the Blue Light of Peace, and they too will begin to react to the Stimulus of their Earthly lives with the response that is Peaceful and Harmonious, instead of angry and defiant. It is fear which causes anger and defiance. It is Love that creates Peacefulness. Love yourselves, for when you do there will be no room for anger and defiance within you, there will only be room for Peace. You are being asked in the near future to celebrate a day of “Oneness”. Oneness of what? That is the question Dear Ones. Are you going to celebrate a Oneness of anger and defiance? Or are you going to celebrate a Oneness of Peace and Harmony and Love? You are all custodians of the Earth. It is up to you how you create the new Earth. Reach deep into your Hearts and take hold of the Blue Light of Peace and radiate it forth, gift it to every person you meet, quietly, efficiently, simply being who you are – a Master of Peace. The time is now, Dear Hearts, to plant the ‘Seeds of Peace’ upon the new Earth so there will be no room in the new Earth for anger and hatred and defiance, there will only be room for Peace and Love, Harmony and Oneness.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:58:51 +0000

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