PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 15th July 2013 SANANDA - THROUGH DAVID J ADAMS ( Audio version available at …. soundcloud/david-j-adams/sananda-15th-july-2013 ) ONE WITH ALL UPON THE EARTH, ONE WITH ALL THROUGHOUT THE COSMOS. ( The circle opens with the Sounds of the Tibetan Bowls and the Blessings Chime ) Feel yourselves being lifted up into the higher dimensional frequencies by the sound of the bowls and the Blessings Chime. Feel yourself expanding, drawing into your Heart all that is around you - All the Beings of Light that are sharing this gathering with you tonight. Bring them all into your Heart, and as you feel the power of their Light within you, expand even further, and draw into your Heart all the Beings of Light around the Earth. Feel the pulsation of THEIR Light becoming ONE with the pulsations of Light from deep within your Heart. Feel the Oneness, feel its power, feel its tenderness, for Love is both tender and powerful. Expand yourselves even more and embrace all the Light Beings of the Cosmos, drawing them into your Heart, feeling their pulsations of Light within you, feeling the Oneness grow and grow, for this, Dear Ones, is who you truly are, One with all upon the Earth, One with all throughout the Cosmos, and it is time to embrace the complete Oneness, and no longer isolate yourself from others, no longer separate yourself. Feel the true power of YOU. Beloved Ones, I am Sananda, Ambassador of Peace and I come tonight to thank you for the service that you have recently conducted at the sacred place you call Willow Springs, where you came together in your Hearts and allowed the Blue Light of Peace from the Cosmos to marry completely with the Blue Wave of Harmony from the centre of the Heart of the Earth, drawing together these powerful, powerful rays of Blue Light into a single unified column of Peace and Harmony, and then as you asked - as you commanded - this fusion of Blue Light to flow throughout the Earth, through the Song Lines of the Earth, through the Heart of the Earth, and through the Heart of the Cosmos, for everything now is within the Heart, YOU, ALL THAT IS, embraced with pure Love in the Heart of the Creator. It will take some time for these energies to fully imprint themselves upon the whole of the Earth Planet so that they become available to all of Humanity, But it has begun and you have performed the task that you were asked to perform, that you agreed to perform before you came to this place, and I come to thank you tonight for all the work that you have done here within Pendragon and beyond, for each small action by an individual Light Being, or a group of Light Beings has great significance, but you will only feel the power of this Light within your Heart. The Blue Light of Peace, the Blue wave of Harmony are now one unified Light of Peace and Harmony, touching every Heart, embracing every Heart, becoming One with every Heart, and the Beloved Song Lines of the Earth are carrying that energy vibrantly, powerfully to every part of your Planet, and we give thanks to the Harmonics for continuing to hold the Earth in balance through this difficult time of change. Embrace them with the Peace and the Harmony in your Hearts, and empower them in the work they continue to do. Now once again focus your full attention within your Heart, open yourself and allow every Light Being of the Earth, and every Light Being of the Cosmos to BECOME THE ONENESS THAT YOU ARE !
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 05:32:57 +0000

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