PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 23rd September 2013 GERMAIN - - TopicsExpress


PENDRAGON MEDITATION CIRCLE 23rd September 2013 GERMAIN - THROUGH DAVID J ADAMS (Audio version available at …….. soundcloud/david-j-adams/germain-23rd-september-2013 ) DO NOT ‘DE-VALUE’ YOURSELF, INSTEAD, ‘RE-VALUE’ YOURSELF (The Circle opens with the sounds of the Tibetan Bowls) Allow the vibrations of the bowls to resonate deep within your Hearts, freeing the shadows and allowing them to float away, and let your Light shine powerfully through to share with ALL around you, and ALL across the Earth. Greetings Dear Hearts, I am The Germain, The I am that I am. I come tonight to speak to you of the importance of YOU - YOU as an individual, YOU as an integral part of the Consciousness of Humanity, YOU as an integral part of the Oneness, the Wholeness of the Universe. Those last two would be impossible without the first. Everything begins with YOU as an individual. Without YOU there would BE no Consciousness of Humanity, there would BE no Wholeness of the Universe. That is the importance of YOU. Ahh, already I can hear your minds stepping back and saying “If I were not here, someone else would be here”, but that Dear Ones is a ‘cop out’. You are demeaning yourself, you are making yourself seem unworthy, when in reality YOU are the essence of everything. No one else can take your place, no one else has your energy, no one else has your Light, no one else has your wisdom. It is time for you to embrace and accept your own importance to the WHOLE, to the New Earth, to Humanity. This is not about ego, this is not about running around saying “I am the greatest”. It is simply about accepting that you are an essential component of the whole, and whenever you radiate your energy, when you focus your intent, you are part of creating everything around you. Think on that a moment Dear Ones, allow it to sink into your mind, allow it to breathe within your Heart - the knowing, the accepting of the wondrous beauty of YOU. I say to you, do not de-value yourselves, re-value yourselves. Accept and embrace the fullness of your Being, your importance to all that is. It has always been the case upon the Earth Planet that self-perception, and perception of others has been dominated by numbers, and in your new world of technology, this has become increasingly so. You judge your worth now on how many ‘friends’ you have on Facebook, how many ‘followers’ you have on Twitter, and yet in reality, your ‘friends’ on Facebook are often, at best, acquaintances, sometimes hardly known to you at all, certainly not ‘friends’, and in ‘the twittersphere’ followers are not known to you, they are just numbers. You look out at your ‘important people’, those who seem to be ‘important’ with a million ‘followers’, and ask “how many of those ‘followers’ do they actually know?, would they recognise them as they walked along the street?”. No !. So you see Dear Ones, your importance to the Planet, to Humanity, to the Universe has nothing to do with the number of ’friends’, or ‘followers’ that you may or may not have. It has to do with accepting that every ounce of energy you put out creates something in your World, and if you work within your Heart, you know that THAT ‘something’ that you are creating is Light and Love. You may not know how many are influenced by that Love and that Light that you radiate forth, because there are no numbers attached to it, but it is important that in your Heart, you KNOW that being here at this time MATTERS. You cannot be replaced by anyone else, it is your Light, it is your Love, it is your Wisdom that is here on the Earth at this time, creating the new environment, the new frequencies, the new Harmonics of the Earth. Yes, Dear One, from time to time you will read that specific numbers are required to achieve change. The number 144,000 is often quoted, and it may well be that this particular number has a vibratory frequency that allows a door to be opened, but without YOU, there is only one less than 144,000. You cannot know the precise numbers that sit in meditation with you at your Equinox, or at other times when meditations are called upon the Earth, you do not know how many may be involved, all that matters to you is that YOU are involved, that YOU are creating from deep within your Heart the dreams that you came to this Earth to paint upon the Planet. So tonight, Dear Ones, I speak to you of the importance of YOU, not of your ‘followers’, not of your ‘friends’, but of YOU, and I ask you to embrace the importance of YOU. Do not ‘de-value’ yourself, instead ‘re-value’ yourself, and know with absolute certainty that without YOU, nothing can be created, nothing can be the same, for no one else can gift to the Earth and to Humanity that which YOU have to gift - your special Light, your special Love, the essence and the importance of YOU.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 04:04:08 +0000

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