PENSION OVERSIGHT ADOPTS FUNDING RECOMMENDATION We are pleased to report that our efforts paid off! The legislature’s Public Pension Oversight Board today adopted a recommendation that states that “the General Assembly should secure additional funding to avert any insolvency issues facing the Kentucky Employees Retirement System pension fund.” The item was among 13 recommendations adopted with little discussion. The recommendations will be included in a final annual report expected to be completed next month. Also adopted was the following recommendation: “The Public Pension Oversight Board supports measures that would provide additional funding to improve the financial health of the systems administered by Kentucky Retirement Systems.” Thanks to all stakeholders who attended today’s meeting and helped us spread the message about the critical need for additional KRS funding. We will use these recommendations to help state our case to the legislature in the coming weeks and months. Among KGR folks who attended were Fran Salyers, Russell Wright, Larry Totten, Mary Martin, Greg Coulter, David Sallee and Damian Stanton. We were also pleased to see the leadership of Kentucky Public Retirees in attendance. We thank the members of the pension oversight board for its work and for giving Kentucky Government Retirees the opportunity to express its strong support for a funding solution.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:09:32 +0000

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