PENTECOSTAL PERIOD: WHY WE HOLD THREE PENTECOSTAL MEETINGS IN A YEAR: Our Lord Jesus Christ had said, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26). The April Pentecostal is significant in that it symbolizes the period Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered untold hardship, torment, and death just for the atonement of the sins of mankind. It is a period to celebrate the true essence of His mission, torture, death, and resurrection. In the same vein the AUGUST PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY connotes the period when Our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized and revealed to the entire world by John the Baptist. That is why the observance is so tremendously significant. It was then that He was exposed to the Jewish nation and the entire world for acknowledgment and identification as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of mankind. Hitherto, He had been in the world for a good twenty-nine years, but they knew Him not until He got baptized at the age of 30 years. That is why we usually rejoice greatly in the commemoration of his revelation through water baptism. We observe the December Pentecostal in remembrance of His divine Birth. If He had not been born of a woman, He would not have been revealed as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. If He had not been revealed, He would not have died to shed His precious blood for the remission of the sins of the entire humanity. Also, the December celebration is not for Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, but for the commemoration of the divine birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is axiomatic therefore that where there are those who investigate and ask questions, there must also be a person around to give answers to such questions. This can be likened to a lingering cough that would not leave its victim. The Zairians, the Liberians, the Americans, the Russians, the Europeans, the Germans, and the rest of you might have asked why the three Pentecostal Assembly Meetings are held. These are periods when Our Lord Jesus Christ must be glorified with activities featuring songs, dancing, testimonies and recitations, in sober reflection of the real essence of observation of these spectacular and historic events in the life of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. WHILE DOING THIS, SUCH WORLDLY TENDENCIES AS THE BEATING OF DRUMS, BURNING OF CANDLES AND INCENSES, USE OF PERFUME, POURING OF LIBATION SHOULD BE AVOIDED. His name can better be glorified and lauded without the use of all these things. I would like our first bible lesson to be read once more. Inform your parents, friends, relations and everybody else why these three Pentecostal Assemblies must be commemorated. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: MATHEMATICS OF GOOD FRIDAY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE GREAT SIGNIFICANCE OF EACH PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY RECALL THE REVELATION THAT CAME THROUGH ASSASU INYANG IBOM THAT, EVERYBODY MUST BRING GIFTS THREE TIMES IN A YEAR TO THE FATHER. HAVE YOU SHOWN ANY APPRECIATION FOR THIS MARVELOUS THIS PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY? DEMONSTRATE YOUR APPRECIATION TO CHRIST Nothing contributed by anyone will be too much. If you present gifts to the Father during these different significant periods(APRIL[EASTER],AUGUST, DECEMBER ), that is THE THREE PENTECOSTAL PERIODS, your ways would be opened. Mark you, this show of appreciation has nothing to do with your regular tithe remitted to God. Everybody is free to erect structures, buy cars, ships, aircrafts, and clothes and donate money to the Kingdom. If I may ask; have you ever donated generously in appreciation of what God has blessed you with? You are supposed to give cheerfully and from your freewill. LAVISH BLESSINGS FOR YOU Henceforth, all those who have come here with various kinds of sicknesses, court cases with the police, such problems have been brought under the control of the Father. The Father has paved the way for those who are in lack and groaning in poverty; they shall no longer be in poverty. The barren have been blessed with children and the unemployed have been given jobs. MORESO, THE FATHER HAS RESTORED PEACE TO ALL AND SUNDRY, AND THE WORD OF GOD HAS BEEN SPREAD TO ALL PLANES, PLANETS AND OTHER REALMS OF MANIFEST. All those who have backslidden have been brought back by the Father. ALSO, GOD HAS GIVEN TO ALL WHO PREVIOUSLY DID NOT WANT TO DO THE WORK OF GOD, THE ABILITY TO NOW SERVE HIM. THOSE WHO CLAIM IGNORANCE OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR HAVE NOW BEEN MADE TO KNOW THE MEANING AND THE FATHER HAS LAVISHLY REVEALED HIMSELF TO THEM. EVERYTHING BELONGS TO THE FATHER: You should know that man, animal birds fishes, trees, grasses, rivers the air, and all things created and uncreated; things corporeal and incorporeal all constitute Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. There is nothing visible or invisible that does not belong to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. This is the time when everybody should come together to celebrate the presence of the Everlasting Father. Brotherhood cannot be seen in the flesh, you can only see Her in the Spirit. If you are in the spirit, you would see Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: 3 PENTECOSTAL PERIODS
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:58:15 +0000

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