PENTECOSTAL TONGUES NOT FOR TODAY! Michael Jeshurun Is the - TopicsExpress


PENTECOSTAL TONGUES NOT FOR TODAY! Michael Jeshurun Is the gift of Tongues for today. Do the Pentecostals indeed speak in the tongues of angels? Are the gifts of the Spirit operating today. Why I repented of my involvement with the Pentecostal movement! Even genuine Christians have a few things to unlearn as they grow in their Christian experience. Many Christians in their initial years are deluded into thinking that they are born-again because they said a little prayer and accepted Jesus as their savior. But by and by the Spirit teaches them from the word that THEY did not choose the Lord Jesus, but HE chose them and saved them. Similarly many get regenerated in a tongue speaking Church or are led into one and learn the art of speaking in tongues mostly because of the peer pressure present there, only to realize later that this whole tongue speaking thing is NEITHER SCRIPTURAL NOR THE LEGITIMATE GIFT mentioned in the Bible. I was one of them. I mastered the art of speaking in tongues and for a time parroted the same lines of gibberish ignorantly for some time. But the Lord is faithful who has promised that the “the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day”. [Prov 4:18] In other words the Spirit of the Lord will not permit his children to remain in error for long. Not only this. But almost all the churches which I attended who spoke in these tongues also claimed that even the other gifts of the Spirit – like prophecy and healing were STILL OPERATING. And this is what opened my eyes to the fact that this whole Pentecostal thing was a DECEPTION OF THE ENEMY. In my seven years as a Pentecostal minister I have neither seen a genuine healing performed either by me or any other dude who claimed to have ‘THE GIFT’. The only healings that were accounted for were some internal ailment which was not visible to any. It was all –“Oh I couldn’t hear properly until now, but now since the pastor prayed over me I can hear clearly” Hallelujah! Or “I have this excruciating pain on my left side, but even as the pastor was praying over me it is gone” Hallelujah. I never saw the dumb speak, or a crooked leg made straight, let alone the dead raised! And I have attended hundreds if not thousands of healing festivals and deliverance sessions! I also noticed that many of the sick were told to come back regularly for many ‘HEALING SESSIONS’, in order to be healed. But both the Lord and the Apostles when THEY healed, healed them with a word THEN AND THERE! “Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and IMMEDIATELY his feet and ankle bones received strength. And HE LEAPING UP STOOD, AND WALKED, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. And ALL THE PEOPLE SAW HIM WALKING and praising God!” [Acts 3:6-9] “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, RAISE THE DEAD” was the commission! [Matt 10:8]. So it is obvious that the Tongue movement is a FAKE! A COUNTERFEIT! A DELUSION OF THE DEVIL! Speaking in tongues is NOT FOR TODAY. In the early days of Christianity, speaking in tongues was truly a gift from the Holy Spirit but it was meant only for those first century Christians. Speaking in tongues refers to the supernatural ability for a speaker to speak in his own language, but yet, to have those words that he speaks come out in languages that the speakers audience can understand. In other words, if the apostle Peter was speaking to a group of people from China, he could speak in the Hebrew or Greek language that he knew, but yet the audience would hear those exact same words in the Chinese language. • Acts 2:7-8 Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in OUR OWN LANGUAGE in which we were born? • Acts 2:11 We hear them speaking in OUR OWN TONGUES the wonderful works of God. So speaking in tongues was for those very early times when the speaker could not understand his audience and his audience could not understand the speaker. So in the very early days of Christianity, when the early Christians traveled to foreign lands and the people there could not understand the words that they spoke, the Holy Spirit gave those early Christians the ability to be understood by all those that heard them. Without this ability for their words to come out in a foreign language, there would have been little chance of spreading the Word of God. So one of the the main purpose of speaking in tongues in those early days WAS FOR SHARING AND SPREADING THE WORD OF GOD WITH FOREIGNERS. Linguists and grammarians who have extensively studied the Pentecostal tongues have found it lacking the rules of grammar, syntax and diction. IT IS JUST NONSENSE AND GIBBERISH! Oh but doesn’t Paul say that – “Though I speak with the tongues of men and OF ANGELS, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal” [1Cor 13:1]. Paul’s appeal to “angels” is a form of “HYPERBOLE” (an exaggeration for emphasis’ sake) that is designed to ACCENTUATE HIS ARGUMENT. Consider a similar use of this figurative expression in the apostle’s letter to the Galatians. He wrote: “But though we, OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be anathema” [Gal. 1:8]. The apostle is not suggesting that an angel actually is likely to proclaim a different gospel; the point is one of emphasis. Even if an angel were to preach a different gospel, there would be no validity in it, and he would fall victim to divine wrath. So similarly, in 1 Corinthians 13:1, Paul is not indicating that some Christians speak an “angelic” (ecstatic) language. Rather, he is merely saying that even if one could ascend to a new height, and communicate on the level of angels, if he did not exercise love by speaking in an understandable fashion, he still would be nothing but a distracting noise. The apostle’s argument does not hint of a mysterious, unintelligible utterance; in fact, it reflects JUST THE OPPOSITE. Come now, where is the need for me to praise God in the tongue of angels? Am I trying to impress God with my mastery of other tongues, even angelic? Or is it just some stupidity that is MINISTERING TO MY PRIDE amongst other Pentecostals? But here is THE MOST DANGEROUS THING about this ‘Tongues’ thing – almost all in the ‘tongues movement’ are taught that speaking in tongues is A CLEAR EVIDENCE THAT ONE IS A CHRISTIAN. And the devil has used this to his great advantage. So you have Roman Catholics, Russian Orthodox, Cultists of the most frightening heresies, Demases and Jezebels from the Assemblies of God all uniting together in ‘Worship’. “Oh HE SPEAKS IN TONGUES TOO, THEN HE MUST BE MY ‘BROTHER’, AND SHE MUST BE MY SISTER”. If you run into someone who is a ‘tongue speaking’ ‘Christian’ who claims to be born again then TELL HIM THE TRUTH ABOUT IT! If you don’t know how to preach against it or deal with it, give him a book that exposes it. There are many. But don’t just grin and bear it. IF he is a true child of God THE SPIRIT WILL SHOW HIM THE ERROR OF IT AND BRING HIM OUT OF THE PENTECOSTAL HERESY. FOR HERESY IT IS, AND ONE THAT MUST BE REPENTED OF!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:08:46 +0000

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