PEOPLE COME AND PEOPLE GO... THATS THE WAY IT IS!! IT IS VERY SAD TO SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE ENTER THE WORLD OF NETWORK MARKETING WITH HIGH HOPES AND BIG DREAMS.... ONLY TO GIVE UP AND QUIT BEFORE THEY HAVE REALLY PUT OUT 100% TOTAL EFFORT. In order to be successful, it is necessary to go through the necessary training and learning process. In addition, there has to be a strong commitment to persist, to be visible and to be creditable. Unfortunately, just like any other sponsors in the network marketing arena, we have had people join us who have voiced a true interest in bettering their lives and building a secure financial future for themselves and their families. However, once they saw that we meant what we had said about this requiring time, effort, persistence and commitment in order for there to be success, they proved to be very much the shiny ball chasers in disguise. The thought of having to put out effort, to follow instructions, to attend webinars, to learn to do things the right way all proved to be overwhelming to them and, when success was not immediate, their commitment was out the window. There is really only one way to fail with Ingreso Cybernetico and that is to quit!! We are constantly on the lookout for those individuals who understand that anything worth having is worth working for. When we sponsor anyone onto our team, we make the commitment to train, work with and support that person until they have reached the level of success that they have set for themselves. The only way that we can deliver for those folks who are keeping up their end of the bargain is for us to be ready to let the others go their separate ways once they demonstrate that we want their success more than they do. I do not know anyone who is successful in the network marketing arena who has not had to take that leap of faith or stretch that extra mile or do without today so that they could have more for tomorrow. If YOU are ready to do more than just wish and hope..... If YOU are an honest and ethical person.... If YOU are willing to commit 10 to 20 hours per week to improve your life.. If YOU are trainable and willing to attend weekly training webinars.... If YOU truly want to have a secure financial future...... If YOU will follow our proven system.... If YOU are prepared to invest in your own future.... If YOU are truly committed to giving your family a better lifestyle..... THESE ARE THE VERY QUALITIES THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR AND, IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU QUALIFY TO JOIN OUR TEAM..... WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY TO TALK WITH YOU NOW!! financialsecuritytogether2/ INBOX ME........... LETS GET STARTED ON SECURING YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE!!
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 16:15:53 +0000

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