PEOPLE EXCHANGE THE TRUTH FOR ANYTHING. Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. WE ARE MUCH CONCERN ABOUT WHAT WE WANT NOT WHAT WE NEED.PASTORS OF SATANIC MINISTERING TO PEOPLES WIVES. We live in a culture of spirituality. “Elements of Eastern faiths and New Age thinking have been adopted by a high percentage of Christians. And according to USA Today, 70% of Americans surveyed believe many religions can lead to God.We have many forms of religion now Some of the most popular religions in America (among celebrities) include Kabbalah (adherents include Demi Moore, Britney Spears, Madonna, & Courtney Love); Scientology (Brad Pitt, Sylvester Stallone, John Travolta, & Tom Cruise); and Buddhism (Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Tiger Woods and others). “All these share a one-ism worldview—that we are one together and God is one with us,” says Jones. “One-ism is a faith presupposition since we cannot know by research if everything is one, [and] it leads to worship.”CAN ALL THESE BE OF THE GOD OF JESUS ? ALL WAYS LEADS TO JESUS.PLURALISM TYPE OF BLINDNESS IN OUR SOCIETY TODAY IS KILLING. One-ism affects everything; it frames the issues that we face every day: Politics—socialism and free-enterprise Ethics-good and evil are relative Foreign Policy—no evil empire (everyone is entitled to their opinion and actions) Religion—interfaith (i.e. “Christian” Buddhists, as suggested by Brian McLaren) Spirituality—mysticism mixes human and divine Gender—blurs male/female distinctions Custom—“Joyous Reunions” no Christmas But what we have to remember is that there are only two worldviews, two cosmologies, Jones asserts. And they are old as time. The Real CONFLICThere is a great temptation for us to engage in these kinds of one-ist worship practices. “Christian mysticism” seeks to find common ground with non-Christian worship. The problem is one-ism and two-ism are deadly rivals. “Mother Nature” (creation) must bring an end to God. “The Goddess throws God the Creator (and the Old Testament) into Hell,” says Jones. Our alternative: Two-ist worship, where “all is two.” There is Creator and creation. “We cannot place Christianity within the circle of religions because the circle is wrong,” says Jones. “This has been given two us. We didnt invent it.” Psalm 8 is an amazing statement about the biblical view of God and two circles. God’s name is IN the earth and His glory is ABOVE it. This is the Christian God, who is truly transcendent; “You have set your glory above the heavens” (Psa. 8:1b). The divine is not within “the circle of life.” “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth” (Isa 40:22). “The gospel means nothing until you affirm that God is above. Then the good news of God’s condescension breaks your heart,” says Jones. “We cannot really speak the gospel in one-isM terms and our worship must reflect that. They must all reflect his transcendence while also celebrating his condescension. The elders of Revelation praise God saying: You, Lord, have created all things… “Our spirituality and worship should reflect those things.” Homo-cosmology: A world or cosmos based on sameness Hetero-cosmology: A world or cosmos based on distinctions “The Christian worldview is based on distinctions, on difference,” says Jones. “This is why it’s so difficult for us—it’s not because we’re bigoted, or rednecks…. [It’s that] there are only two worldviews. Stand firm in the face of accusations of hate speech. You’re not speaking hate; you’re speaking the other worldview. And there are only two!” At the heart of homo-cosmology is the belief in, as Jones puts it, “the consubstantiation of all things.” That all is of the same nature and substance. Quoting Meister Eckhart (a 13th century “Christian” mystic), Jones sums it up this way: “Being is God’s circle, and in this circle all creatures exist. Everything that is in God is God.”DR.PETER JONES. THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS GOD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO HEAVEN JOHN 3:16 JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY.WE MIGHT DISAGREE,BUT IT WILL STAND ETERNALLY.YOU ARE OTHER A SINNER OR A SAVED SOUL. NOW REPENT THEREFORE AND YOUR SINS WILL BE FORGIVEN. 2 Peter 3:9 9 The Lord isnt slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives. LIVE BY THE WAYS OF GOD AND YOU WILL SAVE YOUR SOUL ETERNALLY. Proverbs 14:12 12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:35:28 +0000

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