PEOPLE HAVE TRIED TO SHARE THIS POST AND IT IS BEING DELETED. PLEASE copy the image from my album. COPY, PASTE AND SHARE FROM YOUR OWN TIMELINE.We need to get this information out. They are deleting it for a reason! Because every word of it is the truth and they know it!URGENT! WHAT THEY ARENT TELLING YOU ON THE MSM ABOUT THE REAL IMPACT OF FUKUSHIMA!Fukushima radioactive cesium has been found in phytoplankton, the enabler of all life: In fact, whole colonies of phytoplankton the size of CA are already dead. We are killing our oceans, we are killing ourselves and it is much worse then you realize. Phytoplankton provides as much as 80% of our oxygen supply.Three molecules of oxygen bond to form the ozone layer which protects the earth from the suns deadly UVB radiation.Marine phytoplankton is the smallest organism on the earth. Its the bases of the entire food chain. It grows in the ocean and produces more oxygen than all the forests combined times three. Its the basis of countless medicines used to treat both animal and human disease.Think about the repercussions of losing half of the phytoplankton. A reduction of 40% of life giving oxygen to every living thing on earth. Shortage of critical medicines. Thinning of the ozone layer.When the human brain is deprived of oxygen a condition called cerebral hypoxia ensues: Difficulties with complex learning tasks and reductions in short-term memory begin to emerge. If oxygen deprivation continues, cognitive disturbances and decreased motor control will occur. Continued oxygen deprivation results in fainting, long term loss of consciousness, coma, seizures, cessation of brain stem reflexes, and brain death. WHAT CAN YOU DO?1. Write to, call, email your reps and the White House. Demand that the truth be told. Demand that our government Marshall all of its power to help Japan address the catastrophe and treat this as the very real extinction event that it is.2. PLANT TREES! Anonymous will be launching a global initiative to plant 100,000 trees from saplings. Look for the notification. Join the effort. Share it with everyone you know. Trees will produce oxygen to help compensate for the inevitable devastation of phytoplankton.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:03:58 +0000

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